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By: Dozzzie97 OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 49

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After five years of a secret marriage, my wife, a cold and renowned chef, suddenly asked for a divorce. I smiled bitterly, left with nothing, and embarked on an extraordinary path, becoming an acclaimed automotive expert and a successful entrepreneur. Post-divorce, she regretted deeply after watching me, her former husband, dazzling and captivating countless hearts in the automotive world. She wished she hadn't acted rashly. Wanting to win me back, she even begged to visit my high-end car shop, hoping to reignite our old flame of love. "Honey, am I not captivating enough? Come back to me, please. I want to rebuild our life together." I frowned slightly, lips parting in a cold voice, "Madam, please restrain yourself. I am not your husband; so don't make such shameless claims. If you want to find fulfillment, please turn left and walk out the door to find whatever person you can." Once, you looked down on me and treated me like trash. Now, I stand at the peak of success, beyond your reach.

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10 chapters
LONG LIVE FOR BETTER FOR WORSE. Leon Bennett wiped the grease off his hands and set his ass down on the bench beside him, a hard metal hitting hard, echoing through the empty garage. He looked at the clock on the wall. “Midnight. Again.” He sighed, knowing Clara would be asleep by the time he got home. Their conversations had become shorter, their dinners colder. Tonight, though, something felt different. A sharp pain hit him hard from his chest to his stomach as he arranged his work space ready to go home. Stepped out to close his workshop. When Leon opened the door to their humble but elegant apartment, Clara was waiting for him in the low lit living room. She was still in her chef's uniform, her face was filled with irritation and something else he couldn't quite place. The TV was on, but the volume was muted. Clara stared at him as if she were assessing a problem that needed solving."You're late," she said, her voice was cold as winter entering the room. "I had to…i had to fin
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REBUILDING DREAMS Leon Bennett wiped the sweat from his face, which was dripping heavily down to his chest, staring at the new project before him. The cold morning air filled the garage, but the physical stress kept his body warm. He had spent the last few hours fully committed to his work, using the tools and scraps around him to create something new. The heavy clang of metal against metal was almost therapeutic, a way to drown out the turmoil in his mind.As the sun climbed higher, with long shadows casting across the floor, Leon paused to examine his progress. He had started on a prototype for an innovative car part he had been toying with for months. It wasn’t much yet, but it was a start. The first step on his journey to rebuild not just his career, but his life.Leon's stomach rumbled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since yesterday. He set down his tools and headed to the small kitchen area in the back of the garage. He found a can of soup in the cupboard, popped it open,
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CONFRONTING THE PAST THE MEETING Leon sat at a polished black wooden table in a well organized conference room, the buildings of Los Angeles stretching out behind him. He had dressed in his best suit which looked cheap in quality, trying to mask the nervous attacks hitting him within. Across from him sat Mark Turner, a prominent investor known for his keen eye for innovative startups. Mark's reputation was intimidating, but Leon knew this was his chance of a life time to prove himself.Mark leaned back in his chair, looking at the proposal Leon had meticulously prepared. The silence in the room was intense it was only being hindered a little by the traffic sound outside the building down the main streets of Los Angeles. Finally, Mark looked up, with an unreadable expression written all over him."Leon, I’ve seen a lot of pitches in my time," Mark began, "but yours stands out to be one of the best I have seen. The automotive industry is ripe for disruption, and your ideas are not on
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THE ENCOUNTER The vibrant nightlife of New York City pulsed around Clara as she stepped into an expensive lounge, her eyes scanning the crowd for a distraction from her turbulent thoughts. Leon’s rising success hit at her, and she desperately needed a night away from her regrets and frustrations.The bar was sleek and modern, filled with an eclectic mix of business executives, artists, and socialites. Clara made her way to the counter, her presence immediately drawing the attention of the bartender.“What can I get you, miss?” he asked with a professional smile written all over him.“Something strong,” Clara replied, forcing a smile of her own.As the bartender mixed her drink, Clara’s gaze wandered, landing on a tall, striking man across the room. He was impeccably dressed, exuding an air of confidence that was hard to ignore. Their eyes met, and he flashed a charming smile, making his way over to her.“Mind if I join you?” he asked, his voice smooth and inviting.Clara shrugged, p
