Chapter 8 : Captain Team AX009

The entire Nelsons Family stared at Richard as if he were insane.

As long as he wants?

Everything in this world could be his?

“Pfft... hahaha!”

Anastas laughed at the thought of the woman he liked marrying a poor and clueless man.

Anastas flaunted his car keys in front of Richard and said, “Can you afford to buy a car worth billions? I’ve heard Aunt say you’re worthless, but turns out you’re not just poor but also full of yourself. Now the Nelsons Family is short of 4 billion. You’re rich, right? Let’s see it!”

“Do you really want me to see the money?”

“Go ahead! Don’t just talk! Poor people are so full of themselves!”

“Hahaha, Carmen’s husband wants to help our company? Amazing. Come on, show us your card.”

Whether it was Anastas or the Nelsons Family, they all spat harsh words at Richard.

“Okay! See for yourselves if I can really give you 4 billion!”

Richard then put his right hand into his pocket. Those who saw it almost believed instantly. However, Richard didn’t pull out anything and seemed to have lost something.

“Hahahaha. He’s just pretending so well!”

“I thought he was actually going to take something out of his pocket. He’s really good at acting.”

“Didn’t you say you’re rich earlier? Where’s the money? Show us, don’t just talk!”

Richard frowned at the mockery from the Nelsons Family. He vividly remembered the card being in his pants pocket earlier. But why did it suddenly disappear?

Could it be... the card fell into the car?

“My card fell, I can ask them to bring it here right now,” Richard said.

Anastas couldn’t help but laugh at Richard’s defense, “Your card fell?  Do you think we’ll believe that? Don’t you realize you’re poor? You’re just useless trash.”

Carmen couldn’t bear her embarrassment any longer and joined in berating Richard, “You’re useless. You might as well die. You only make trouble for Dharia!”

Richard didn’t respond to their insults. He took out his phone and called Captain Team AX009 right in front of the Nelsons Family and gave the command, “Check if my card fell in the car. Deliver it to the Nelsons Family’s house within 5 minutes!”


“Did you hear what he said?”

“Bring his card? Richard, are you crazy? If you can really give 4 billion, I’ll bow down and kiss your feet right now.”

Everyone cursed Richard, and even Carmen cursed him for making her lose face in front of her sister.

Anastas flaunted his greatness and connections and looked down on Richard.

But Richard ignored them all and counted down in his mind—


“Nine, eight, seven... three, two!”



Right on Richard’s count, the screeching sound of a car’s brakes suddenly broke the insults from the Nelsons Family members.

Then they all looked towards the entrance.

“Wow! He really came!”

“Let me see if he really came to give you his card!” said Anastas. “I want to see which rich person can give you a bank card with 4 billion!”

Just as Anastas finished his sentence, a familiar figure appeared before them.

They were all wide-eyed and trembling, seeing the person who came.

“Ca... Captain!”

Impossible! How could he come here?

The Captain from the elite A-class team AX009 stood tall and walked towards Richard.

Could it be...?

No! It couldn’t be!

“He’s the one who came in the Hawk Rider car earlier, right? What’s he doing here?”

“Maybe he’s here to look for Anastas?”

The Nelsons Family members discussed the captain dressed in military attire and then turned to Anastas.

There they saw Anastas trembling in fear. “Cap... captain... I’m Anastas, I met you last year...” But the Captain walked past Anastas without a glance and went straight to Richard.

Anastas was shocked to the point of almost falling, seeing the Captain, who even his superiors had to bow to, paying respect to Richard.

“Here’s your bank card. If there are no other orders, I’ll return to headquarters.”

Richard looked like a boss receiving the card, then he glanced at Anastas.

Anastas was stunned, his face showing disbelief at what he had just witnessed.

“Do you know that person?” Richard asked the Captain, pointing at Anastas.

“Don’t know him at all. Who is he? Is there anything to order?”

The Captain’s respectful tone towards Richard made Anastas’s face instantly pale.

“I guess not.”

Then Richard gave him a mocking look, thoroughly enjoying Anastas’s fear.

“Okay then. You can go home now.”

The Captain nodded and then left Richard and the others.

The other Nelsons Family members were stunned. It wasn’t until the Captain left that they began to speak.

“Don’t say that’s your card! There’s probably no money in it, or you borrowed the card! Right?”

“Tch! Poor but arrogant. Look at Anastas... hey, what’s wrong with Anastas?”

Carmen found Anastas’s entire body soaked in sweat and continuously staring at the departing Captain.

Then Anastas turned around and asked Richard in a stuttering voice, “Who are you? How do you know him?”

To be continued...

Thank you for reading this chapter; I guarantee the conflict will get even more exciting! Stay tuned for the continuation of this story.

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