BIG BOSS, We Beg You!

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BIG BOSS, We Beg You!

By: Calendula Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 47 views: 565

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Fifteen years have passed, and now he returns secretly to seek revenge in cool ways: making people beg to him! Dixon Edric is considered useless son-in-law by the Hamilton Family because he is poor and has a mental illness. However, he actually hides his true identity as a wealthy God of War, and the real BIG BOSS behind the other tycoons.

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  • Lynn Casey


    Please DO NOT neglect or rush to end your other book!!......

    2024-08-05 01:19:25
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47 chapters
Reddof City, International Airport. Fifteen men in black suits rushed out of the exit, each with a serious face as if they were about to fight a formidable enemy. "Faster!" said Edy, the man who was a leader of them. They reached the sidewalk outside the airport. A young man of thirty was sitting on a long bench, slowly exhaling cigarette smoke from his mouth. He is Dixon Edric. "Mr. Abraham hopes you can come back, he misses you a lot." Edy respectfully spoke to Dixon as he stood about five steps behind him. In front of others, Edy had a high standing as a leader, and no one dared to go against him. But in front of Dixon, he felt so low! Dixon turned slightly with a flat expression on his face. "Did he miss my power? Or my money?" If anyone else said something like that, Edy would hate it. How could the rich and powerful Edric family of Reddof City ever covet someone else's power and money? But the man in front of him is different. He is the sole heir of the Edric family
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The door opened and a man walked in. William and his wife couldn't bear to look at him. They knew that Steven would definitely choose the worst man to be Diana's husband. But, Diane turned to look. She wanted to see who would be her husband. Dixon looked into Diana's eyes. He walked right across the hall and everyone was staring at him. Steven smiled condescendingly and said, "Dixon, congratulations! You're going to be husband of one of the Hamilton family's grandchildren!" Steven added, "You don't have to thank us, we just hope you'll take good care of Diana." Steven walked over to Diana and gently took her hand, "Come, Diana." He took Diana's hand and brought her in front of Dixon, then placed his hand in Dixon's hand. All the guests started clapping again when they saw this, as if they were attending a happy wedding ceremony. But, William and his wife knew that everyone was just laughing at them! Tomorrow, all the people in Reddof would know that a useless man had married
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Diana was dumbfounded, in her heart she said, "Dixon dares to slap Sonny?" Diana's face immediately paled with fear. Because, Sonny will kill Dixon because of this! "Why did you obey what I wanted to do?" Diana asked Dixon with a panicked expression on her face. "It's because you're my wife now," Dixon replied casually. I'm just saying it as a form of emotion, not that you should slap him." Diana explained. Diana stared in shock at Dixon. She never expected Dixon to slap Sonny for her. Sonny immediately got up and punched Dixon. All this time, no one had dared to hit him, and even worse, the one who slapped him was Diana's husband: a useless man! His fist had just reached Dixon's chest, but Dixon used one hand to grab Sonny's fist. Dixon suddenly exerted force and the next thing Sonny felt was his wrist breaking! "Aaaa! This hurts!" Dixon whimpered in pain. "Diana is my wife. No one will bully her from now on." Dixon only let go of Sonny's hand after saying this, th
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Meanwhile, Dixon went home with Diana. Diana was still dumbfounded all the way home. She never thought that Dixon would slap Sonny for her. When she snapped out of her reverie, she began to worry. Dixon's attack would definitely offend Sonny. They arrived at Diana's house. Diana pressed the doorbell, and after some time, William opened the door and looked at Diana with guilt-filled eyes. William looked at Dixon who was standing behind Diana. But, he didn't say anything and just nodded. "Let's go in." "Don't come in!" Dixon had not yet entered the house, but when Yoruna came in hastily, her face was still covered in tears. "Get out!" She shooed Dixon away. "Because of you, Diana will be humiliated and bullied in Reddof! You have ruined my daughter's good name! Get out now!" Yoruna cried as she shouted. She was not at all willing to let Dixon marry her daughter. If Dixon was a wonderful man who came from a wealthy family, Yoruna might have been able to accept it. But,
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The next day. Sonny is very happy now. When he gets this project signed, then his position in the Hamilton family will rise to a higher level. He would be the next heir of the Hamilton family. His hand was still bandaged as he walked into the Moster Group office. He walked towards the reception, a look of arrogance on his face. "I'm looking for the CEO Moster to sign the contract." "Hello, do you have an appointment with the CEO?" asked a well-dressed woman. "I am the general manager of Hamilton Group, my name is Sonny Hamilton. We've been discussing this project with CEO Moster for a long time, and we'll be signing the contract today," Sonny replied. "I'm really sorry, CEO Moster won't see anyone without an appointment," The female receptionist smiled calmly. "I said, I'm the general manager of the Hamilton Group!" Sonny began to get annoyed. "I'm really sorry, I only know Miss Diana from the Hamilton Group. CEO Moster has given instructions to allow Miss Diana into
