Spar with me

Many people had already gathered to watch Dean West demonstrate his skills when Ivan arrived at the field.

At the moment, the boy was shirtless, showing off his well-defined abs and muscles while grinning wickedly at the girls who were constantly fangirling over him.

Ivan's lips twisted in disgust, watching the scene. As he stopped in his tracks, he felt someone bump into him and it was then he realized that someone was behind him.

“Watch where you are going and don't injure yourself" Ivan told Sofia who has been keeping her head down after he beat up those bullies. 

Ivan has heard a brief anecdote about Sofia's admission to class A. She was the only person in the class with parents from a lower socioeconomic status.

Her mother was the cook in Daphne's home, and her father was the gardener. Sofia was able to join Classroom A because of this.

“You don't have to do it earlier. They are Dean’s boys and would definitely do something to you” Sofia spoke slowly, avoiding Ivan’s gaze.

"Worry more about yourself and stop worrying about me or what will happen if I mess with people who I'm supposed not to mess with” Ivan answered coldly, walking towards the field with his hands in his pocket.

Many students paused to stare at him, but Ivan just moved in the direction of the shade, uninterested in what they were doing.

A few minutes afterward, the School Flower made her appearance on the field, and numerous students began to sing praise and admiration songs.

When Ivan saw Dahlia approaching the crowd at a leisurely pace, her friends trailing behind her, he scoffed. She was smiling and bowing at everyone.

She was the real definition of a devil in human’s clothing, Ivan thought to himself.

Only if these pupils were aware of who their true School Flower was.

Seeing Dahlia, Dean made way to her side, grinning ear to ear with his bare chest.

“You came," He uttered, stretching his hand forward to Dahlia, who took it with care.

"Of course,” Dahlia smiled back.

The fact that Dean West was infatuated with the school flower was almost universally known at Rao High. After numerous attempts, Dahlia had consistently ignored him when he tried to win her over.

Despite the rejections, the two would always act lovey-dovey whenever they get the chance. 

“Then I will be sure to show my fighting skills to you" Dean walked back to where he was before, motioning for his opponent.

His opponent was a boy in Class F who was known for his thuggery attitude let out a snort, slamming his hands on his chest. “Let's fight, Dean. Don't forget what you promised me if I win.”

"Don't worry, you can't even win," Dean replied, his eyes filled with pride.

Ivan stood where he was, watching the two boys get ready to exchange fists. Sofia came to meet him where he was, trying to avoid his gaze as usual.

Ivan gave her no more than a sidelong glance. He wasn't going to pretend. The only reason he was speaking with her was because of yesterday's events.

Ivan had a premonition about what could have happened to turn Sofia that way. But he wasn't in school for that.

“Thank you" Sofia spoke slowly. “I… I…" 

She fled before she could say anything more, hoping the earth would swallow her and her humiliation.

Dahlia who had been watching, observed Ivan and Sofia with a simmering rage that threatened to spill over. 

Once upon a time, Ivan had been ensnared by her charms, but now he seemed immune, indifferent to her very existence.

As Sofia darted towards the group, her heart pounded with nervousness. With a calculated move, Dahlia extended her leg, sending Sofia tumbling to the ground. 

“Oh my God, Sofia!" Dahlia's voice dripped with feigned concern as she rushed to the fallen girl's side. "You should watch where you’re going; now you’ve sprained your ankle.”

Sofia's eyes welled with tears as she sat amidst the indifferent stares of their peers, feeling utterly alone in her humiliation.

It was a familiar scene, one that Dahlia had orchestrated before.

In the midst of the commotion, Ivan approached, and Dahlia's heart quickened with anticipation. “I knew it! He was just pretending to be over me," she murmured to herself.

But Ivan strode past her, his gaze icy and unyielding. With an outburst of entitlement, Dahlia reached out to pull on his sleeve in an attempt to get approval.

His reaction was swift and merciless. “Get your fucking hands off me.”

The students gasped in disbelief, stunned by Ivan's unprecedented display of hostility.

Dahlia recoiled, stung by his rejection. "Did you just curse at me?”

His answer was cold, not a trace of warmth in it. "Was I referring to the person behind you? Get out of my way.”

With that, Ivan scooped up Sofia, his actions speaking louder than any words could, and headed towards the infirmary, leaving Dahlia. 

Though embarrassed, Dahlia forced herself to maintain her flawless reputation, so she forced a slow smile, trying to maintain her image as an innocent young girl.

As Dean saw the scene, his protective instincts kicked in full force, making his blood boil. 

With a voice full of simmering rage and concern, he hurried to Dahlia's side. “You're too nice, Dahlia. You should be mean sometimes, no one would dare to cross you!”

Dahlia waved off his concern with a dismissive smile. “He's just overreacting. Don't worry about it, Dean. Thank you for your words.”

The students, once enamored with Ivan's charm, quickly reassessed their opinions.

“And I was already crushing on him! How could he treat the School Flower like this?”

“I always knew there was something off about him. I just don't like him anymore.”

“You all acted like he was some kind of hero, but remember when he made Daphne kneel in front of the whole school? It felt somehow to me.”

Students began to voice their dissatisfaction with Ivan, and the tide of public opinion turned against him.

Ivan returned to the field after escorting Sofia to the infirmary, only to be confronted by Dean, who saw an opportunity to challenge him. 

“Aren't you a hero, Ivan Langland? You just saved the day but insulted Dahlia? I guess you didn't know about me and her!”

Ivan's gaze remained cold and indifferent. “And what are you going to do about it? Stick to being a thug, it suits you better.”

Dean almost lost control of his rage, but he controlled it by suggesting a brawl. Ivan, uninterested, brushed off the challenge and headed towards the infirmary with Sofia's purse in hand.

“Or are you afraid to spar with me?" 

Ivan stopped in his tracks. He knew Dean had been learning taekwondo since he was very young.

“Why would I be scared? My time is simply too limited." 

Enraged, Dean lashed out, his fists flying towards Ivan with reckless abandon.


Ivan's reflexes were lightning-fast as he dodged the blows, swiftly twisting Dean's arm with a sickening crack.

The crowd gasped in shock as Dean fell to the ground, his pride crushed and his arm broken.

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