"Do you always think that everything you've achieved at Reddof over the past five years was given by me?" Witan suddenly asked.

Paulo hurriedly replied, "Yes. If you hadn't made the effort to take care of me, I would still be a gangster roaming the streets and wouldn't be where I am today."

"No. Think harder!" Witan continued.

Paulo was speechless. He realized that this was not the right answer. Suddenly he swallowed and his voice began to tremble, "So...the correct answer is that I've been helped by your big boss all these years?"

"Yeah." Witan continued, "He can give you everything. But, he can take everything you have. Do you understand what I mean?"

Paulo replied immediately. "I understand. Thank you boss for your guidance, I will make sure to do well!"

Witan said no more and hung up.

Paulo felt his legs go weak, so he walked over to the sofa and sat down with a long sigh. Cold sweat poured down his forehead due to his nervousness.

So, all this time the one behind him was actually a big boss. In his mind, although he didn't know what the big boss looked like, but his mere existence was enough for Paulo to bow down and worship!


At Steven's house.

Harry Hamilton sat down. He came to ask about the project.

"Daddy, this project with the Moster Group is very important for our family," Steven said as he poured tea in his father's glass.

"Of course it is. The Hamilton Group will soon go one level higher." Harry continued happily, "So, what's the status of the project?"

"No problem, Sonny went to sign the contract today." Steven continued, "Sonny is your best grandson, and he never lets you down."

Harry was happy and nodded his head.

"Daddy!" Sonny came running in a hurry.

But, when he saw that his grandfather was here, he didn't dare say anything.

"We were just talking about you." Steven said after seeing his son come home.

Steven continued, "Your grandfather wanted to ask how the project with Moster Group is going so far, has the CEO of Moster signed the contract yet?"

Sonny took a quick glance at his grandfather and became a little nervous.

"This project..."

When Steven saw how Sonny looked hesitant, he had a bad feeling.

"I had gone to the Moster Group today, but the CEO of Moster had to take care of other things. So, he asked me to go again tomorrow to sign this contract." Sonny managed to lie, because his grandfather was present he did not tell the truth.

If his grandfather knew what was really going on, then he would probably kill him!

"Since he asked you to wait one day, then just wait," Harry replied, his face full of smiles.

"Yes, Grandpa. I'll wait like you said." Sonny forced himself to answer.

But, Steven knew something bad had happened. He didn't say anything until his father left, then he called Sonny into his room.

"What happened?" Steven asked without preamble.

"If you dare hide anything from me, I will beat you to death!" Steven continued firmly.

"Dad!" Sonny replied angrily, "It has nothing to do with me! It's because of Diana!"

He angrily continued, "That CEO Moster said he would only sign a contract with Diana, and I was completely kicked out of there!"

Steven had an evil look on his face. Anyone would dare to kick out his son?

"Diana must have slept and made love with that CEO Moster, otherwise how could CEO Moster respect Diana so much?" Sonny speculated badly about Diana.

"Do you know how much our family has invested in this project?" Steven glared at his son, "If we lose this project, your grandpa will kill you!"

Sonny's face immediately turned pale. He was terrified.

"What should we do now?" He asked his father anxiously.

"Get Diana back and sign the project!" Steven shouted, "When she signs, we'll fire her again!"

"Is she willing?" Sonny asked cautiously.

"Call her now!" Steven snapped.

Sonny swallowed and didn't dare argue. He took out his phone and called Diana, but Diana didn't answer his call.

"Daddy, she's not answering. What should we do?"

Steven said coldly, "We should visit her house and ask her to come back to work."

Steven and Sonny immediately went to Diana's house.

30 minutes later.

Steven frowned as he looked at the surrounding area. Diana's residential area was very shabby, and he walked very carefully as if he was afraid of soiling his pants.

The Hamilton family is rich, but all the money is in Harry's hands, and although his children work for the Hamilton Group, but they only receive salaries and annual bonuses.

After William became paralyzed, he couldn't work, so he couldn't support his family anymore. He only had this shabby house.

Sonny banged loudly on the door.

Yoruna immediately opened the door, and saw Steven and his son standing at the door.

"What are you doing here?" Yoruna asked.

"We're looking for Diana. Steven calmly said this while slightly pushing the door and entering. "Where is she?"

Yoruna spoke harshly, "What do you want with her?"

"Diana!" Steven shouted, "Your uncle is here, won't you come out to greet me?"

Diana heard Steven's voice from her room. She didn't expect them to actually come to her house. For years, even after her father was paralyzed, Steven had never visited them. What did they want today?

"Let's go outside." Dixon pulled Diana's hand to bring her out of the room.

Steven asked when he saw Diana coming out of her room, "Diana, are you still angry with me?"

Diana didn't answer.

"About Hamilton Group firing you, it was just a misunderstanding." Steven hurriedly clarified by lying.

"Now, Hamilton Group needs you back to sign that contract with CEO Moster. If you still want to leave Hamilton Group, you can leave after the contract is signed."

Diana's body began to tremble with anger when she heard this. When they didn't need her, they just fired her. When they needed her, they immediately came looking for her. They used her like a tool.

Yoruna reacted angrily, before she had not known about her daughter being fired, but now she understood.

"Steven, what does this mean? You're playing Diana?!" Yoruna was furious.

"Auntie Yoruna, your family isn't worth much." Sonny continued disdainfully, "If Diana wasn't useful for signing this contract, my daddy and I wouldn't want to come to a shabby house like yours!"

Yoruna's expression was filled with anger and she raised one hand to slap Sonny's face.

"Go ahead and slap me if you dare!" Sonny smiled dismissively.

Steven shouted threateningly at Yoruna, "Do you dare slap a Hamilton family member?!"

Yoruna tried to contain her anger, she lowered her hand and would not slap Sonny.

However, suddenly there was a loud slapping sound.

Then, Sonny held his face in disbelief. Dixon had slapped him again!

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