Chapter 6: Arrive in Style!

“Because I want to step back for 3 years first, and today is the last day.”

“Why do you want to step back for 3 years?” Captain asked, curious about Richard’s statement.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

Richard didn’t want to talk much because he couldn’t say why he had to do it.

The Captain suppressed his curiosity and said, “The ones in Ligos City already got the news, now they’re waiting for your return at headquarters. Until now, I still can’t believe I finally found you....”

“I still don’t want to go home now.”

Richard immediately cut off the Captain’s speech without waiting for him to finish. Richard had a habit of putting his hand in his pocket, and inside he felt a bank card.

The card... was the card Richard wanted to give to Dharia at the hotel.

“Eh?” all the team members were surprised to hear it and turned to Richard simultaneously. “Why? Everyone has been waiting for you to come home.”

“Yes, let’s go home together!”

“Country Rio Dio still needs you, and there are still many members who need you as their role model, please come home with us!”

“If it’s time to go home, I’ll definitely go home. Now please take me to the Nelsons Family’s house.”


The Captain was about to say something, but he withdrew his words when he saw Richard’s gaze at him.

Then 18 super expensive and rare off-road cars followed by several Rolls-Royces behind departed towards the location of the Nelsons Family’s residence.

At that moment, the Nelsons Family was having a feast at home. They invited Anastas Dong to their house because their company was experiencing financial difficulties.

Anastas Dong was a mature man in his 30s. He worked in a government agency and held a high rank.

“Anastas, you’re still young but already successful, huh.”

“Anastas, I heard you just got a new car worth billions. Oh, I’m so happy to have a son as great as you.”

Anastas was sitting in the middle and receiving praise from all the members of the Nelsons Family.

“No, it’s nothing, even Dharia’s husband is not less great in supporting the family!” Anastas humbly replied.

What’s great about him? Richard didn’t support the Nelsons Family! Every day, all he did was housework and relied on others for a living!

“Oh, talking about useless people makes me angry! What’s so good about him? All he does is laze around. I don’t understand why Grandpa decided to match Dharia with him. Maybe he’s just old and senile. But thankfully, for the past 3 years, Dharia has never slept in the same room with him... haish, all my life I’ve only hoped Dharia could marry a guy like you.”


Dharia’s mother, Carmen, kept belittling Richard and praising Anastas.

As a mother, she not only insulted her own daughter in front of others, but even said that Richard was useless and gave codes to Anastas to approach Dharia.

This was a huge insult to Richard’s dignity!

“Aunt, I’m not that great either. I just bought a car worth billions. Oh yeah, speaking of which, what car does Dharia’s husband drive every day?”

Suddenly, a woman sitting next to Carmen spoke up, “That trash bought a car? He can’t even afford a used electric bike! Even if he works his whole life, he won’t be able to buy a single car tire.”

Carmen looked displeased hearing the sarcasm from her own sister.

But when she was about to say something in self-defense, she suddenly saw a very surprising sight outside!


Carmen suddenly stood up from her seat and looked outside her house.

She saw so many cars in front of her house, or more precisely, super expensive and luxurious cars worth billions that she had never seen in her entire life!

“You all quickly look over there! Those... my goodness! Rolls-Royces! So many! What are those 18 cars in front? Why do they look more luxurious than Rolls-Royces? But why do I feel like they’re heading this way?” Carmen exclaimed, pointing to the street in front of her house.

There, a line of luxury cars was heading towards the Nelsons Family’s house.

Carmen’s siblings then turned to Carmen’s direction.

“Wow, those cars are so cool!”

“Quick, let’s look outside!”

“Yeah, it looks like they’re really coming this way!”

Anastas also went to the entrance and saw the line of Jeep Hawk Rider cars neatly lined up under the sunlight. Behind them were several Rolls-Royces!

“There are... 1, 2, 3... there are 18 cars, crazy!”

“It looks like the license plates are from Ligos city! Oh my God! Oh My God! Quickly look at the car plates!”

“0000! All the car plates are 0000, crazy! It looks like they’re really coming here!”

“But we don’t know anyone from Ligos city! Why are they all coming to our house? Do they want to find someone?”

Of course, a small family like theirs had no acquaintance with big shots. But those cars were really heading their way!

But who were the people inside those cars?

Anastas had never in his life seen such a magnificent sight. Just imagine, 18 limited edition super expensive and super rare Jeep Hawk Rider cars lined up in a row! And all the license plates also had 0000 written on them! It raised the question of who the important person inside the cars was?

“Anastas, are they coming here to look for you?” Carmen asked.

Looking for Anastas? Impossible! How could he know someone so great!

Although he thought so in his heart, Anastas still dared to boast, “I have a friend who drives a Jeep Hawk Rider, but I don’t know if it’s my friend inside or not.”

Immediately everyone turned to Anastas.

“Wow, the difference between Anastas and Richard is so huge! How can they be so different! I’m confused!”

“I wonder when Dharia’s husband can drive such an expensive car, I want one too,” said Carmen’s sister.


Suddenly, the woman beside Carmen, none other than her aunt Nelson, said, “Driving such an expensive car? All you can do is daydream! A worthless person like Richard can’t even afford to buy a secondhand box car, let alone deserve to drive such an expensive car like that?!”

Although Carmen looked down on Richard very much, the words spoken by her relatives still made Carmen unhappy.

After all, Richard was still her son-in-law!

‘Brum Brum Brum—”

“They’re coming!”

18 Jeep Hawk Rider cars, whose prices were sky-high even more expensive than a house, simultaneously stopped right in front of them.

“They’re here, they’re really here!”

“Quick, Anastas, let’s go down to greet them!”

The Nelsons Family members eagerly welcomed them as if they were meeting a king.


Suddenly, the door of the black car opened—

To be continued...

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