Chapter 6

Green threw the spanner which hit the midnight beast hand, making him loose hold  of the gun he was holding.

“Ouch,” he screamed in pain, holding his middle finger which looked dislocated already, from the spanner hit.

The old woman then sneaked out of the midnight beast hold, rushing to a dark area where she could hide for safety. 

“You thought you were wise Huh? You thought you could just lure me into your trap. Well sorry to say, I calculated my plan before you executed yours.”

Just when the midnight beast was about picking up the pistol and shooting Green with his left hand, Green threw the scissors towards his direction , taking out his head immediately.

“What the hell.”

The old man said in awe. He couldn’t believe his eyes. Just some minutes ago they was tension everywhere with the fate of their survival resting on the young man’s shoulders, now it turns out that he took out the midnight beast in some seconds? 

This is unbelievable.

The guest who were initially afraid and hiding under their table immediatley got to thier feet, packing their few dollar notes which they dropped on the table for midnight beast to take.

Finally, midnight beast is no more!

The guest around were all excited. 

The waiter who was initially afraid and never believed that Green could take down the midnight beast regretted what she said and ran towards green immediately.

She knelt down in his direction, clasping her fist she said, “ pardon me sir, I was very blind at first and never believed you, it would never happen again.” She pleaded.

Green just stared at the woman and helped her get to her feet. “It’s okay, I understand why you were afraid at first. Maybe you haven’t seen me doing this in a play ground before.” He said jokingly.

The waiter laughed.

“Thank you for saving me sir. If it weren’t for you, I would be paying my debts for all the damages the midnight beast would  have caused,  and  I’d also be sacked too, having no work to do,” she said with teary eyes.

“It’s okay. I couldn’t stand watching him do dirty to everyone present. You see, I told you it ends today. From now henceforth, there would be no more midnight beast in this town again.”

The old man too who wished for green to be his son suddenly came in the midst of them saying, “ I really knew you could do it son. Your skills are top notch.” he congratulated Green, giving him a handshake.

“You aren't supposed to suffer old man. I couldn't also stay and watch the midnight beast take all you guys money after working the whole day, so I decided to do what I have to do.” He replied.

The old lady too who was being held and pointed a gun back of her head felt regret within her. Her prayers at that moment in the face of death was to make sure Green surrenders and then he is taken by the midnight beast and held captive. That's to day anything the midnight beast wants to do with him, he's free in doing it, but she didn’t expect that the boy she wanted to be long gun would turn out to be the one who saved her. 

She had a pendant on her neck which she wears as a protection pendant. It’s body looking like a white compressed shell. Very beautiful and also light. She took it off, heading to Green’s direction and tapped him on his shoulders.

“Pls forgive me my son for saying such words towards you. I never knew that he had bad intentions about you and I insisted you submit to him so he can take you. I was blind son. I was blind. Forgive me,” she cried loudly.

Green felt sorry for her. Yeah, she was at the point of death, but her words weren’t that hurtful so he calmly replied to her, “ I understand mum. It’s not your fault, many people at that point would still have said or done what you did. I forgive you,” he smiled embracing the woman in a hug.

The old woman felt Greens warm body. She was happy atleast her sins were heard and forgiven. She would never look down on such kind of people again because no one could tell what abilities they had. 

Suddenly there was a noise coming from the microphone which made them separate to turn and hear what the person holding it had to say. 

It turned out to be the waiter herself.

“Alright everyone to express my joy for what this young man did for us this night. I’d like to pay for 3 tequilas. We’re gonna have an alcoholic night for the successful clearance of the midnight beast figure in mars town.”

The was an uproar with guest present shouting “yay” the other guest who knew they would be asked questions for coming back home late, had to thank Green and immediately leave the restaurant. The rest of the guest who wanted to show how happy they were had to combine thier money and get more tequilas and alcohol  too.

The old woman trying to rush home on time and take care of her stuffs at home had to hold Green’s handing, dropping the pendant on his hand, she closed it tightly. 

“Son, take this pendant, it was one of the most precious gift been given to me by my mum. It’s a protection pendant, I believe without its help and yours, I wouldn’t be alive today. It has been protecting me since when I was a little child and faced many assassins and kidnappers too.” She said calmly.

Green stared at the pendant for a while, after observing he wore it on his neck saying, “Thanks mum. I would never forget this gift.”

Although she wasn’t his mother, he just chose to adress her that way due to she was old enough to give have a son his age. The old woman left after giving him the pendant, heading home before it gets too late. 

When the woman had already gone farther enough, that was when Green remembered he hadn’t gotten her number yet, “oh shit,” he ran towards the direction where he’d seen her pass but could only see the bright street lights and garbages rolling on the floor. 

She’s gone with no traces.


Green drank and drank and drank till he became drunk. The tequila had to act as a supplement to the pasta which he had eaten during the time he visited the restaurant . He had already finished another bottle of tequila and threw the bottle on the floor.

Not knowing the bottle broke and the remaining contents pouring on a neatly dressed man who stepped into the scene with huge bodyguards all dressed in black, wearing a skull mask.

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