The Return of The Richard Dwayne
The Return of The Richard Dwayne
Author: Dragonix Loki
Chapter 1: Thousand BMW Cars!

Richard arrived at the Citadel Hotel, successfully locating the VIP room occupied by his wife, Dharia Nelsons.

Dharia Nelsons, the most beloved person in the entire Nelsons Family. Her unmatched beauty attracted many young billionaires.

However, it all ended about three years ago.

Her Grandfather Nelsons, one of the elders of the Nelsons Family, forced Dharia to marry Richard, someone who was poor and had no power whatsoever.

Since then, Dharia’s name became the subject of ridicule for many.

Today is the day when Dharia’s classmates are holding a reunion event.

If only her company wasn’t in trouble, and she didn’t need billions of monies to maintain its stability, she wouldn’t have come to this event.

“Dharia, they said you’re married, right? So, why are you here alone? Why didn’t you bring your husband with you?”

“Remember, you used to be the campus heartthrob, right? How could you marry a poor guy? Those gossips aren’t true, right? I can’t believe you did what they all said.”

“Oh yeah, my boyfriend proposed to me yesterday with a BMW car. What about you? What did your husband give you as a wedding gift?”

Annoying questions kept coming. Everyone seemed to enjoy attacking Dharia, the woman they already considered a joke.

Dharia looked around with a feeling of embarrassment. None of her female friends were not wearing branded clothes. Some even wore clothes from world-famous designers. On the table, there were many luxury car keys that made her even more insecure.


How could Richard buy her a car? He couldn’t even afford a used motorcycle.

“Jaslene...” Dharia said to her best friend hesitantly. “I just got here by taxi because my car is gone due to some issues. Can I borrow some money from you...?”

“Why is your car pawned? You’re already married, right? So, what has your husband been doing all this time? He doesn’t help you at all? Crazy, isn’t it? How can a husband not give a car to his wife after marriage? What kind of husband is that?”

Everyone in the room fell silent hearing Dharia’s friend’s words. No one was unaware of the uselessness of Dharia’s husband.

Indeed, human destiny is unpredictable. Many wealthy men used to pursue Dharia, but she chose to marry a man who was utterly useless.

“Who here doesn’t know that Dharia’s husband is a househusband? All he does is house chores every day. A car? BMW? He would sell his wife to someone else, probably just enough to buy the tires.”

“Tsk tsk, your husband is that useless, huh?”

These taunts left Dharia unable to do anything but lower her head. She indeed married a poor man. Let alone a BMW car, Richard couldn’t even afford its tires.

However, at this moment, a mysterious figure suddenly appeared at the door, and a commanding and intimidating voice came from his mouth...

“Just a BMW car, right? Thousand BMW cars, is that enough? Or is it not sufficient? How many do you want?” someone shouted from the doorway after opening it wide.

Everyone fell silent hearing that question.

Thousand BMW cars?

Who was this person who suddenly entered the room and offered so many luxury cars?

Curious about the owner of that voice, they all turned to the door simultaneously. They thought it might be the child of a big company boss trying to approach Dharia, but their guess was way off. The person at the door was Richard, Dharia’s husband, whom they knew to be very, very poor.

No one spoke for a few seconds, before they all burst into laughter.

“I thought a wealthy person snuck in here!” exclaimed one of Dharia’s female friends while trying to hold back her laughter. She then pointed at Dharia and the person who had just entered the room. “There, Dharia, your husband’s looking for you!”

“Did you say you’ll buy as many BMW cars for Dharia as she wants? Don’t you know how much one car costs? Billions! Can a beggar like you afford such expensive cars? I doubt it. Do you all believe the nonsense this trash is saying?” Another person chimed in, mocking Richard’s words as mere bragging.

“No way! Are we fools? How could he afford such expensive cars?”

Their laughter grew louder. Their eyes mocked Richard. What was the point of that man coming here? Did he not feel content with embarrassing his wife, that he had to show his face to everyone?

“Who asked you to come here?” Dharia asked Richard. She looked at him with an unbearable feeling of shame. “Are you out of your mind?!”

Richard ignored the question. He was so used to Dharia’s insults at home. If only he were still the same as before, he wouldn’t bother coming here to pick up Dharia. But today was different...

He came to tell Dharia that he no longer needed to hide his identity. It was time for people to stop underestimating him. It was time for Dharia to accept what she should have received as the wife of a Richard Dwayne.

Boldly, Richard stepped forward and reached out to Dharia.

“Darling, I know your company is struggling, but you don’t need to come here to borrow money from them. How much do you need? I can give you as much money as you need.”

