Steven's face looked even worse. Did they really have to go back to William's house and beg for mercy? Before they were still haughty and didn't care about Diana and her family. If they went to beg her now, wouldn't that be very embarrassing?

Steven couldn't bear the thought of humbling himself for this family!

After thinking about it, Steven said, "You alone go to beg Diana, even if you have to kneel down to her, it's okay, do whatever it takes to make Diana want to sign this contract!"

"Daddy, why should I?"

"What? You expect me to do that?" Steven roared at his son, his eyes red.

Steven wanted to save his pride. If word got out that he had to beg Diana, he would be so embarrassed.

Sonny didn't dare speak up after his father spoke so loudly. He could only obey his father's orders, and he sadly went to Diana's house.


At William's house.

At this time, Diana and her family were having dinner.

The table was not very big, everyone took one side of the table and ate in silence.

This was the first time they had one more person at the table to eat.

William did not speak, while Yoruna did not know what to say. She didn't like Dixon.

Diana didn't know what to say either.

However, Dixon instead behaved like he was in his own home, and didn't care about any formalities.

There were more vegetables than meat on the plate on the table, but Dixon ate a lot of food as if it was a delicacy. Seeing him eat like this made Diana think that he had probably starved many times as a homeless person.

Then, there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Yoruna shouted.

"Aunt Yoruna, I'm Sonny."

Yoruna and Diana exchanged glances. Did he really go back to begging Diana like Dixon said?

Yoruna and Diana simultaneously turned to Dixon, but Dixon was still busy eating.

Yoruna opened the door.

Sonny immediately put a big smile on his face. "Is Diana inside?" He had never smiled like this even to his own father.

Sonny Diana sat down at the table and quickly said, "Diana, what happened before was my fault, so I will apologize to you now."

Diana and her parents were stunned by this.

"Hamilton Group can't live without you, Diana. You missed work for just one day, and it made the office a complete mess!" Sonny said. He bowed slightly and continued to smile awkwardly, "Come back to the office, there are so many projects waiting for you to complete."

Diana was still silent, she didn't know how to respond.

"Where's your dad?" Dixon suddenly asked. She stuffed food into her mouth while giving Dixon a sharp glance, "Why isn't he here?"

Sonny started to get angry but still tried to smile. "My dad was too busy so he asked me to come and apologize to Diana. And I wanted to apologize to you too, Dixon."

Sonny really lowered himself this time. He even apologized to Dixon.

Dixon shook his head, "The person who fired Diana was your dad, so he should be the one apologizing here."

Sonny almost went mad. But he was still able to restrain himself.

Diana and her parents looked back at Dixon, they were afraid that Dixon would exaggerate this matter.

Dixon glanced at Sonny, "Tell your dad to come here and apologize to Diana. Otherwise, you will have to bear all the consequences." Dixon's terrifying murderous aura suddenly froze the air around them and threatened Sonny.

Sonny was so angry that his teeth were chattering. He had pleaded very lowly, but Dixon's attitude was very disrespectful to him.

"You! Just wait!" Sonny shouted this at Dixon, then he ran away quickly because he was afraid Dixon would go crazy and hit him again.

Yoruna exchanged glances with William, then they both looked at Diana.

Diana couldn't help but feel a little worried. This was because she knew exactly what kind of people Steven and his son were. They had never seen William as part of the Hamilton family. So, if it upset them, of course they would be able to do bad things to William's family.

"Now you've really offended them, Dixon." Diana sighed.

Actually, it was already not bad that Sonny was willing to come to apologize. But, Dixon didn't seem to care about any of this, and he still insisted that Steven should personally come here to apologize.

"You're wrong." Dixon looked at Diana, "They offended me."

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