Chapter 7: The World can be mine!

Open up!

Never before had any member of the Nelsons Family witnessed such a commotion. One by one, the Nelsons Family cautiously approached the car, staring intently at its door.

“Tik Tik Tik Tik!”

One person!

Two person!

From the Jeep Hawk Rider, 17 other men in military uniforms and long boots, along with their captain, emerged.

Anastas carefully observed their attire, feeling a sense of familiarity with the logo on their shirts, as if he had seen it the year before.

“Anastas, who are your friends? How come there are so many of them?”

Though Anastas didn’t know who the person before him was, in his heart, he knew he couldn’t possibly know someone as impressive as them.

“Hello, I’m Anastas from Almolia City...” Anastas greeted cautiously as he approached.

But they paid no attention to Anastas and stood erect, forming two rows in front of the door.

Immediately, the 17 men formed two rows to the left and right, standing with their chests out and heads held high.

“The Nelsons Family’s house has arrived!”

Their voices thundered, audible several meters away.

Carmen and her siblings took deep breaths, shocked by what lay before them. They continued to gaze into the car like curious villagers seeing a super fancy car for the first time, wondering who was inside.

“Why do they seem cooler than the guards in movies?”

“Even the subordinates look fierce, the person inside the car must be even more impressive! I can’t wait to meet them!”

“If only Dharia could marry someone like this... I’d be so happy.”

As Carmen spoke, she remembered Richard, that useless person.

Richard couldn’t even have a dozen subordinates, let alone become someone else’s subordinate. 

But as Carmen imagined her useless son-in-law, footsteps approached from the front.

“They’re coming down, they’re coming down. Sisterrr!”

“Anastas, your friend is coming...”

They all began to imagine what the person in the car looked like.


Suddenly, Carmen’s heart pounded fiercely, and the other members of the Nelsons Family, including Carmen’s astonished siblings, stared wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

Slowly, starting from his long legs, then his body, followed by his neck, and finally his face... which was unmistakably familiar to them all!

The person who emerged from the car was wearing checkered pants, the color of which was already fading, and a shirt bought from a roadside at a price no more than a few tens of thousands.

It was—


Everyone was shocked to see that the person coming out was Richard.

Carmen’s eyes widened in disbelief at Richard.

“I... I’m not seeing things, right?! He... he... he... he’s Richard?!”

Andrew hated how the Nelsons Family members stared at Richard in shock and was about to say something.

But Richard was used to their treatment and stopped Andrew, “That’s enough. We’re here, you guys go home.”

Since Richard himself didn’t want to make a fuss, Andrew didn’t say much and said, “Alright then, we’ll leave. We’ll wait for your return.”

“At ease!”

Andrew and the others saluted Richard, then got back into their super expensive and luxurious Jeep Hawk Rider and left.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the Nelsons Family’s house became so quiet. They were all still stunned, watching the cars that had just driven away.

“Richard, wh-who are you really...”

“How did you manage to ride the Hawk Rider? Is it yours?”

“That was a Jeep Hawk Rider! That’s a limited edition super expensive and luxurious car, the price of one car could buy four houses!”

Carmen and her siblings eyed Richard suspiciously. Even though they saw with their own eyes how respected Richard was by his men, they still insisted that Richard was worthless.

He couldn’t possibly drive such an expensive car, and he couldn’t possibly know great people like them.

“No, the car belongs to them, they just gave me a ride,” Richard replied.

“Gave you a ride?” Carmen said disappointedly, “Then how do you know rich people like them?”

“We were comrades in the war before. Coincidentally, we met at the hotel, so they gave me a ride home. The car isn’t mine, and they’re not my relatives. You must be disappointed, huh?”

Of course they were disappointed. Not just disappointed, but also resentful.

“I’ve told you, haven’t I? You’re useless like this, how could you ever afford a nice car? Trash remains trash. Even your friends already have expensive cars and many subordinates. Look at you, you don’t even have a car. It’s better if you just die right there. All you do is bother Dharia!”

“. . .”

Those words were indeed very hurtful. Everyone branded Richard as useless and only brought shame to the Nelsons Family.

“Why are you just silent? Quickly clean up the dishes over there.”

Back when Richard used to hear Carmen’s scolding, he could still hold himself back, thinking that what he was doing wasn’t enough.

Richard thought Dharia could see the effort he put in. But now, Richard understood. No matter how hard he tried, it was useless when faced with power and money, so he didn’t want to obey Carmen anymore.

“I wonder why Dharia married a useless person like you. Look at Anastas, he has a big salary, can buy a new car, and works in the government. He also said he has a friend in Ligos city, what’s his name?”

Anastas proudly said, “He’s the captain of the special team AX009 from Ligos city. Richard, you know what AX009 is, right? Three years ago, I fought alongside him. Last year, I just met ...”

Special team AX009?

Wasn’t it the special team that escorted Richard just now?

If Anastas really knew his captain, then why didn’t his subordinates recognize Anastas? It was obvious that Anastas was just bragging.

Let alone knowing him, meeting him once was already lucky.

“Anastas, are you sure you know the Captain?” Richard teased.

Before Anastas could answer, Carmen interrupted, “Why are you talking like that to him? If Anastas doesn’t know, do you know him yourself? Quickly wash the dishes there, don’t disturb the guest. Trash!”

Richard could only shake his head in disappointment. He laughed at himself for being so foolish, laughed at himself for wanting to move them emotionally back then.

“Am I trash? Do you really think I have nothing?! Do you think I can’t even buy a car? From today onwards, if I want to, everything in this world can be mine!”

To be continued...

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