Mr. Bond

Violet Mars is the youngest grandchild of the Mars family known for her brilliance and beauty. Not only was she wealthy, she was known as the beauty with the brain of the school.

Even though she was richer than most of the students, Violet kept a low profile in school unlike the West family who constantly caused trouble.

She left the country a few months ago, and until she showed up today with her devoted bodyguard, Ethan Bush, many people believed she was never coming back.

With growing curiosity, Violet could not take her eyes off the new boy in the class. She was only gone for some months and they already have a new student in classroom A.

Something was definitely fishy.

After learning about the events that had occurred in the few days since he had arrived at school, she was only able to conclude that the boy was someone she should be cautious around.

“Violet, you seem absentminded. Is everything alright?"

Glancing at the girl with a charming smile, the math teacher at the teache
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