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"Do you always think that everything you've achieved at Reddof over the past five years was given by me?" Witan suddenly asked. Paulo hurriedly replied, "Yes. If you hadn't made the effort to take care of me, I would still be a gangster roaming the streets and wouldn't be where I am today." "No. Think harder!" Witan continued. Paulo was speechless. He realized that this was not the right answer. Suddenly he swallowed and his voice began to tremble, "So...the correct answer is that I've been helped by your big boss all these years?" "Yeah." Witan continued, "He can give you everything. But, he can take everything you have. Do you understand what I mean?" Paulo replied immediately. "I understand. Thank you boss for your guidance, I will make sure to do well!" Witan said no more and hung up. Paulo felt his legs go weak, so he walked over to the sofa and sat down with a long sigh. Cold sweat poured down his forehead due to his nervousness. So, all this time the one behind
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Dixon took a step forward and said calmly. "If you need to ask for a favor, you should ask nicely without being arrogant. Didn't your father teach you that?" "You!" Sonny was furious, but he didn't dare to retaliate. Because, his hand had already been broken by Dixon, he was afraid that Dixon would break his other hand. Stevan frowned. He didn't expect that the husband he found for Diana would actually dare to slap Sonny in front of him. "I haven't solved the previous problem with you!" Steven narrowed his eyes, and pointed at Dixon harshly. But, the moment he looked into Dixon's eyes, he felt like he had fallen thousands of feet into an abyss! It was as if he was looking at a horrible beast waiting to eat him with one bite! Dixon said calmly. "It seems that you're not just here to ask Diana to return to the company. Instead, you're here to make trouble." Steven was too lazy to talk to Dixon who he thought had a mental illness. "Diana, Hamilton Group needs you, you have to
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Steven's face looked even worse. Did they really have to go back to William's house and beg for mercy? Before they were still haughty and didn't care about Diana and her family. If they went to beg her now, wouldn't that be very embarrassing? Steven couldn't bear the thought of humbling himself for this family! After thinking about it, Steven said, "You alone go to beg Diana, even if you have to kneel down to her, it's okay, do whatever it takes to make Diana want to sign this contract!" "Daddy, why should I?" "What? You expect me to do that?" Steven roared at his son, his eyes red. Steven wanted to save his pride. If word got out that he had to beg Diana, he would be so embarrassed. Sonny didn't dare speak up after his father spoke so loudly. He could only obey his father's orders, and he sadly went to Diana's house. *** At William's house. At this time, Diana and her family were having dinner. The table was not very big, everyone took one side of the table and at
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An hour passed. Someone banged on the main door again. William checked it from the window, and he was suddenly frightened. "Steven is here!" Yoruna's face was pale, she was afraid that Steven would get furious here. Considering how bad Steven's temper was, Yoruna could already guess how they would be scolded and insulted. Even Diana looked nervous. She walked into the living room fearfully, as if there were a dozen gangsters carrying baseball bats behind that door. This whole family was behaving as if they were about to meet a formidable enemy! "Open the door." Dixon was using a towel to wipe his hair with a smile. Diana really didn't know what to do with Dixon's relaxed attitude. Was he really not afraid? Or did he just not care? Diana walked to the door and opened it. Steven stood there, and Sonny behind him. "Diana." Steven's face looked rather evil. But he could still force a smile. "Your uncle came here specifically to apologize to you." Diana was speechless.
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The next day. At the Main Entrance of the Hamilton Group Office. There were over a hundred employees standing at the main entrance waiting to welcome Diana. But, anger and displeasure could be seen on their faces. This was because they had only been notified at around 1pm the night before that they had to be at the office an hour early just to welcome Diana. And why should they do this? Especially after they heard some gossip about Diana sleeping with the infamous CEO Moster! Steven was standing right in front and could feel the anger from the employees. This was exactly the effect he wanted. He was the one who had made up the rumors about Diana and CEO Moster's affair. "Have you called CEO Moster?" Steven asked. "Yes. When I told him that Diana would be here, he said he'd be here too," Sonny replied. He was annoyed. Because when he went to see CEO Moster, it was very difficult to get his signature. But, now Diana was representing them, and CEO Moster immediately wanted to com
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