Clara sat at her brown wooden desk, the sun penetrating through the large windows of her office, creating a warm glow on her well and beautifully organized space. Despite the calmness of the room, her mind was full of thoughts and emotions, primarily centered on her recent meeting with David.

David’s offer had been both juicy and unsettling. The financial stability he promised could provide the much-needed boost for her restaurant, which had been struggling to maintain its former glory. Clara knew she couldn’t let her pride stand in the way of saving her career. The restaurant was her life’s work, and watching it go down and also on the brink of failure was painful.

As she pondered David’s proposition, she couldn’t ignore the painful doubts about his true intentions. His demeanor had been too smooth, his promises too good to be true. Could she really trust him, or was she stepping into another trap?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Isabella, her assistant, entered with a file of documents and a concerned look on her face.

“Clara, we need to talk,” Isabella said, placing the papers on the desk. “The restaurant’s financial situation is worse than we thought. We’re losing money, and if we don’t find a solution soon, we might have to close our doors.”

Clara felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. She had known things were bad, but hearing it laid out so bluntly was a punch to the stomach.

“What are our options?” Clara asked, her voice was shaky.

Isabella hesitated, then took a deep breath. “I think you should consider reaching out to Leon. He’s doing incredibly well now, and he might be willing to help, given your history.”

“What of the bank?”Clara asked.

“The bank are offering more demands based on the fact we can't meet up in due time, they are charging 30% interest, which I am sure we won't meet,”Isabella said.

“This is bad” Clara replied

“You see we have no option than to call Leon to be an investor or assist us”

Clara’s heart skipped a beat. The idea of asking Leon for help was both humiliating and appealing. Would he even listen to her after everything that had happened?

“I can’t just go begging to him,” Clara said, shaking her head. “It’s complicated.”

“Sometimes, we have to swallow our pride to save what’s important,” Isabella replied gently. “Think about it, Clara. He might be your best chance.”

Clara sighed, knowing Isabella was right. She picked up her phone and dialed Leon’s number, her fingers trembling slightly. When he answered, she could hear the surprise in his voice.

“Clara? What’s going on?” Leon asked.

“I need to talk to you,” Clara said, trying to keep her tone steady. “Can we meet? It’s important.”

There was a pause before Leon responded. “Okay. Where and when?”

They agreed to meet at a quiet café downtown, one of those places where anonymity was easy to maintain. Leon arrived first, his mind racing with questions. He hadn’t expected to hear from Clara, especially after the way things had ended between them.

When Clara walked in, she looked as poised as ever, but there was an undercurrent of desperation in her eyes that Leon hadn’t seen before. They exchanged awkward pleasantries before sitting down at a secluded table.

“What’s this about, Clara?” Leon asked, cutting straight to the point.

Clara took a deep breath, arranging herself. “I need your help, Leon. The restaurant is in trouble, and I can’t fix it on my own.”

Leon frowned, his confusion was visible. “And you think I can help?”

“Yes,” Clara said, her voice almost pleading. “You’ve made a name for yourself in the automotive industry. I know you have the means to support me.”

Leon leaned back in his chair, studying her. “And what makes you think I’d be willing to do that, given everything that’s happened between us?”

Clara’s eyes flashed with frustration. “Don’t act like you’re the only one who’s suffered, Leon. I’ve paid for my mistakes too.”

Before Leon could respond, Clara shifted the conversation. “I met someone recently. A man named David Bennett. He told me he’s your brother.”

Leon’s expression darkened. “David? How do you know him?”

“I didn’t know he was your brother,” Clara said quickly. “We met in New York, and he mentioned your name. Why didn’t you ever tell me about him?”

Leon’s jaw tightened. “David and I have a complicated relationship. It wasn’t something I wanted to discuss.”

Clara leaned forward, narrowing her eyes. “So you didn’t trust me enough to share that part of your life? What else didn’t you tell me?”

Leon sighed, trying to keep his composure. “It wasn’t about trust, Clara. There are things in my past that I wanted to leave behind like this too.” he gestured.

Clara’s frustration boiled over. “You can’t just walk away from everything, Leon. Sometimes the past catches up with you.”

Leon stood, his patience exhausted. “I don’t want to make a scene here. I’ll think about what you’ve asked, but I can’t promise anything.”

As he turned to leave, Clara grabbed his arm and pulled him back, pressing her lips against his in a desperate kiss. Shocked, Leon froze, unsure how to react.

At that moment, Lena entered the café, searching for Leon. She stopped in her tracks when she saw them, her heart sinking as she watched the scene unfold.

Leon pulled away from Clara, his face full of confusion and anger. “What the hell, Clara?”

Clara’s eyes were wide, her lips still tingling from the kiss. “I’m sorry, Leon. I just… I don’t know what came over me.”

Leon glanced around, spotting Lena at the entrance. Her expression of hurt and betrayal was like a knife to his heart.

“Lena, wait!” he called out, but she was already turning to leave, tears welling in her eyes.

Clara watched in silence with a devilish kind of smile.

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