The Return of The Richard Dwayne

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The Return of The Richard Dwayne

By: Dragonix Loki OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 10 views: 110

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Richard Dwayne, who had been leaning on his wife’s family for three years, recently went through a divorce with his powerful wife. His ex-wife was pretty convinced that he’d come crawling back, asking for another chance. But guess what? Richard showed up in style, cruising in a fancy car to pick up his new mysterious wife.

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10 chapters
Chapter 1: Thousand BMW Cars!
Richard arrived at the Citadel Hotel, successfully locating the VIP room occupied by his wife, Dharia Nelsons.Dharia Nelsons, the most beloved person in the entire Nelsons Family. Her unmatched beauty attracted many young billionaires.However, it all ended about three years ago.Her Grandfather Nelsons, one of the elders of the Nelsons Family, forced Dharia to marry Richard, someone who was poor and had no power whatsoever.Since then, Dharia’s name became the subject of ridicule for many.Today is the day when Dharia’s classmates are holding a reunion event.If only her company wasn’t in trouble, and she didn’t need billions of monies to maintain its stability, she wouldn’t have come to this event.“Dharia, they said you’re married, right? So, why are you here alone? Why didn’t you bring your husband with you?”“Remember, you used to be the campus heartthrob, right? How could you marry a poor guy? Those gossips aren’t true, right? I can’t believe you did what they all said.”“Oh ye
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Chapter 2: Will. Not. Apologize!
Thud!The loud thud made everyone jump in surprise.“Ahhh!!!” the man cried out in pain, clutching his head and releasing his grip on Dharia.Immediately, someone else shouted in response, “Blood! He’s bleeding!”“Richard, are you crazy?! This is Elvan Winston, the nephew of Diamond Group’s general manager, Mr. Raylon Winston! Have you had enough of life to dare hit him until he bleeds like this?!” Dharia exclaimed, feeling weak as not only had ten billion disappeared just like that, but she was also facing trouble with the largest company in Almolia City.Diamond Group’s general manager—what kind of madman would dare challenge him?“Richard! How dare you hit me?!” Elvan stared at Richard with bloodshot eyes as blood flowed down his face. His right hand pressed against the wound on his head, trying to stop the bleeding.The entire room froze upon hearing Winston’s outcry. No one dared to stand in the way of the nephew of Diamond Group’s general manager. It was akin to signing their ow
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Chapter 3: Captain!
“I promise to divorce you,” Richard said in a flat tone.What?! Once again, Richard’s unexpected action left everyone stunned. That useless trash was planning to divorce Dharia? What about his own life? Could someone like him survive when let loose on the streets? Who would want to hire Richard anyway?He’d surely starve to death!Richard couldn’t possibly promise to kneel before Elvan. What was wrong with apologizing? His earlier actions were solely to protect his wife, as a husband, it was obviously something he should do.Dharia’s mouth hung open, shocked by Richard’s words. Elvan was similarly taken aback. Who would have thought that the useless man would decide to divorce Dharia? Since when did this obedient man turn so stubborn?Had he been struck by lightning?“What? What did you just say?” Dharia asked, making sure she heard Richard correctly. There must be something wrong with her ears.She didn’t mishear, did she?This trash really wanted to divorce her?How could this be?!
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Chapter 4: Elite Group
Richard raised his index finger and pointed it at every officer present in the room. “You, you, you... All of you... Today’s your last day! The Almolia City Prison, which is 160,000 square meters in size, will be leveled to the ground!”Why?Because he had the power to do so.Because his three-year leave had ended.Because he was Richard Dwayne, the man who made the whole world submit to him!Indeed, his words were not mere boasting as everyone had assumed. He could easily dispose of them all in less than ten seconds. Flattening the city prison? That was easy for him! He had plenty of henchmen who could do it in just one day.The leader of the group fell silent for a moment, then snorted and laughed, “Hahaha! You brat! Are you that crazy out of fear of death? Leveling the prison to the ground? Hello? Do you even know who you are dealing with? A parasite in the Nelsons Family, given food to eat, and now you’re trying to act tough? Stop dreaming!”After speaking, the officers in the roo
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Chapter 5: The promise!
Here!Is this....Right! These are the people who caused a stir worldwide three years ago. They are the soldiers whose power is feared by the whole world. Everyone in this country knows who they are. The same goes for people abroad.“How’s that?” Elvan asked, leaning forward, trying to get a clearer look at the business card thrown by the captain. He then intentionally made a surprised expression, though not genuinely surprised, “Wow! A world-class elite group? That’s insanely scary!”Seeing Richard’s expression unchanged, Dharia became increasingly annoyed, “You still don’t realize how ridiculous your actions are! One, you hired these people to pretend to be a world-class elite team. Two, you made fake identities to convince them. Three, you no longer respect Winston. I’m sick of you!”After speaking, Dharia took her bag from the table and stepped towards the door. It’s better to escape from this place before the situation gets more complicated. She’s afraid Richard’s foolish actions
