Chapter 5: The promise!


Is this....

Right! These are the people who caused a stir worldwide three years ago. They are the soldiers whose power is feared by the whole world. Everyone in this country knows who they are. The same goes for people abroad.

“How’s that?” Elvan asked, leaning forward, trying to get a clearer look at the business card thrown by the captain. He then intentionally made a surprised expression, though not genuinely surprised, “Wow! A world-class elite group? That’s insanely scary!”

Seeing Richard’s expression unchanged, Dharia became increasingly annoyed, “You still don’t realize how ridiculous your actions are! One, you hired these people to pretend to be a world-class elite team. Two, you made fake identities to convince them. Three, you no longer respect Winston. I’m sick of you!”

After speaking, Dharia took her bag from the table and stepped towards the door. It’s better to escape from this place before the situation gets more complicated. She’s afraid Richard’s foolish actions will affect her, leaving no one else willing to help her company.

For Dharia, her family’s company is far more important than the trash that is Richard, her own husband—who will soon be her ex-husband.


Suddenly, the sound of a pistol shot echoing on the floor reverberated in the room.


The leader of the group who had wanted to capture Richard immediately stepped back in fear. So frightened, he didn’t even look back and stumbled over a table. He fell to his knees in front of Richard.

“Sorry!” the man exclaimed, slapping his own cheek. “I apologize for not knowing who you are, Sir. I was too foolish! Please forgive me!”

Everyone in the room fell silent upon hearing the man’s apology. Including Dharia, who stopped in her tracks right at the door. How surprised she was to see the leader of the group from the city’s Management Center kneeling before Richard.

Elvan, who had been smiling, thinking he had won, was now stunned to see this.

Some others began to open their mouths, “Wh-What’s happening?!”

“What are you doing?! These cards are fake, right?! You...,” Elvan panicked.

Before his sentence finished, the group leader raised his head and shouted tremulously, “Shut up, damn you! Fake from where, huh?! You want me dead?! Their identity cards are genuine, understand?!”


From the terrified expression on the group leader’s face, it seemed what he said was true. These soldiers were no ordinary soldiers.

“How could...,” Elvan muttered softly, his head suddenly spinning. “Richard is a nobody, how could he know people like th—”


The captain kicked the kneeling group leader, sending him rolling several meters backward, and said, “I’ll report your actions to the minister! Get out of here!”

“A-Alright, Sir! I’m leaving right now!” the group leader replied, then ran out of the room in a hurry.

The captain’s gaze then shifted to Richard. His tone instantly became polite, “Three years... We thought we’d never meet you again... I-I...”

Richard patted the captain’s shoulder and said, “Let’s talk outside. Come on, let’s all get out of here!”

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Richard without blinking. What they had just experienced felt very unreal, like a dream.

Isn’t this Richard Dwayne, the son-in-law of the Nelsons Family, Dharia Nelsons’s famously useless husband? How could he have such power, and they didn’t know? Who is Richard Dwayne really?

“Richard, stop!” Dharia shouted, trying to stop her husband. “How do you know these people? Who are you really?”

“Tch!” Richard retorted, then lowered his head. He put one hand in his pocket and looked at the woman with a mocking gaze, “Hahaha! Me? I’m just a dog, trash, scum who’s been looked down upon by your family, but oops, suddenly became the king of the world!”

He turned around and walked out, “See you at the civil registry office!”

Their three-year marriage, shattered just because of one sentence Dharia said, “One guy from the streets is far better than you!”

Dharia was confused by Richard’s response.

If Richard really was a world ruler, why would he endure insults for the past three years?

What is the man’s true motive?

Is there a secret agenda that people shouldn’t know, that Richard would bear such a heavy burden for one person for three years? Crazy! She didn’t expect the man to be this strong.

Trash like Richard, apparently has many mysteries unknown to people.

And this is also the first time she learned who Richard really is, although she still doesn’t fully understand it. Her mind is still spinning, thinking about the series of events that just happened. From the beginning when Richard offered her a luxury car, helped her company, and even when the man claimed to be a world ruler.

It’s impossible....

“You still can’t believe it, can you? It’s okay, just think of me as trash, poor, penniless, are you satisfied with all those labels?” Richard said in his mind.

From today on, the whole world will know the true identity of Richard Dwayne. There’s no more time to hide, pretend, endure all the insults. Richard Dwayne, who he is now, is someone everyone in this world should respect!

Seeing Richard leave, Elvan cursed in his mind. He had been humiliated in front of his peers by that useless man. Somehow, he had to find someone to kill him!

In the hotel lobby, the CEO, managers from various departments, and employees working that day sent Richard off with cheers and applause. They all bowed ninety degrees towards Richard’s departing convoy.

“Finally, I can see my idol with my own eyes! This isn’t a dream, right?!”

“We’ve been searching for you for the past three years, wondering when you’d return. This country has been in dire need of you, Captain!”

“The team you used to lead, the old comrades, they’re all gone. When news of the Captain’s disappearance spread, one by one, enemy forces began to attack. They thought you were gone, and Rio Dio Country became an easy target!”


The eighteen soldiers crowded together with Richard in one car conveyed their inner thoughts. Some were touched, some were happy, some were furious with their enemies.

Richard looked out the window and said, “Yes, it’s been three years.”

For three years, he had hidden his true identity, controlling his emotions while the Nelsons Family continued to mock him.

All of that was enough until today!

From now on, it won’t be like that anymore!

“And you...” The man seemed hesitant to tell Richard. “I heard you married the daughter of the Nelsons Family and became what people call a ‘husband who follows his wife,’ right? I don’t understand, why would you marry a woman like that? When I heard she insulted the Captain, I was truly enraged.”

Richard chuckled at the man’s words, “Turns out, three years of hard work wasn’t valued more than a bank card with ten billion…”

Dharia, who now bore no resemblance to the girl who had once saved him, didn’t even remember that incident. The promise made with Richard back then, Dharia had also forgotten it, as if she had never made a promise at all.

If it weren’t for Grandpa Nelsons saying that Dharia was the one who saved him, maybe he would have been suspicious of Dharia then.

“Thank goodness Dharia agreed to divorce you, otherwise, you’d surely suffer living with a woman like that for the rest of your life,” He man added and he was Andrew Lawson.

“But... Why did the Captain suddenly disappear back then?” he asked Richard.

Richard’s gaze instantly shifted to him.


To be continued...

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