Disappearing from their lives

Ivan didn't know how much he slept but when he woke up, the day was bright. He stood up from the bed, rubbing his eyes groggily.

It was very late when he returned to his father's house last night. He took off his drenched clothes and went to bed immediately.

Making way to the living room, memories from earlier flooded his brain like a match connecting fire to fire. He took out his phone right away, and to his amazement, the money was still there.

Ivan reviewed the messages one more time to make sure he had not missed anything. Interestingly enough, the message included his name, so it can not have been an error.

It was getting close to dawn.

He went downstairs to see if there was anything to eat because he had not eaten since yesterday.

Descending the stairs, he stopped in his tracks when he heard his Father and stepmother's voice. He was the topic of their conversation.

"Honey, you do not have to act strange toward him. He is still a teenager and doesn't know what he has done wrong. Kindly pardon him, or allow me to speak with him."

Ivan heard his shameless stepmother's voice and a scoff escaped his lips.

“You've spoiled him too much. Our reputation has once again been damaged by his actions. If not because Dahlia agreed to cooperate with us, do you think he won't be in jail by now? Do you know how much money I spent to get rid of his shamelessness everyday!"

Ivan walked down the stairs, hands in his pockets. His mind was a wreck after what had happened yesterday, and the only thing that was able to calm him down was the money in his bank account.

As the sound of footsteps became clearer, Nicholas Langland and Thalia raised their heads.

Their eyes met with Ivan's calm eyes and at that moment, something seemed to spark.

Ivan bowed his head, saying, “Hello, Father."

Noticing that Ivan might have heard what he said, Nicholas cleared his throat. He glanced past Thalia, then returned his attention to Ivan with a hardened expression.

“Didn't they say you left yesterday? I seriously don't want to see you anymore. What do you gain from tarnishing my reputation?"

“Tarnishing your reputation?" With a glare in his eyes, Ivan asked.

Ivan wondered how he had tarnished his reputation when he had been abandoned by him since the death of his mother.

He had no one beside him for ten years!

“I won't disobey you, Father" Ivan bowed his head once more. “And I will make sure not to tarnish your reputation."

Nicholas believed his son was finally listening to him, not realizing the deeper meaning in his words. “Good. I have been contacted by your mother's family. It is best for you to move in with them. I have been ignoring their attempts to get in touch with me. This time seems like the perfect opportunity.“

“Honey, don't you think you are being hard on him? He's still a teenager. I don't want Ivan to feel bad.” Thalia nudged Nicholas elbow, her eyes shimmering with faux sympathy.

"After everything he did, I find it unbelievable that you are feeling sorry for him! He brought shame to our family by engaging in bad activities. He almost assaulted his fiancée!"

"She's lying! Why don't you even believe your son?!"

"Believe you?! You are a thug for goodness sake!" Slurring his breath, Nicholas roared back.

"He's just being a teenager, don't be too hard on him" Thalia tried to calm him.

By now Ivan knew he would be ignored for the rest of his life if he chose to stay here, and that his reputation had been permanently ruined.

Sincerely, he was sick of living up to everyone's expectations and being set up by his stepmother. All he wants right now is to be free of all these restraints.

“You know what? You are right" Ivan's voice rang out, making the couples pause whatever they were doing. "I should leave. I will go and stay with my Mother's Family. You will never appreciate me, and I am fed up with being treated like a fool!"

“Disappear like thin air and never come back until I have a use for you."

Experiencing such treatment from the Father, Ivan's heart tightened. He wasn't supposed to be surprised by his actions as he had always been that way, even when his Mother was still alive.

But then, at least, he pretended to care.

His stomach knotted up, a churning turmoil that reflected the disarray inside his head. Ivan felt compelled to vent his anger, but he held himself back.

"It is obvious that you do not want me here, and I also clearly do not want to be here. I would go back and finish my highschool education" Ivan explained calmly, making sure that his anger didn't get in his way of explanation.

Despite his reserve, Ivan sensed that if he lingered any longer, he would lose control quickly.

"What did you say?“ Nick laughed, taken aback by his son's boldness. "I guess you are old enough to make decisions by yourself since you are almost eighteen and I'm sure you can take of yourself. You will bear the consequences of your actions because you have chosen to be foolish."

"You can do whatever you like" Ivan answered back, heading upstairs. He had just lost his appetite.

Nicholas sensed his son's arrogance and was on the verge of losing his mind. He was taunted by Ivan's composure and felt compelled to punish the boy. "You are just as stubborn as your Mother. No wonder she died so soon.“

“Nicholas!!" Even Thalia eyes widened at the sudden statement.

Ivan who was ascending the stairs, stopped in his tracks.

With bloodshot eyes and quivering lips, he turned around. He fixed his gaze on Nicholas, but none of them spoke. Without saying any word, Ivan turned back and disappeared into his room.

Stated differently, he disappeared from their lives.

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