Chapter 5

“Young man you claim to act big in front of our master? Let me show you what happens to offenders who does that.”

One of the men in the middle moved foward, reaching to where Green was seated. Green was  still having his meal, not even looking up to see the angry and determined  man approaching him with a rod. Once he reached the table, he tried swinging the rod, targeting Green’s neck. 

But green noticed his movement already and poured the cup of pepper juice on his face. Hitting the man with the table his order was placed, he fell to the ground yelling.

“My eyes, aah.”

Green just took his handkerchief from the table, wiping his mouth and drinking the  orange juice he said. “You’re trying to prove stubborn, huh?  I believe this is one of your strongest men. He doesn’t even have the courage to get close to me. Imagine just finishing one of your men with just a pepper juice and a hit from the table? That proves the rest wouldn’t take me much time to handle then.”

He stood up and headed to the waiter’s counter. Giving her her remaining balance, he could see the fear through her eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, this ends today.” He tried comforting her but she didn’t chose to agree with him. She knew who the midnight beast was, even though he’d never visited the restaurant when it was her shift.

“So what have you got midnight freak. I’m waiting,” he sneered.

“You bastard. Wait till the rest of the men deal with you right here. Quickly, bring his head,” he shouted.

The rest of the men rushed Green at once, all determined to bring Greens body dead to their master. They knew what price they could get for who ever completed the task.

The first man launched his attack. Trying to use his knife to stab Green on the right side of his ribs, but green detecting it on time used his right leg to knock of the knife from his hand and gave him a kick on the neck, making him fall to the ground at once screaming in pain.

“Quite easy,” he sneered.

The crowd present were in awe. This young  man was quite strong. Bringing down a single man with a pepper juice and a hit from the table, bringing the second one down with just two kicks: one to knock of the knife, and second to the neck? Wasn’t he an expert in karate already?

The second man and third came at once, facing opposite directions. They attack at once so he wouldn’t have a chance to run runaway. Green being so fast and also detect what was to come on him jumped up, launching an attack on the air he gave them a spin-around kick, taking not less than 3 of their tooth off. 

The two men just fell on the ground unable to talk, their mouth full of blood. They looked at their boss, trying to cry out to him but all he  could hear was moans. Green just approached the two men who tried crawling to meet their boss. Without wasting much time, he took their lives with just one hit to their neck.

“Wow, such a courageous young lad.”

The old man who just had a dollar and two coins left in his wallet said in relief. Deep down, he wished he also had a son like Green. He was also having some kind of assurance that his chose to keep the money and use as his transport back home and to work the next day.

The fourth man, after staring at Green do dirty to his other colleagues knew they weren’t of same level: he would kill him very quickly, so he had to run out of the restaurant as soon as possible, hoping to leave an explanation for his boss while he ran out but was stopped by a gun shot to his head, which made him fall lifeless on the ground.

“Peew” The midnight beast blew the little smoke off his weapon.

“I don’t normally use this all the time. I hate noise, but as you forced me to, I don’t have any choice,” he grabbed one of the poor helpless old lady who was initially bent on the ground trying to save herself. He pointed the pistol to the back of her head making her whole body tremble.

“I’m gonna kill this woman right now else you apologize and also choose to be my captive,” he said pressing the gun into her skull the more. 

“Hehe, you don’t want to see an old woman’s life being taken Because  of you right, so do the needful.”

“Do it young man, don’t you think I’m almost same years as your mother who gave birth to you? Do you want me to die?” She said with a trembling tone. She didn’t want to get killed just because a stubborn child chose not to follow orders.

Green just stood there, planning his next move. He watched the movement of the midnight beast’s hand and also the height of the woman too. She was a bit short though. 

He had both a spanner and a scissors inside his pocket. So he gently removed those objects, holding them still on his hand, he waited for the right moment to strike. 

Although he had supernatural dragon powers too, he didn’t want to use them so as not to bring attention so he chose to ignore.

“Don’t think you can play tricks with me, you’re just left with 5 seconds. If within this five seconds you haven’t surrendered and admitted you’re wrong, I’m not only gonna kill her, but kill every fucking person present in this section,” midnight beast roared.

The old woman who had a gun to her head was already in tears, trembling. she couldn’t move due to she was held tightly. Babies who were being held by their mother were also crying. The old man who thought they was hope, was already  saying his last prayers. 

They all prayed Green would just admit his mistake and then be taken by The midnight beast. 

“Your time is up man, Goodnight mama.”


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