Chapter 4: Elite Group

Richard raised his index finger and pointed it at every officer present in the room. “You, you, you... All of you... Today’s your last day! The Almolia City Prison, which is 160,000 square meters in size, will be leveled to the ground!”


Because he had the power to do so.

Because his three-year leave had ended.

Because he was Richard Dwayne, the man who made the whole world submit to him!

Indeed, his words were not mere boasting as everyone had assumed. He could easily dispose of them all in less than ten seconds. Flattening the city prison? That was easy for him! He had plenty of henchmen who could do it in just one day.

The leader of the group fell silent for a moment, then snorted and laughed, “Hahaha! You brat! Are you that crazy out of fear of death? Leveling the prison to the ground? Hello? Do you even know who you are dealing with? A parasite in the Nelsons Family, given food to eat, and now you’re trying to act tough? Stop dreaming!”

After speaking, the officers in the room immediately seized Richard. They pulled out their electric batons and struck Richard’s arm. No one dared to stop the officers from doing this, not even Dharia, his wife. Everyone just watched, shaking their heads.

As the electric baton came within thirty centimeters of Richard’s arm...


Richard kicked the officer, sending him flying several meters backward. The officer groaned in pain, clutching his stomach as the pain spread throughout his body.

Everyone was shocked by this turn of events.

How could this trash dare to kick someone from the government?

Wasn’t he afraid of death?

Or perhaps the man was completely insane?

“How dare you attack police officers?!”

Other officers who witnessed this stood motionless, staring at their comrade who was now in pain. One of them said, “You bastard! Are you looking to die?”

The officers felt confident that they could finish off Richard, not just because of their numbers but also because they were much more trained than ordinary people.

“Kill him! Just beat him to death!” Elvan shouted from behind. He smiled at Richard, imagining the man spitting blood as he awaited his demise.

Unfortunately, that smile lasted only three seconds.

What they saw next was utterly astonishing.

Bam! Thud! Bam! Thud!

In just five seconds, all the officers in the room were lying on the ground. Each one fell with just one blow from Richard. It sounded unbelievable, but that’s exactly what had just happened.

This was something effortless for someone like Richard.

Now, everyone’s eyes were on Richard. “Wait, what? Why is he suddenly this strong?”

Wasn’t Richard the weak and useless person they had known all along? How could he become super strong, fighting off several trained officers in the blink of an eye? What’s going on?

“This brat is asking for death,” said the leader of the group, drawing his pistol from his waist and aiming it at Richard’s head. “Now, what are you daydreaming about? God, huh?! I’ll give you three seconds, put your hands on your head and kneel on the floor. If not, I’ll kill you!”

Instantly, the atmosphere in the room turned tense. Everyone was terrified at the thought of Richard’s head being blown open and blood splattering everywhere. They all instinctively sought cover to avoid being hit by the spray of blood.

Richard’s fate seemed sealed; there was no way he could escape this situation. That’s what everyone in the room thought. Kicks and punches might still be dodged by the man, but they doubted Richard could dodge a bullet traveling at the speed of sound.

“Sir, no need for much talk,” Elvan interjected. “He’s just desperate. Just break his legs already. No one cares if this trash dies!”

Indeed, no one cared about Richard.

At least that’s what Elvan thought.

Richard stood still in his place. He looked at everyone with a mocking smile. Then his gaze settled on the leader of the group, mocking him.

Angered by the expression on Richard’s face, the leader of the group immediately aimed his pistol at Richard’s knee. He cocked the gun, and...

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of heavy boot steps filled the corridor. The ground seemed to tremble with each step they took. Every second, the sound grew louder, approaching the room where Richard and the others were.

And indeed, a group of dark-green-uniformed men stopped in front of the room’s door. Their faces were serious and firm. Like seasoned soldiers who had been deployed to the battlefield multiple times, their killing aura was so strong that it made the hair on everyone’s neck stand on end.

The eighteen soldiers focused their eyes on Richard, who had his hands in his pockets and was smiling mockingly. They were so enthusiastic that they couldn’t even speak when they saw the man.

“Who are you?!” exclaimed the leader of the group, staring at them. “What are you doing here?!”


The soldiers pushed their way into the room. Led by their captain, Andrew, they all saluted Richard, who was being held at gunpoint.

Then, in a firm and loud voice, they said in unison, “Ready! Captain of the Class A elite soldier, Special Team AX009, Elite Group, welcomes your arrival!”

“Ready! Andrew Lawson, Class A soldier, Special Team AX009, Elite Group, welcomes your arrival!”

“Ready! ...”


The sight of soldiers saluting was nothing new, but why did it send shivers down their spines?

Dharia stared blankly at the soldiers.

Similarly with Winston and the others. Their mouths were wide open, watching as the burly soldiers paid their respects to Richard.

“W-Who are they?! Some kind of Elite Group? Class A Warriors? Why are you showing respect to this trash, Richard???” Elvan asked, confused.

But something crossed his mind. No wonder Richard showed no fear at all earlier, even after being threatened with a pistol. Apparently, the man had invited them to pretend to be soldiers.

“Hahaha! Your tactics are quite clever, Richard!” Elvan praised Richard. “You invited these people to pretend to be elite soldiers? Do you think I’m that foolish, huh?! How stupid!”

Unfortunately, it was Winston who was foolish. He didn’t know the strength of the identity of the person he had always mocked. If he had known from the beginning, perhaps now he would have turned to Richard, kneeling and begging for forgiveness.

The police leader of the group slowly turned his gaze back to Richard, “Put your hands behind your head!”

“How dare you threaten him?!” the captain scolded the group leader.

“Who are you?!” the group leader asked back. “If you obstruct my work, I’ll take all of you to jail along with this guy!”

Amidst this commotion, Dharia quietly felt disappointed with Richard. The man had apparently planned all this, recruiting people to pretend to be a special team. Someone like him, how could he possibly know important figures? Especially in the military, what connections did he have?


“Hmph!” the captain chuckled, looking at the identification card hanging around the group leader’s neck. “Almolia City Management Center?”

He took his own identification card and threw it in front of the group leader, “There, use your eyes properly, read, who am I?!”

Typical, trying to act powerful, but with fake identification. City management center? Is there such a department in Almolia City? It seems there isn’t.

The group leader snorted as he watched the captain boast. However, the next moment, everything changed when the person looked at the identification card lying on the floor. He blinked his eyes several times, thinking what he saw was wrong...

To be continued...

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