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LEON'S GROWING SUCCESS The early morning sun bathed Leon’s workshop in a warm glow as he meticulously adjusted the engine of a sleek, black sports car. He paused to wipe the sweat from his face, a satisfied smile forming at his lips. The transformation of his humble garage into a state-of-the-art automotive innovation hub had been nothing short of miraculous, and each new project only fueled his passion further.“Hey, Leon!” called a familiar voice from the entrance.Leon looked up to see Samantha Greene, the brilliant automotive engineer who had become both a collaborator and a trusted friend. She waved as she approached, with her infectious enthusiasm written all over her.“Morning, Sam,” Leon greeted her, setting down his tools. “What brings you by so early?”Samantha grinned. “I’ve got some exciting news. The investors loved our latest prototype, and they’re ready to move forward with production.”Leon’s heart soared. This hybrid engine that promised full efficiency and performa
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ECHOES OF THE PAST Clara sat at her brown wooden desk, the sun penetrating through the large windows of her office, creating a warm glow on her well and beautifully organized space. Despite the calmness of the room, her mind was full of thoughts and emotions, primarily centered on her recent meeting with David.David’s offer had been both juicy and unsettling. The financial stability he promised could provide the much-needed boost for her restaurant, which had been struggling to maintain its former glory. Clara knew she couldn’t let her pride stand in the way of saving her career. The restaurant was her life’s work, and watching it go down and also on the brink of failure was painful.As she pondered David’s proposition, she couldn’t ignore the painful doubts about his true intentions. His demeanor had been too smooth, his promises too good to be true. Could she really trust him, or was she stepping into another trap?Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Isabella, h
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A NEW DAWN Leon stormed out of the café, his mind filled with anger and frustration. He scanned the street, hoping to catch sight of Lena, but she was already getting into her car. "Lena, wait!" he shouted, but she didn’t stop. She slammed the door shut and sped off, leaving Leon standing helplessly on the sidewalk.Clenching his fists in frustration, Leon turned back towards the café. Clara was still there, looking happy despite the scene she had caused. The sight of her triggered his anger even more. He marched back inside, ignoring the curious stares from the other customers."Clara, what the hell was that?" he snapped, his voice low but filled with fury.Clara looked up, her eyes widening in feigned innocence. "Leon, I just…""Save it," he interrupted harshly. "I don't know what you were trying to achieve with that stunt, but let me make one thing clear we will never be together again. Ever."Clara's eyes filled with tears, and she began to sob dramatically. The café fell silen
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THE LOST SPITE Leon drove aimlessly, his mind replaying the events of the day over and over. He couldn’t shake the image of Lena's hurt expression, nor the unsettling feeling that Clara and David were plotting something against him. He had to find a way to protect himself and the people he cared about.As he pulled into his driveway, he agreed to take action. He couldn’t let Clara and David mess with everything he had worked so hard to achieve. Whatever they were planning, he would be ready.With a heavy heart, Leon headed inside, knowing that the coming days would be a test of his strength and determination. He just hoped that Lena would find it in her heart to forgive him and stand by his side. The thought of losing her was too much to bear.Leon walked up the steps to his apartment, his mind still spinning from the dreadful events of the day. He fished his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, stepping inside. The familiar surroundings did little to calm his nerves. He le
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THE REUNIONSamantha sat across from Leon in the sleek, glass-walled conference room, a stack of papers spread out before them. They were finalizing the details for their latest project, a cutting-edge tech innovation they hoped would attract significant investor interest. Leon was carefully going over the financial projections while Samantha highlighted key features in the presentation."This is solid work, Leon," Samantha said, with admiration in her voice. "The investors are going to love it."Leon nodded, but his mind was elsewhere. The threatening message he’d received still hit at him, and the confrontation with Clara and Lena had left him emotionally drained. He forced himself to focus on the task at hand. "Thanks, Sam. Let's make sure we're ready for the auction tonight. This could be a game-changer for us."Hours later, they arrived at the high-end auction house, a buzzing hub of wealthy investors and influential businesspeople. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation.
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THE ACCUSATIONS Leon woke up from sleep, his mind still reeling from the events of the night before.His head was still heavy He fell back into a restless sleel, only to be jolted awake by the incessant buzzing of his phone. Groggily, he reached for it and saw numerous missed calls and messages from his investor friend, Alan.As he answered the call, Alan’s frantic voice greeted him. "Leon, have you seen the news?"Leon rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "What are you talking about, Alan?""Turn on your TV, man. It’s all over the news," Alan urged.With a sense of dread creeping up his spine, Leon grabbed the remote and turned on the television. He scrolled through the channels until he found a news station. His heart sank as he read the headline: "Business Mogul Leon Bennett Accused of Domestic Violence – Shocking Video Released."Leon’s eyes widened in disbelief as the screen cut to a video showing him and Clara in a heated argument. The video was edited to
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