The door opened and a man walked in.

William and his wife couldn't bear to look at him. They knew that Steven would definitely choose the worst man to be Diana's husband.

But, Diane turned to look. She wanted to see who would be her husband.

Dixon looked into Diana's eyes. He walked right across the hall and everyone was staring at him.

Steven smiled condescendingly and said, "Dixon, congratulations! You're going to be husband of one of the Hamilton family's grandchildren!" Steven added, "You don't have to thank us, we just hope you'll take good care of Diana."

Steven walked over to Diana and gently took her hand, "Come, Diana."

He took Diana's hand and brought her in front of Dixon, then placed his hand in Dixon's hand.

All the guests started clapping again when they saw this, as if they were attending a happy wedding ceremony.

But, William and his wife knew that everyone was just laughing at them!

Tomorrow, all the people in Reddof would know that a useless man had married Diana Hamilton, and it would become a hot topic.

After this wedding ceremony ended, Yoruna immediately left in tears, while William quickly rolled his wheelchair after his wife.

At the entrance of the hotel, a cold wind blew on Diana's face and she came to her senses.

She looked up at Dixon who stood beside her.

Her face was expressionless, but her voice was hoarse. "I don't blame you. You should be pitied too."

Dixon didn't say anything. The person in front of him was the little girl from fifteen years ago. She was still as nice as ever. She tolerated this situation and suffered this kind of bullying just so that her parents could live happily.

"Hi, my dear cousin, congratulations!" Suddenly a man walked out of the entrance and smiled condescendingly at Diana, "Congratulations on getting such a wonderful husband!"

He deliberately emphasized the word 'wonderful', and said it with great sarcasm.

Diana frowned and bit her lip. She looked at Sonny Hamilton with annoyance.

"My dad and my family worked hard for your wedding," Sonny sighed as he said. "Now, you have found a husband, we can rest easy."

Sonny glanced at Dixon. Sonny knew that Dixon was found by Steven, who was his father. And he knew how low Dixon's background was.

"For you, Diana's husband. Now, you're married to the granddaughter of the Hamilton family, you'd better be nice to us here." Sonny continued happily. "Have a baby soon, okay? That will make Grandpa happy too."

"No matter what your baby looks like, or even if you give birth to a deformed baby, the Hamilton family can still afford to raise that baby." Sonny said contemptuously.

"Sonny, are you done bullying me!?" Diana was annoyed.

"Diana, I'm just giving you congratulations on getting married," Sonny said with a condescending smile.

"Grandpa also said that he hopes you will have a baby soon. I think you're going to make love and produce a baby tonight! And if you actually have an idiot kid, it'll be even funnier. Haha!"

"Sonny!" Diana raised one hand to slap Sonny.

Diana bit her lip, and reluctantly lowered her hand. If she dared to hit the eldest grandson of the Hamilton Family, then tomorrow her family would be evicted.

"What? Do you want to slap me?" Sonny teased Diana. He was even happier when he saw Diana lower her hand.

Sonny deliberately sighed loudly, "Your father has been paralyzed for many years, and your family would have starved to death long ago if the Hamilton Family hadn't supported you. Now, we have gone to great lengths to find you a husband, but you are not only ungrateful but you also want to slap me. If Grandpa finds out you tried to slap me, then the consequences..."

Diana began to tremble. She looked at Sonny very angrily.

She turned to leave, but Sonny blocked her way again. "Diana, this is Grandpa's decision. If you're not happy, tell him."

Diana started crying because she was so angry at Sonny.

"What do you want to do?" Dixon suddenly asked her.

Diana raised her head and looked at Dixon, and said, "I want to slap him hard!"

She had just finished speaking and there was a loud slapping sound.

Sonny held his face as he fell to the floor. He screamed when he felt a burning sensation from his face.

"Aaa! It hurts so much!"

It was Dixon who had slapped Sonny!

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