Chapter 17

“You’re wasting my time Mr man. Thank your Gods I didn’t bring a better weapon to deal with you, else you would have been cooked already,” The bald man said.

When he saw the green wasn’t trying to obey and cooperate with him, he moved foward to strike but was held back from the voice of someone that just entered the boutique.

“Don’t even try to touch him, except you’re looking for death.”

The voice happened to be Captain jake’s. Immediatley he was told by green not to waste any time, he rushed as fast as he could, then as he reached the door he dressed himself properly before entering.

“And who are you to tell me to stop?” 

The bald man was furious at this point. Captain Jake wasn’t even as tall as he was and looked somehow powerless to him. So what gave him the right to stop him from beating the hell out  of green?

“He didn't do anything wrong, so he doesn't deserve to be whipped.” Captain jake answered.

“Oh really?” the sales woman said, her eye brows raised.

“How can you explain the card issue? Why isn't it working?” she questioned furiously.

“It’s not of his business. That’s a bank issue and needs to be solved by the bank not him. You guys act as if you can’t use your brain to think. The card is locked, and you’ll need to see the bank first before concluding.”

“We don’t need to see the bank. I can handle this my own way!” 

The bald man approached Green and was about giving him a whip using the Long blood coated chain. Captain Jake rushed to green side and punched the bald man on the face, making him bleed profusely. 

“My nose!” He cried.

“I can’t breathe!” He yelled in pain.

“Some one help me, I can’t breathe!” He pleaded, utterly hopeless at this point. 

He pushed the chairs around him, looking for support untill his eyes spun and within  some seconds he was already unconscious on the ground. 


“Look at what you’ve done!” She exclaimed as her heart thumped profusely.

She was thinking of calling the police at that point, but was afraid that if she dared pick up the gun she’ll also end up lying on the floor like tha bald man whom she couldn’t even detect if he’s neither alive nor dead.

“This bastard just took down our boss!”

“I can’t stand here and watch him just play us like fools. We need to do something fast!”

The crew of the bald man spoke among themselves even though they could be heard. They were aggrieved at this point, so they set in to attack Captain Jake for what he’d done to their boss.

Trying to get closer to captain jake, although captain jake was already prepared; the door flung open behind them with many security guards coming in, dressed in complete black, their guns heavy and threatening, their faces- No funny look.

They all entered and lined surrounded the whole people present in the boutique, then they gave way in the middle for a petite lady to set in. 

The petite lady was beautiful. Her golden suit with black skirt complementing her dressing as she walked in the midst of the security men elegantly.

She was the woman who reported the card issue to Mr clerk who’s the Manager of Galaxy city bank.

That same time she was walking in, Mr clerk also entered the boutique with his hands clasped behind him. He stared at  all the people present  intently. Their dresses weren’t bad at all except one of them, who seems to act like a God among them all.

That was Green. 

Green just sat down and watching the whole event. Both that of the bald man, and also the security guard and The other lady’s entry style.

Mr clerk walked to the middle and used it as a stage so he can be heard by all the people present. 

He cleared his throat before saying, “ Sorry for the unprofessional entry. We happened to detect a card that was inactive for long in this boutique and we just want to know who’s the person in possession of that card.”

Green picked up the card from the floor, Becuse it was last held by the bald man. He then raised it for Mr clerk to see.

“This card?” He said.

“Yeah. Can you tell us how you got the card?” Mr clerk asked.

“It belongs to lord Alexander!” Captain jake chipped in.

Mr clerk new Lord Alexander but never knew these people- Green and captain jake. So he asked further.

“How are you related to lord Alexander that you hold such important card on your hand?” He said, his voice getting more serious.

Green was getting more angrier at the moment. Too much questions? Just to use his fathers card? No, that’s not gonna happen. He isn’t going to sit there and be interrogated for too long so he boldly spoke to Mr clerk.

“All I want is the card being activated and ready for use. I don’t have time to be lectured for long like this so get this shit done on time!”

After he spoke, Mr clerk on the other hand saw that Green and his fellow member captain jake didn’t want to comply with the rules, so he gestured his hand for the guards to come closer.

“Arrest these men!” He blurted out.

“How dare you two command me on what to do? Who are you two?” He added.

“Yes please, arrest them, they’re lairs and fraudsters!” The sales woman chipped in, although she wasn’t told to talk, she just felt like voicing out because  she was incharge of the shop at that moment, and she wanted Green to be dealt with

“I’ll only give you 5 minutes after I make this call, and if you don’t get this card activated this minute, I’m sure you wouldn’t like the turnout of things.” Captain jake said courageously.

He brought out his phone, and searched for one of his contacts with the name- Mr Augustus.

He dailed the number and while staring at Mr clerk with a Mean look, the call connnected, and in a short but commanding tone, he said.

“I’ll give you 3 minutes to be at the Queens boutique, and if you’re late, the outcome would be unbearable!”

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