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Chapter 6: Arrive in Style!
“Because I want to step back for 3 years first, and today is the last day.”“Why do you want to step back for 3 years?” Captain asked, curious about Richard’s statement.“You’ll find out soon enough.”Richard didn’t want to talk much because he couldn’t say why he had to do it.The Captain suppressed his curiosity and said, “The ones in Ligos City already got the news, now they’re waiting for your return at headquarters. Until now, I still can’t believe I finally found you....”“I still don’t want to go home now.”Richard immediately cut off the Captain’s speech without waiting for him to finish. Richard had a habit of putting his hand in his pocket, and inside he felt a bank card.The card... was the card Richard wanted to give to Dharia at the hotel.“Eh?” all the team members were surprised to hear it and turned to Richard simultaneously. “Why? Everyone has been waiting for you to come home.”“Yes, let’s go home together!”“Country Rio Dio still needs you, and there are still many
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Chapter 7: The World can be mine!
Open up!Never before had any member of the Nelsons Family witnessed such a commotion. One by one, the Nelsons Family cautiously approached the car, staring intently at its door.“Tik Tik Tik Tik!”One person!Two person!From the Jeep Hawk Rider, 17 other men in military uniforms and long boots, along with their captain, emerged.Anastas carefully observed their attire, feeling a sense of familiarity with the logo on their shirts, as if he had seen it the year before.“Anastas, who are your friends? How come there are so many of them?”Though Anastas didn’t know who the person before him was, in his heart, he knew he couldn’t possibly know someone as impressive as them.“Hello, I’m Anastas from Almolia City...” Anastas greeted cautiously as he approached.But they paid no attention to Anastas and stood erect, forming two rows in front of the door.Immediately, the 17 men formed two rows to the left and right, standing with their chests out and heads held high.“The Nelsons Family’s h
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Chapter 8 : Captain Team AX009
The entire Nelsons Family stared at Richard as if he were insane.As long as he wants?Everything in this world could be his?“Pfft... hahaha!”Anastas laughed at the thought of the woman he liked marrying a poor and clueless man.Anastas flaunted his car keys in front of Richard and said, “Can you afford to buy a car worth billions? I’ve heard Aunt say you’re worthless, but turns out you’re not just poor but also full of yourself. Now the Nelsons Family is short of 4 billion. You’re rich, right? Let’s see it!”“Do you really want me to see the money?”“Go ahead! Don’t just talk! Poor people are so full of themselves!”“Hahaha, Carmen’s husband wants to help our company? Amazing. Come on, show us your card.”Whether it was Anastas or the Nelsons Family, they all spat harsh words at Richard.“Okay! See for yourselves if I can really give you 4 billion!”Richard then put his right hand into his pocket. Those who saw it almost believed instantly. However, Richard didn’t pull out anything
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Chapter 9: Agrees to Divorce?
“This card must be fake, right? You’re not close to him, are you?”The Nelsons Family was puzzled as they looked at Anastas because he kept denying Richard’s relationship with the Captain. It seemed like he still couldn’t believe what had just happened.But Richard just smiled arrogantly as he lifted the card in his hand.“Do you think I’m not close to him? Do you think this card is fake?”“Pfft, who knows? It’s been 3 years, you didn’t even have money to buy Dharia a birthday gift, how could you possibly....” Anastas retorted while looking at the card in Richard’s hand.But the moment Anastas saw the picture on the card ... there were the initials “ML”!Monolith Bank!There was no mistake, that card was a Monolith Bank card!Only someone whose wealth could match that of the Monolith Group held a ML bank card!“Anastas. What did you say to this trash earlier? How could he have 4 billion? I really don’t know what this person does with his life! Doesn’t he feel ashamed? How dare he boas
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Chapter 10: Monolith Belongs to Richard
Everyone fell silent upon hearing Richard’ words.“Are you sure you want to divorce Dharia?” Carmen asked.“I didn’t hear wrong, did I? This trash wants to divorce Dharia?” her sister chimed in. “Is it because he’s scared of Winston being angry, so he wants to run away?”Richard’s last hope for Dharia vanished when he saw the hatred on Dharia’s face.“Tomorrow I’m going to the civil registry office to arrange the divorce papers,” said Richard. “With the backing of your friend who claims to be the general manager of Diamond Group, I can get him fired with just one word from me! Don’t expect me to apologize to him!”At first, Carmen felt extremely happy that Dharia could finally escape from the useless man and now marry a wealthy man.But she was surprised when she heard Richard’ words earlier, “Hey, can you actually do that? Do you even know who the general manager of Diamond Group is? Do you know how big Diamond Group is? Look at yourself first, you poor thing! Richard, do you really
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