BIG BOSS, We Beg You!
BIG BOSS, We Beg You!
Author: Calendula

Reddof City, International Airport.

Fifteen men in black suits rushed out of the exit, each with a serious face as if they were about to fight a formidable enemy.

"Faster!" said Edy, the man who was a leader of them.

They reached the sidewalk outside the airport.

A young man of thirty was sitting on a long bench, slowly exhaling cigarette smoke from his mouth. He is Dixon Edric.

"Mr. Abraham hopes you can come back, he misses you a lot." Edy respectfully spoke to Dixon as he stood about five steps behind him.

In front of others, Edy had a high standing as a leader, and no one dared to go against him. But in front of Dixon, he felt so low!

Dixon turned slightly with a flat expression on his face. "Did he miss my power? Or my money?"

If anyone else said something like that, Edy would hate it. How could the rich and powerful Edric family of Reddof City ever covet someone else's power and money?

But the man in front of him is different.

He is the sole heir of the Edric family! Thus, Edy must respect him.

"When he kicked me out of the house and married that bitch, then I no longer belong to the Edric family." Dixon exhaled the last of his cigarette smoke, "Dixon now has nothing to do with the Edric family!"

"Don't send anyone to look for me again. Otherwise, I will kill everyone you send!" Dixon said threateningly. His terrifying murderous aura was very visible.

After saying that, Dixon left.

Edy could only relax his clenched fist after he saw Dixon leave.

There was a car ready in the airport parking lot. Dixon immediately got into the car and contacted someone, "Witan, have you arranged everything? Give me the address."

Dixon quickly hung up the phone. He held a pink handkerchief and his mind drifted back to fifteen years ago.

By the time he was fifteen, he was kicked out of his home and wandering the streets. He was cold and hungry when a little girl in simple clothes gave him a packet of bread and this handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

After that he was taken away by a mysterious person. And when he first appeared, the whole world shook!

Three years later, he was given the name, God of War of the East. He was only eighteen years old back then.

Now twelve years had passed. He had the power of a god and could shock the world, but he chose to return quietly.

He would never forget that little girl. He couldn't forget that kind face.

Dixon put away the handkerchief carefully and took a deep breath.

The car sped out of the parking lot.


Meanwhile, at the Fairmont Hotel.

The city's famous Hamilton family received a proposal from the best man to marry their granddaughter, and this attracted a lot of attention.

Diana Hamilton sat in one of the function rooms, she was very nervous, her eyes were red from crying, and she felt completely oppressed.

Yoruna Velto who was Diana's mother stood up, her face even redder with anger.

"William, they're definitely no good! If you're still a man, go and reject your father's decision!" Yoruna screamed at her husband, "Are you willing to watch them destroy your daughter's happiness?"

The Hamilton family started as a small shop, and within fifteen years, they had grown and become a third-tier wealthy family in Reddof. The head of the Hamilton family named Harry Hamilton became an example of a successful entrepreneur who started from zero.

Harry Hamilton had three sons: Steven, Nico, and William.

Steven has taken over most of the Hamilton family business, and Nico is responsible for expanding the business in different cities. But, William had lost both his legs in an accident, so he could only rest at home and be looked down upon.

Steven and Nico have conspired to persuade their father to agree to find a husband for William's daughter, and they even guarantee to find a very good man for Diana.

And in the end all the male candidates who would become Diana's husband did not have great qualifications. One of them was even older than Diana by ten years, and had a history of mental illness!

This was not finding a good husband for Diana at all. This destroyed her!

William also felt anger at this time. But, he didn't dare to go against his father's decision.

He knew Harry's temper was very high and always made decisions that no one could interfere with. No one in the Hamilton family could oppose what Harry wanted to do.

"He's Diana's grandfather, so he won't do anything bad to her." After thinking for so long, William embarrassedly took these words out of his mouth.

Yoruna pointed her finger at William, and cried as she shouted, "I regret marrying a weak man like you!"

Yoruna knew that William was a filial son and had always been very obedient to his father. After becoming disabled, he became even weaker and did not dare to go against his father at all.

But Yoruna knew that this arranged marriage issue would still ruin Diana's future, and their family would be laughed at and humiliated.

Yoruna sobbed as she yelled at William, and Diana cried softly, while William could only clutch his numb thigh, showing how much he blamed himself and how helpless he was in this situation.

"Mom, don't yell at Dad anymore." Diana managed to put on a smile, but there were tear marks on her pretty face.

Diana knew this was a tactic of her uncles. After graduating from university, she started working for the Hmailton Group and achieved great results within two years, even overtaking her uncles' children in terms of achievements with ease.

They were worried that Diana would struggle to control their family business, so they instigated Harry to find a man willing to marry Diana. The goal was to prevent Diana from continuing her business career at the Hamilton Group.

William felt bitterness and helplessness when he saw his daughter trembling slightly. He didn't dare to look at his wife's sullen face. He knew that it was difficult for them to live in the Hmailton family, but at least they didn't have to worry about their living expenses. If they refused this arranged marriage, they would be expelled.

In the main hall of the hotel, the place was brightly lit and all the guests had arrived.

Harry was sitting right at the front, wearing an exquisite suit, holding a cane and his face beaming.

"Dad, it's time to make an announcement." Steven stood next to his father.

Steven looked at Diana who wasn't sitting too far away, and announced in a loud voice, "We have the results here, and we have chosen a man who is most suitable for Diana."

Harry stood up. Everyone looked at him as he spoke. "Today I would like to officially announce the man I have chosen for Diana, my granddaughter."

Everyone applauded. But for Diana, this applause mocked her.

Steven took out a beautifully designed business card and gave it to his father. The name of the man who would marry Diana was written on it.

They had checked carefully. Diana's future husband did not have a great background, he is an orphan, over thirty years old, poorly educated, has no skills and is homeless. He is a useless man. And he even has a mental illness.

So after this man marries Diana, Harry will cut off the Hamilton family business from Diana, even his children will not get a share of the Hamilton Family's property!

Harry's eyes were nearsighted and couldn't see clearly, so he squinted his eyes and looked at the business card carefully before announcing, "This is Diana's future husband, his name is Dixon Edric!"

The moment the name was announced, everyone turned their heads to look at the main door of the hotel.

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