Teenage Revenge: Rise Of The Disgraced Heir
Teenage Revenge: Rise Of The Disgraced Heir
Author: Morningale

With sharp gasps for air, Ivan dashed into Langland Mansion. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he struggled to open the gate.

“Open the f*cking door, right now! Father!" Ivan screamed, shivering all over.

While attempting to open the door, a throng of reporters surrounded him, attacking the young man with their camera flashes.

“Ivan Langland, is it true that you've been involved in stealing since you were five? Is it true that you almost killed your brother just at the age of ten?”

Ivan shrunk back, trying to get out of their midst. As he pounded on the gate louder, trying to gain entry, his blood boiled with fear and rage. “Open the door for me! It was a trap! I have nothing to do with it!" 

However, his voice couldn't be heard due to the reporters.

“You've been engaged to Dahlia since you two were young, what made you do such horrible things to her?”

"Now that you have brought shame upon the entire Langland family, what do you think they will do?"

"How do you feel being the only black sheep in the Langland Family? Your step brother is much more different from you. Ivan Langland, what made you do such a thing to your own Fiancee, just at the age of eighteen?!”

“Young Master Ivan, is it true that you've been leading a wandering life since you were born? You started swindling at the age of five and became a thug on the street at the age of ten?”

"Is it true that you've violated different girls too and had affairs with them before you were twelve?”

“Is it true that you are addicted to drugs? What age did you start using drugs?" 

“Young Master Ivan, please answer our questions…”

At last, Ivan managed to scale the gate and escape the reporters.

It was his grandfather's birthday today, but his personal circumstances destroyed the celebration, and all because he had placed too much faith in Dahlia.

Upon entering the mansion's living room, he felt a trembling sensation throughout his body as he saw the Langland Family members, who all appeared to have been hit hard by something. They all whispered among themselves and as Ivan emerged, they stopped talking, hostility creeping into their gazes.

“What are you doing here? How dare you come back after disgracing the whole Family? What were you thinking?”

"We should have looked for his Mother's Family when his Mother died. I told us not to take him in! He has been stealing and causing problems for us since he was very young!”

"Take a look at his brother; he has never caused us any trouble or been involved in a rumour before! Why are you so different from us?!”

As the first young master of the Langland Family, Ivan was known to be the black sheep of the family. He was as useless as the church rat and everything about him screamed clumsiness, down to his appearance.

In contrast to his attractive and tall step-brother, Ivan wore a drab shirt and had a grown-out moustache that left him appearing slightly older than his actual age.

Apart from his unkempt hair, he possessed a rugged robustness which is more paunch than muscle, with a flabby quality that suggests lack of refinement. 

Undoubtedly, he was the family's "black sheep."

“I swear I didn't do anything to her! You can all call her and ask her! Why don't you all believe me?" 

Prior to his grandfather's birthday celebration, which was scheduled to start at six o ' clock in the evening, Ivan got a call from Dahlia, his fiancée, with whom he had been engaged to since their childhood.

Dahlia had never called Ivan on purpose, so he was a little excited and went to meet her without thinking twice.

Although some things had happened, Ivan would never violate Dahlia whom he had been in love with for years. 

“Why would we believe you? You've been a problematic child since you were little. Even though you were raised without a mother, you would never put up with criticism from your stepmother. You said we should ask Dahlia? We would ask her and if what happened was really the truth, you will regret your whole existence!”

Ivan stood still, taking in the faces of the people he had considered family. His grandfather met his gaze and shot him a disapproving glance.

He pressed his trembling hands against his temples, trying to still the frantic thoughts racing through his mind.

“Grandpa, please believe me, okay? I would never do such a thing to Dahlia! You know how much I adore her. Why would I do such a thing to someone I adore so much?”

Old Master Langland, his own feelings indecisive, shifted his gaze away from him. He took a deep breath, trying to avoid Ivan’s gaze. "Go and get Dahlia,” He said. "We should ask her. If it's true, you are out of this family.”

Before his mother passed away, Ivan was Old Master Langland's favourite grandchild, but things changed significantly in his life when his stepmother and step brother moved in.

Ivan sometimes can not even recall his early years because they were so full of incidents which he was set up for.

He never committed any of those offences.

Soon, Dahlia arrived with her friend, with tears in her eyes. Her eyes were puffy and there seemed to be scratch marks on her neck.

As her gaze landed on Ivan, her cries became louder. “I trusted you so much Ivan! How could you do such a thing to me? If not because of Tori, you would have had your way with me!" 

Ivan’s voice caught in his throat, a strangled whisper that betrayed the fear coiling within him. He stared at Dahlia, unable to retort.

“Grandpa," Dahlia called, referring to Old Master Langland. “I'm really sorry, your birthday is ruined because of Ivan. Although I had called him to come help me, I didn't expect him to have such thoughts towards me. We have been engaged since birth, but I would really like to break off my engagement to this traitor." 

Old Master Langland lips grew thin with anger and disbelief. And the fact that Ivan couldn't even defend himself made his blood boil. He got up from his chair with a commanding presence. "From today onwards, Ivan is no longer part of our Family! We've had enough of his horrible attitudes.”

After saying this, Old Master Langland left the room, with the other family members trailing behind.

His stepmother, Thalia and her son, Freddie stayed behind, a look of victory on their faces. 

“Don't forget to pack all of your clothes before you leave! You are a disgrace to this family." 

Ivan found himself engulfed in exhaustion and heartache as he witnessed the painful sight of his own family turning their backs on him, bewildered by Dahlia's betrayal. 

With a heavy heart, he fled the suffocating tension of the living room. 

With thunder roaring and sheets of rain falling, the heavens let loose as soon as he ventured outside. 

Ivan wandered aimlessly through the storm, unsure what to do.

However, his phone chimed. 

Ivan thought Gilbert, his friend, had sent him a message. But surprisingly the message was from an unknown number.

Curiously, Ivan unlocked his phone to read the message. There were two messages on his phone. One from an unknown number and the other one from his bank.

Ivan didn't bother to open the bank's own. He just clicked on the unknown number message. 

Unknown number: Congratulations, Young Master Ivan! With your maternal grandfather's permission, a million dollars has been deposited into your account. He's been wanting to see you. Please reply to my message if you want us to talk more.

With widened eyes, Ivan quickly tapped on the bank's message. Upon seeing the number of zeros behind one, he nearly believed he was dreaming.

However, it was authentic! The credit alert of one billion dollars was real!

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