Chapter 4

12:00 am.

Midnight restaurant.

The door to the resturant was pushed open as a hungry green stepped in heading to the counter.

“Pls, what do you guys have to offer?” he asked as his belly growled. 

He hadn’t taken any meal for a whole day and was punished by his mother in law. He didn’t even get the chance to have a taste of the food which he prepared at home.

“Pasta and sausages.” The waiter replied. 

“Get me two plates please,” he said in a low tone. His belly growling the more.

The waiter immediately got the two plates of pasta and sausages coupled with a bottle of water And presented it in front of green.

“Here’s your order. Your bill is 10 dollars,” she said.

Okay,” green dipped his hands inside his back pocket to bring out the 10 dollar note. he then handed it to the waiter at the counter before carrying his order to a table not far from the counter.

Seating down on the table. He pounced on the food aggressively, finishing the first plate within a few minutes. This got people around stunned. Even the waiter was suprised. Was this guy that hungry? She said within herself.

They were also murmurs of people who were present at the resturant at that time.

“Look how he devours this meal.”

“What kind of animal is he.”

“Looks like he’s a beggar, maybe he was given a few notes to feed himself due to he hadn’t eaten for days.”

An anonymous individual even had to stand up and drop a few notes on Green’s table saying, “ use this to take care of yourself before you die of hunger,” he then left Green’s sight.

Laughter erupted the whole building as he said that.

Green just kept eating his food and pushed the notes the individual kept on the table to the ground. He didn’t ask anyone for help. He was happy with his pay and wasn’t a beggar anyway.  He wouldn’t be here eating with them if not for his stubborn brother-in-law and also his selfish mother-in-law too.

Suddenly the door burst open and a gang of sturdy men stepped in. Their faces dark, their dressing black. Their hands occupied with weapon. Their presence meant no mercy for offenders. Immediatley the group of men gave up a passage . The midnight light was reflected on the ground and then a black shadow could be seen coming foward, passing through the lights.


Then the complete figure of the person could be seen. But not his face. He had a black hat on his head. One hand holding a cigarette, the other hand dipped inside his pocket. 

The whole crowd in the regular centre were quiet. No one dared move an inch. The midnight resturant was a resturant which had three sections. One of them which was the regular centre which entertained regular guest,  The vip centre entertained vip guest, And the vvip centre entertained very  very important guest; the top dogs of the city. 

Everyone present in the regular centre knew who the figure was. The never knew his name, but they all called him the midnight Beast. He comes to the midnight resturant unexpectedly and empties everyone’s pocket, also collecting the money the waiter of the regular centre makes. Even though the vip and vvip centre was also in same building. They never were aware of the other section happenings. 

The people present were afraid. An old man amongst them even had to check his wallet. He gulped in while  bringing  out a dollar note and two coins. This was the only money he had, and he wanted to use it as transport back home. 

The waiter herself knew this was the end for her. Ever since the midnight beast pays homage to the midnight resturant, the next day a waiter gets sacked and beaten up afer paying for all the money midnight beast took.

The midnight beast just puffed another smoke in the air then spoke,”I hope I’m not supposed to tell you guys here what to do then.” His words sent shivers down everybody’s spine, making them to start dropping all money they have on the table, even their jewelleries. 

Green just finished his second plate, balancing on the table, he made an awful sound with his mouth then said, “ waiter!!” Get me some pepper and orange juice, then another plate of pasta.” 

The waiter being scared of midnight beast, didn’t care to follow his orders. Green getting fraustrated then stood up and served himself on a tray. Before taking everything to his table. Sitting on the table he started to eat the third plate of pasta again.

Midnight beast was getting fraustrated. Who does this young man think he is? Or does he dare disobey my orders? He then approached Green’s seat. Sitting down, he dragged his cigeratte in blowing the smoke straight to Green’s pasta.

“You’ve got some nerves boy. I see you’re new here, don’t you care following the tradition?” He asked.

“I don’t fucking think any tradition exist here,” he said  indifferently, taking  a sip of the orange juice on the table and staring into the eyes of midnight beast.

“What the!” 

Someone said amongst the crowd but quickly kept mute when one of the sturdy men gave him a deadly look.

“This guy dare to talk back at the midnight beast?”

“Who does he think he is?”

The people present whispered to themselves in a low tone observing everything happening.

“I wouldn’t give you a mouth again boy. Just follow the rules here and I’d spare you life.”

“Spare my life?” 

“I don’t think you can touch a strand of my hair talk more of sparing my life. It’s quite gonna be entertaining as your men are here. I’d advice you guys to leave and never return to this resturant else you want to become a play to these folks present in this resturant,” Green sneered.

The fuck.

The midnight beast was loosing his face in front of the whole crowd. He was getting agitated about everything happening. He stood up, throwing his hat for one of his men to hold.  Stepping back and Spreading his hand to invite his men closer he said, “ you think you’re strong huh? Let’s see what you got.”

Several men came into view, some holding big iron rods and also sharp knives. Their presence exuding a dangerous aura.

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