Ivan is back

*A Year later*

Every student in the hallway was engaged in conversation with one another. It was the beginning of another week.

Renowned as the best high school in the city, Rao City High School was attended by the social elite.

Some, however, believed it to be an unfair school where wealthy people enjoyed greater privileges than those from lower-class backgrounds.

“The school flower just arrived! Clear the way everyone!”

Hearing the voice of the popular follower of the school flower, the people in the hall moved to a side, excitement on their faces.

Seeing the beauty was what they always pray for. The school flower was not only beautiful, but she was also very nice and made no distinction between the rich and the poor. She cares about everyone.

“School Beauty, take the flowers. It represents your beauty.”

A girl, around eighteen years old, stepped into the hallway with two girls behind her. She embodied the true meaning of beauty. Her rosy lips, her wavy hair, her charming little eyes that drew in young men… Sincerely, she was breathtaking.

She grinned at each person who gave her a gift and said, “Thank you.”

When they reached a corner, she exhaled deeply and placed all the gifts into her friend's hand.

She adjusted her hair and clothes and remarked, “It is really not easy.”

“I know, right? They all want to be friends with you” One of her friends commented, attempting to flatter her. “They are all losers!”

As the three girls were busy talking, a girl walked in, ready to walk past them. She bowed her head, not wanting to meet the girls' eyes directly.

“Sofia, you are too big to say hi, right?” With a sly smile on her lips, the School flower moved ahead of the girl.

Sofia kept her head lowered, afraid to look directly at the school flower.

“Why did you participate in the beauty contest, Sofia? Are you intending to mock me?” The School Flower uttered, placing her hand on the girl's head.

“I'm truly sorry, Dahlia. It was my homeroom teacher who asked me to participate. I would never try to mock you.”

Unlike Dahlia, who was the school Flower, Sofia was a student from a low-class background. Although she was attractive, she did not receive the same recognition from the students as Dahlia.

Dahlia started to act very insecurely, taunting Sofia whenever she had the chance. Not many people are aware of it, and even if they were, Sofia would still get the blame.

Dahlia raised her hand to smack the girl, but her hand was stopped midair. Shocked, she lifted her head and saw the face of a boy, about her age.

When she recognized the face, her eyes widened with shock.

She took a step back, body instinctively retreating, as though her subconscious had triggered a defensive response to protect her.

“What… are you… doing… here?” She stuttered, her lips trembling.

After what happened more than a year ago, the boy vanished and no one heard from him again. When Dahlia asked about him from his step-brother, she was told the boy had moved away. Far away and would never come back.

But now that she was staring at him, her blood froze and she nearly lost her balance. She blinked quickly, trying to get rid of the disbelieving fog that was obscuring her vision.

“What do you mean? I can't come to school anymore?” Ivan scoffed, jerking her hand off. He turned to face Sofia who was already trembling. “You should know she's just jealous of your beauty, don't let her bully you.”

Sofia gave a grateful nod, mumbled her appreciation, and took off.

It was at this moment that Dahlia took a good look at the young man before her with her mouth slightly opened.

The last time she saw him, he appeared to be chubby, rugged, and not particularly attractive. However, the Ivan in front of her appeared different. Different from what she saw last.

His disheveled hair had been expertly shaved and styled, and his fuller mustache now appeared hairless and sleek. Most importantly, he appears to have lost some weight and grown in height.

Dahlia was astounded by what she saw, but she was powerless to argue, since she had known Ivan back when he was attractive and still took care of himself.

“What… do you think you are doing?” She was still unable to speak clearly, even after a short while.

“Coming to school, of course” Ivan answered. Without waiting for her to reply, he turned around, ready to leave.

Of course, Dahlia would not give up easily.

What was Ivan doing in her school? Even when they were engaged, he attended a different school from hers. While they went to the same middle school, Ivan transferred to a different high school.

Or was he here to beg her?

“If you are here to beg me, it's better for you to leave right now? Because I didn't allow you to go jail, doesn't mean I have interest in you! Leave now!” Dahlia uttered brazenly, placing her hands on her waist.

Ivan stopped in his tracks, a low chuckle escaping his lips. He had truly changed over the past three months, immersing himself in a plethora of positive experiences in an attempt to shed the negative energy he carried with him from the Langland Family.

“I think I should settle scores with you since I'm going to be spending my last days of high school here anyway" Ivan replied nonchalantly. “I had pestered you in the past because of my foolishness, but sincerely, you aren't even that worth it. And for what you did a year ago…"

“Are you insulting me now because you have changed and perhaps worked out a little?” Dahlia laughed out loud. “You are nothing to me, Ivan. Your family has abandoned and disowned you. Tell me why you believe you can attend school here. Here, you will fit in with the lower classes, just as you did in your family.”

“We will see about that, won't we?” Ivan answered, walking away.

After Ivan left, Dahlia felt her whole body trembling as she fiddled with her phone. “Go and report him to the teachers!” She screamed at her friends, who promptly fled to obey her orders.

Dahlia tapped the call button on her phone after entering a series of numbers.

“Didn't you say he has gone faraway and would never come back?” Dahlia spoke frantically as soon as the call got connected.

“What do you mean?” The other person answered, a hint of perplexity in his voice.

“Ivan is back” Dahlia replied, almost in a whisper.

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