Chapter 18


The door stormed opened, with servers other security men coming in the boutique. The boutique was large so it could contain allot of people on the open space.

The security men who came in had same uniform with those brought by Mr clerk.  

Then and angry old man in his late 60’s came in, barking!

“Who the hell troubles captain jake?” He roared.

Mr clerk on the other hand couldn’t fathom what was going on. He had many thoughts in his mind. Could it be that it was captain jake who called Mr Augustus over? Or is he just overthinking? 

He thought to himself.

No! It’s just me overthinking. I’m very sure that maybe Mr Augustus must have also noticed that the card too has been detected and chose to come. 

But who’s the Captain jake he’s talking about Becuse he have never came across someone with that name. Even among Mr Augustus Vvip friends. 

Mr Augustus wasn’t even a being who’s always avilable. He rarely shows up in the office and anytime he does, it’s Becuse of some important meeting or the other. So for him to show up at this place, and at that particular time, that means one of the people he confronted and almost tried dealing with is a god or something.

Nevertheless, he chose not his thoughts to overpower him, so he approached Mr Augustus and greeted.

“Greetings Sir!” He bowed.

But Mr Augustus on the other hand didn’t give him and reply and left his standing position to where Captain jake was. Kneeling on one leg, he clasp his two hands together and bowed his head, saying.

“At your service captain.”

“I'm very sorry for the delay while coming here, Pls accept my forgiveness by giving me a task for my sins!” he pleaded.

Captain make just hummed, and started at Mr clerk sneering.

He could see through Mr clerk eyes the fear within. Me clerk was almost at the verge of Unrinating on himself. 

He never knew of these people as Mr Augustus guest, and also Mr Augustus has never bowed for any of his guest before. 

So for him to how to the one in front of him means that they were extremely powerful and also Low-key.

The other being by captain Jake’s side too spark his suspicions. And that was Green.

For Green to be seated beside the Other guest, with his face bold and his Aura composed, that means he’s actually a bigger boss than Captain jake.

And he was correct Becuse not long before he could come to a conclusion on this matter, Captain jake whispered something into Mr Augustus ear that made Mr Augustus kiss the foot of Green.

Such Authority he had never seen someone posess in his entire life. 

Who is this man? He thought as many times to himself.

His legs  were already shaking, reading to drop to the ground like cooked noodles. His heads were already been occupied by loads of sweat. 

The other lady who held the card activator  was just mute. She didn’t commit any crime nor insulted green, but she had doubts within her at the beginning about Green’s personality. 

“I'm very sorry Young master for the blows youv’e been recieving from my co- workers. I’ll make sure to handle them as best as I can!” 

Mr Augustus said as he kissed the foot of Green more and more.  

“I’ll get your card activated this minute!”

He stood up as he rushed to the lady who held the card activator, collected the machine from her and swipe the card on it.

Beep beep

Activator- This card is active and ready to use!


The number of zeros were unbelievable. And everyone present apart from Captain Jake and Me Augustus held their breathes in Awe.

Mr Augustus knew of lord Alexander and knew the kind of amount he possesses even though he cannot be  able  to count it. 

After the card was activated, mr Augustus have it back to Green, as green took it from him and put it back in his pocket.

“So how do you guys want to be punished?” Green spoke out courageously.

Even the bald man who was unconscious before and tried regaining himself that time could hear him clearly. 

He wished he was already dead, Becuse now that the card is working fine, it means he’ll have to face the wrath of Green.

The sales woman in the other hand didn’t know what to do at that point. She wished the world could just reverse back in time so she could just make things work out better instead of fighting with Green over a card that was working but was just inactive for a while.

Never in her life again would she look down on anyone.

The cashier by her side did the sign of the cross and thank God for saving her life. She was always thought moral lessons and never to look down on people and it saved her life today.

Green could see the looks in the eyes of all those who insulted him. Begging, pleading that he should just forgive and let go. That he shouldn’t hurt them. 

But NO!

He can’t just let them go like that, else they wouldn’t learn, so he kindly turned to Mr Augustus and asked.

“How are you able to run Galaxy city bank with this kind of co-worker by your side who doesn't follow procedures before going into conclusion?”

Me Augustus startled for a while, then suddenly he answered Green, “ I’m sorry Young master. I might be blind ever since and not open my eyes to see things that have been happening behind the scene. But I promise you, I’m going to deal with matter effectively!”

“Mr clerk!” He shouted, while turning and facing the crowd.

“Yes Sir!” Mr clerk replied in utter despair.

“From now henceforth, you seize to be the Manager of Galaxy city bank. And you’d also be put under further investisgation your see if they’re other crimes you’re associated with.”

“Get this man arrested this minute!”

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