Welcome to Classroom A

With shock and sadness written all over her face, Sofia ran to Ivan as soon as he returned to the classroom after finishing the test. The guy ignored her warning not to tamper with Daphne West, despite her warnings.

Sofia was sorry for him, believing that he would have to experience what she had.

“What are you going to do now, Ivan? Run as fast as you can or leave Classroom A! This class is really not what you think it is” She spoke fast, her voice carrying a hint of nervousness. 

“Don’t worry about me, Sofia” Ivan waved her words off with his hand. “Just sit and watch perfectly.”

Sofia grew increasingly concerned, believing that Ivan was making a concerted effort to keep his cool. She became really restless but could only stop talking when she started receiving weird stares from her classmates. 

With a smile on his lips, Freddie approached Ivan after Sofia had returned to her seat. He sat on the empty seat that was opposite Ivan.

“Just go back to where you’ve been hiding all these years, brother” Freddie whispered and the only thing other students could see was his smile. Only Ivan could hear his words.

Since they were brothers, they could have a chat, right?

“Have you forgotten what happened a year ago?” With a wry smile, Freddie asked.

“How could I forget?” With a look of pure spite in his eyes, Ivan turned to face him.

How could he forget how none of them bothered to look for him when he vanished from their lives? How could he forget how they lied against him just to stop him from being the heir? 

If Ivan forgot all other things, he would never forget these!

“I will pretend I didn’t see you in school, go back before I report you to grandfather and Father” Freddie threatened, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “If you return home, no one will be happy to see you.”

When he was told Ivan had left a year ago, and would never come back, Freddie was overjoyed. It was only Ivan that was stopping him from being the heir and now that he was out of the way, there is nothing that could stop him.

Apparently, he was better than Ivan and had been helping his Father's business since he was young. Ivan was a few months older than him, so even though he had the skills to succeed him, Ivan prevented it.

From what Freddie heard, Ivan went to meet his Mother’s Parents in the countryside. The fact that he was back in the city indicates his desire to return. Maybe he is tired of living a peasant life.

“Fuck off loser” Ivan replied back. “Who told you I was here for the Langland family. Although I'm still a Langland, I’ve already been disowned by the family. So technically, I'm not a Langland. So tell me why I would intend to visit a family that doesn’t want me?”

Even so, Freddie got up from the seat and made his way to his own seat, believing Ivan to be playing hard to get. Before reaching his seat, he stopped in front of Sofia’s seat, a smile on his lips. 

“I noticed that you are quite close with my brother” Speaking, he smiled even more as if he were trying to win Sofia over. Honestly, it seemed like his efforts were working because Sofia's cheeks flushed as he continued to smile at her.

Only Freddie knew that the girl had a crush on him. 

“He was once my brother but he was sent out of my family for doing something bad. I care about you and the other classmates, Sofia. So be more careful around him. Although he might not be part of my family any longer, I still care about him. So don’t think I'm only doing this with bad intentions.”

Sofia nodded in gratitude, her cheeks red as if they were soaked in redness. She was shocked to learn that he knew her name! He even mentioned her name affectionately.

Ivan didn’t know what Freddie had told Sofia but he had seen them and when he looked at Sofia’s side after Freddie left, she avoided his eyes instantly. 

And soon, the moment everyone was waiting for soon arrived. Miss Clara arrived with the test sheets in her hand and a smile was gracing her lips.

As she entered, Daphne was the first person to make a comment. “Be ready to pack your belongings to class F loser.”

One of her minions, a girl next to her, gave her a light tap. "Are you certain Mister Roman could perform the task effectively? What if the boy actually scores above 95%” The girl uttered, concern visible in her voice. If the boy won, Daphne would have to kneel in front of the whole school.

A whole Daphne West, the only daughter of Assemblyman West! 

“Don’t worry, girl. When you first came here, it was Mr. Roman that helped and when I wanted to chase that Dahlia bitch out, it was Mr. Roman that helped. You don’t have to worry. He does his job quite well.”

The girl's eyes widened as she struggled with her emotions. “So you meant Dahlia really did well in the test but you got her chased out instead?” 

Daphne winked, grinning ear to ear. “What Daphne wants, Daphne gets.”

“Miss Clara, let’s hear the test result.”

The slim woman cleared her throat first before looking over at Ivan. “Ivan will be staying in Classroom A everyone, he scored 99% percent. The best we’ve had so far.” Miss Clara declared.

Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, the once bustling classroom became silent. The student’s widened their eyes, their faces frozen in mid-expression.

“Congratulations Ivan. Welcome to Classroom A.”

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