Chapter 3: Captain!

“I promise to divorce you,” Richard said in a flat tone.

What?! Once again, Richard’s unexpected action left everyone stunned. That useless trash was planning to divorce Dharia? What about his own life? Could someone like him survive when let loose on the streets? Who would want to hire Richard anyway?

He’d surely starve to death!

Richard couldn’t possibly promise to kneel before Elvan. What was wrong with apologizing? His earlier actions were solely to protect his wife, as a husband, it was obviously something he should do.

Dharia’s mouth hung open, shocked by Richard’s words. Elvan was similarly taken aback. Who would have thought that the useless man would decide to divorce Dharia? Since when did this obedient man turn so stubborn?

Had he been struck by lightning?

“What? What did you just say?” Dharia asked, making sure she heard Richard correctly. There must be something wrong with her ears.

She didn’t mishear, did she?

This trash really wanted to divorce her?

How could this be?!

Did Richard really want to die to the extent of agreeing to their divorce?

“Dharia, for the past three years, I haven’t given anything to your family, but I’ve done all the housework. Have I ever complained to you? No, right?”

“Don’t just talk about me, try looking at yourself. We’ve been married for three years, but you’ve never let me touch you. Have you ever called me ‘dear’ back? Never, right?”

“I have no money, I’m poor, useless, trash, scum, bastard, so what does that mean? It means I’m not worthy of you. Even your friends said don’t settle for a useless husband like me. You’ll only suffer for the rest of your life if you stay with me. So, according to your words, let’s just get a divorce, okay?” Richard explained at length while staring at Dharia with a mysterious gaze.

He then smiled and turned his back, walking towards the door.

“If you want a divorce, go ahead! I won’t stop you. One guy from the streets is far better than you!” Dharia retorted angrily.

Richard laughed at her response. After three years of trying hard to restrain his ego, was this what he finally got from her?

Dharia, Dharia...If only she knew his true identity. She couldn’t possibly utter those harsh and inhumane words to him. On the contrary, he was sure Dharia would always praise him every day to see his good side.

It’s a pity, Richard had already decided, it would never happen.

After deliberately retiring for three years, he had decided to hand over the large company to his wife. But with one condition, Dharia must also love him back sincerely. Now, the woman’s actions clearly showed that she was not worthy of it.

Perhaps someone from the streets would be better at managing his company. The fact that she came here precisely because her company was in trouble proved it. What would happen if he handed his company over to Dharia?

Perhaps, in an instant, the company would go bankrupt.

“Stop!” Elvan exclaimed, trying to stop Richard. “Who told you to leave? You can’t leave this place!”

Richard ignored the command.


Elvan slammed the table in front of him hard because Richard didn’t obey his command.

“If you dare to leave this place, tomorrow morning, another grave will be filled in Almolia City! Come here! Let me tell you, today you have to kneel in front of me a hundred times, call me ‘daddy’. If not, you’ll spend your whole life in jail, or in a grave!”

Richard turned back, towards Elvan, then narrowed his eyes and asked, “Isn’t your uncle the industry minister?”

Proudly, Elvan puffed out his chest, “So what? Scared? Too late! It’s your fault, being so disrespectful. Just wait for your death, don’t be surprised if you suddenly get ambushed in the middle of the road!”

Dharia’s other friends in the room trembled hearing Elvan’s words. On one hand, they were proud to have a friend like him, but on the other hand, they were also afraid of getting into trouble with him. But one thing was for sure, they all looked at Richard with disgust.

The history of that trash man was over.

Elvan would surely not let him go so easily.

“Spend my whole life in jail?” Richard chuckled at those words. He turned his back and looked for an empty sofa, then sat down on it and said, “Okay, show me, how are you going to send me to jail.”

Elvan smiled satisfactorily seeing Richard decide to stay.

Just wait, Richard, in less than ten minutes, you’ll surely be kneeling and begging for forgiveness!

Everyone smiled seeing Richard’s bold action - which they considered foolish. He had made the wrong decision. Surely, Elvan would finish him off if he stayed.

Of course, they never knew that less than ten kilometers away, Richard’s men were driving super luxury cars with license plates reading ‘0000’. They raced at full speed, ready to pick up their big boss.

In the very back, there was an off-road vehicle containing members of the Special Team.

Every pedestrian and driver was amazed to see this. Those who were guarding the roadside shops rushed out, competing to see Richard’s convoy. Even one of the company bosses who happened to be in the area was astonished.

“That’s the Hawk Rider car, each worth hundreds of billion! There are only eighteen in the world and... One, two, three... They’ve bought them all?! Crazy! How rich is their boss to be able to buy them all?!”

“How did they come to Almolia City? What’s happening here? Could it be... Captain has returned?!”

The boss’s eyes widened as he thought about it. Just imagining the figure of the Captain and all the great deeds he had done made his hair stand on end. He vividly remembered the announcement declaring the Captain missing, whereabouts unknown.

Long live the Captain!

National heroes, saviors of all!


As the procession moved forward, no vehicle dared to obstruct it. Everyone hastily pulled over, making way for them.

Meanwhile, at the same time, Dharia’s classmates found it amusing to see Richard’s calm face. “Hey beggar, can you still pretend to be calm? You have no money, no power, you’re just a husband following your wife, even becoming the Nelsons Family’s pet dog, but you still act like you have everything? Go apologize to Winston, maybe he’ll still forgive you!”

Once again, Richard ignored the words of those people. He just kept a straight face while waiting for the arrival of what he had been anticipating. He paid no mind to what Dharia, Winston, and their friends were thinking.

Just wait, any moment now—


The door of the room was kicked hard until it slammed onto the floor.

A group of police officers came in wearing plain clothes. They looked around and asked sternly, “Which one of you is Richard?! Are you looking for trouble? Come here!”

In that moment, everyone’s gaze shifted to Richard.

Elvan grinned satisfactorily at their arrival. He then spoke to Richard, flaunting himself, “You fool! I warned you countless times but you still didn’t believe me. Just go die!”

After saying that, Elvan glanced at the leader of the group.

The group leader nodded discreetly and then said, “Shackle him, we’re taking him home!”

Home... To heaven.

Everyone shook their heads, thinking about how Richard would soon be leaving this world.

“Do you believe it?” Richard suddenly asked. He then leaned back on the sofa, crossing his legs and arms, “If I were to appear in the government office right now, within just one hour, you’d see a lot of news about me on the internet, on TV, everywhere, causing a sensation.”

The group leader stopped and stared at Richard, “What news?”

Richard thumped his foot on the floor and stood up straight. In an instant, the weak aura of prey turned into the aura of a predator. Lightning-like flashes emanated from his eyes. His self-confidence made everyone who saw him tremble slightly.

To be continued...

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