Who is this new guy?

Ivan became popular in the school the next morning as the student who asked Daphne West to kneel down in front of the whole school. The students were all anticipating this and wondered if the spoiled brat of Assemblyman West would really kneel in front of the whole school.

The hallway was packed, more so than usual, as everyone awaited the arrival of Daphne West and the boy who had made this seemingly impossible task possible.

As Ivan entered the hallway, all eyes were on him but none of the students could voice out what they all wanted to say. They are all afraid that if things later go wrong, Daphne would take it out on all of them. 

Ivan saw Sofia, unfazed by the stares, he walked towards her. But before he could get to her side, Sofia backed away, disappearing around the corner.

Ivan frowned almost immediately.

A boy appeared before Ivan with a group of boys behind him. They all wore rough clothes, resembling wealthy vagrants with no sense of style. The boy who appeared to be their leader gave a snort upon noticing Ivan's perplexed look. “Are you Ivan Langland?” He asked, his voice dripping with spite.

To some people, the boy was the twin of Daphne West, Dean West while to some, he was a thug; a rich thug.

Dean was the same as his twin sister. Although they are both well-known for their impolite actions, there is nothing that could be done because they are the most influential students in the school and no one could afford to mess with them. 

“Yes, why?” Ivan answered, his brows raised in a surprise arc.

"I thought you would be some wealthy kid, but you look even more natural than my poor boy," Dean exclaimed, letting out a huge laugh. 

The students who had gathered to await Daphne West swiftly vanished, fearing they would become Dean's next casualty.

“Well sorry for failing your expectations but who are you?” Ivan asked, unfazed by the oppressive atmosphere.

“I’m Daphne’s brother and I will be here to make your school year a nightmare. Since you two struck a deal, Daphne would kneel in front of the entire school, but do not expect me to do nothing. You would regret ever coming to this school” Dean’s words were laced with arrogance and menace, his words dripping with condescending pride.

Daphne emerged with her lips pressed firmly together in an insistent line as Dean vanished into one of the classes. The students who had been eavesdropping from the transparent window all trooped out, ready to know what will happen next. Will Daphne West really kneel for this new guy? 

To everyone’s surprise, Daphne clenched the hem of her short skirt and went down to her knee, trembling all over. It was very obvious that she was doing this against her will but who cares, Daphne West really went on her knees. It was enough to make the whole school go crazy for a month.

"My appreciation for carrying out your end of the bargain, classmate. I hope we get along more in the future” Ivan said, his voice laced with a detached nonchalant tone. He walked past her, exuding an effortless calm with a sense of composure.

“Oh my God! He is so cool!”

"I just became a huge fan of his! I mean look at how cool he is!”

"I am curious how he managed to get Daphne West to fulfill her end of the bargain. I’m dying of curiosity.”

The students watched as Ivan walked away and quickly disappeared into their classes after he left. No one wants to be Daphne’s victim.

During the morning sessions, Daphne did not even bother to show up for class, and no teacher ever asked her. It appeared as though they were accustomed to it. 

Curious about Ivan, they could not help but smile at him.

However, the students in Classroom A appeared to despise him even more, but Ivan was unconcerned.

After the break, it was time for the extracurricular activities.

These activities seem to be limited to a small number of third-year student classes on this particular day. Class A, most importantly, Class S and Class SS.

Ivan heard that the students' main activity is to watch Dean West demonstrate his taekwondo prowess. In actuality, the students do not actually do anything other than watch Dean West. 

As they all walked away, Ivan returned his gaze to Sofia, who had been ignoring him all day. Nobody seemed to care that she stayed glued to her seat.

Ivan really doesn't care if she ignores him but this girl had even explained some things to him yesterday when he didn't ask for it. So when he considered approaching her for a conversation, he was a little dubious.

Later, Ivan walked away, not bothering to engage in conversation with someone who was not interested in him.

But when he got to the field, he remembered that he had left his phone behind in class. 

With a resigned sigh, he turned on his heels and headed back towards the classroom, the sun beating down on his shoulders.

Ivan froze in place as he pushed open the door, stunned by the scene that suddenly appeared before his eyes. Sofia was kneeling on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks, as three boys towered over her. 

They were all unaware that Ivan had come in.

“Are you trying to mock the school flower by joining the school Beauty contest?" one of the guys sneered, his words dripping with contempt.

"It was Miss Clara who asked me to join, I…” Sofia's voice cracked as she attempted to defend herself amidst her tears.

With a look of shock and surprise etched on his face, Ivan stood motionless, his fists clenched at his sides. 

His gaze flickered to a classmate who entered, grabbed something, and left without so much as a glance towards the girl who was being bullied.

Summoning his courage, Ivan stepped forward, his eyes blazing disbelief. “What are you guys doing?" 

The three guys looked at him, smirks on their lips. “Get lost and don't interfere." 

Ivan ignored them and called out to Sofia. “Come here, Sofia." 

However, she didn't even glance at him.

It dawned on him then, the reason behind Sofia's earlier warning – she had been the victim all along.

Unfazed by her attitude, he walked to his seat, picked up his phone and was ready to go out.

But before he could retreat, a sharp blow to his head jolted him into action. 

“What a loser. You should have known your place before coming in here." 

“He wanted to be an hero. He doesn't know who we are yet." 

As one of them raised their hand in the air to smack Ivan again, Ivan stopped his hand in midair and the next thing… even the bullies didn't understand how it happened.

Ivan let loose his bottled-up rage and threw himself at the bullies, his fists flying in a blur of motion. The classroom devolved into chaos, with desks and chairs crashing to the floor amid grunts and shouts.

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