Instead of being happy, Dharia felt angry hearing Richard’s words. She was not only angry because she thought the man was boasting, but also because the boast was made in front of many people. How could Richard give her money? Especially in such a large amount?

Dharia pushed away Richard’s hand and said with a disgusted feeling, “You? Help me? Richard, are you out of your mind? Just die already! Who asked you to come here? Can’t you do anything to make my life a bit easier? I regret so much trusting my grandfather to marry someone like you!”

Three years ago, she was forced to marry Richard after trusting her grandfather’s words that the man was not powerless and could make her the most respected woman in the country.


All of that was just nonsense!

Look at what’s happening now!

Immediately, everyone in the room applauded enthusiastically for Richard and Dharia. These applause clearly did not reflect their happiness towards the couple. Instead, they were for Richard, who dared to deceive them all.

“He wants to give Dharia as much money as possible!” someone among them scoffed. “You should look down first, how long has it been since your pants were washed? Don’t dream about giving money to Dharia!”

“Dharia, your husband is so funny! He said he would buy you thousand BMW cars, but he never even buys new pants!”

“Oh! Maybe this is like in the movies, he’s actually rich, but pretending to be poor!”

Dharia lowered her head hearing her friends’ words. She clenched her fists tightly, irritated to see Richard come to this place. Wasn’t it enough that she was embarrassed for marrying that man? Why did he have to come and add to her embarrassment with promises that were clearly ridiculous?

That Richard! How dare he embarrass her in front of so many people!

Unfortunately, Dharia was only focused on her own ego. She didn’t know that starting today, let alone BMW cars, Richard could buy her the most expensive things in the world.

“Do you recognize this card?” someone asked Richard while pulling out a gold-colored bank card.

Seeing Richard not speaking, the man clicked his tongue, “How could a poor guy like you possibly know what this is?”

He then looked at Dharia, “There are ten billion in this, if you tell your wife to kiss me once, the money is yours!”

Once again, everything fell silent, amazed to see the man daring to give Dharia that much money just for a kiss. Unlike Richard who couldn’t give anything to his wife, except empty promises.

“T-Ten billion?!” Dharia exclaimed joyfully. With this much money, she could save her company! The money would even be enough to buy her a private car.

Richard chuckled at this.

“Ten billion, right?” Richard asked the man. His tone sounded flat, as if such an amount meant nothing to him.

“Yes, ten billion, you could work until you die and still not have that much money.”

Jaslene, who had been observing since earlier, immediately persuaded Dharia when she saw her friend getting this help, “Dharia, think carefully, don’t waste this much money! It’s hard to get. You just need to kiss him for a second or two, and it’s done!”

While the others cheered Dharia on to accept the offer, Richard walked towards the card thrown onto the table. He picked it up and said, “A kiss for a campus flower costs ten billion. A poor guy like me never sees this much money?”

They all thought Richard agreed to this.

But their assumption was wrong. Instead of pocketing the gold card, Richard broke it in half. Yes, the card containing billions of money was broken in front of everyone.

Everyone fell silent seeing Richard’ actions.

Was that man really stupid, or just pretending to be stupid?

They wondered in their hearts.

“Why are you such an idiot?!” the owner of the card exclaimed. “Dharia, is your husband crazy? This is a card from Diamond Group, it can’t be replaced! If it’s damaged, it means all the money inside is gone! How could your husband possibly compensate for that much money?!”

Dharia’s face turned pale hearing the man’s words. Not only because ten billion was wasted in vain, but also because Richard had just picked a fight with Winston. Someone who clearly wasn’t an equal enemy to her husband.

“I’ve tried to help you, but your husband is like this? Come here, I’ll give you a lesson!”

The man suddenly approached Dharia and hugged her waist, deliberately trying to provoke Richard. No one dared to stop him, even though everyone considered this behavior indecent.

“Hey, poor guy!” the man called out to Richard. “This is the result of your own stupidity!”

He held Dharia’s head and forced her to look at Richard, deliberately so that Richard could clearly see him kissing Dharia.

What a sight? This man dared to hug his wife’s waist in front of him, her rightful wife? Why did the school reunion turn so indecent like this? He had to stop it now!

Dharia belonged to him!

Everyone immediately turned to Richard, but he was no longer in his place. They searched for Richard among the crowd, until their eyes fell on someone standing behind Dharia and the man hugging her.

Richard, with a beer bottle in his right hand, stared at the man touching his wife with a cold gaze. His hand lifted, then swung right towards the man’s head next to Dharia.

To be continued...

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