i will carry out the task

In the small bar, the man sat, facing his desk with an amused expression on his face. “Is the assemblyman playing? He wants us to deal with a high school kid?” The man chuckled and set his phone down on the desk. “I will send someone later to deal with him. Where are the others?”

“They went to collect money from those people” One of the men gathered at a corner not far from where their boss sat answered. “They are yet to be back.”

“If the parents refuse to pay, the girl should come and start working here. I can’t be lending out money and be going through the stress” The Boss hissed.

Soon after, two men with heavily bruised bodies and battered breathing burst through the door. “Boss!” They were gasping for air and writhing in agony. “We…”

“What the f*ck!” With a curse, the Boss's shocked eyes grew wide. “What the h*ll is wrong with you guys? Did the SK Gang attack again?! I will make sure to kill their boss this time! Where is Snake?! Is he being held captive by their boss? Get me m
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