The Contracted Son-in-law

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The Contracted Son-in-law

By: Unusual L.A Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 123

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Ryan Reyes was a skewer vendor trying to leave behind his dark past that haunted him. However, when Jane, an estranged daughter of a powerful family, sought his help to secure her rightful inheritance through a contract marriage between them, he is thrust back into a world of power, wealth, and deadly secrets. As he stepped into his new role as Jane’s husband, he uncovered layers of corruption, family treachery, and a criminal empire that tied directly to his own tragic past. Caught between his growing feelings for her and the painful memories of his lost family, he must navigate a perilous path. In this gripping tale of love, power, revenge, and redemption, can they overcome the shadows of their pasts to forge a future together, or will the very forces that brought them together tear them apart?

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14 chapters
Chapter One
The air was thick with the usual market smells—fresh vegetables mixing with the stench of wastewater—but Ryan had gotten used to it by now. His stand was just a few feet from the main thoroughfare, where the old and the young hustled side by side, trying to eke out a living. He watched the chaos, feeling oddly at peace. There was something almost beautiful about the mess—life happening in real time, right in front of him. But then he heard that voice. Jake. The kind of guy who thrived on other people’s fear. His gut twisted because he knew whatever Jake was up to, it would not end well. Ryan turned hishead, just in time to see Jake grabbing Mr. Lee by the collar. The old man was barely hanging on, his face red as Jake spat his words. "Don't tell me that, old man! Enough of your excuses." Ryan's calm shattered, replaced by a scrunch of worry as he watched. The crowd, which usually moved like a restless sea, had stopped. They just stood there, eyes wide, but no o
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Chapter Two
With a calm demeanour, Ryan asked Lancelot, "What is wrong?"But before Lancelot could explain what was happening to Ryan, two police officers walked in.They scanned the bar before locking eyes with Lancelot and asking, "We were told Mr. Ryan Reyes is here. Where is he?"Slowly, Lancelot's eyes drifted towards Ryan."There he is," he muttered.Even though Ryan was curious about why the police were interested in him, he kept his cool.As the officers strode towards him, their gazes were locked on him.Reaching his front, the one that asked Lancelot of his whereabouts, who seemed to be the boss, brought out his police identification card."I'm Captain Frank Bowers, and this is Sergeant Alex Miguel. You are being accused of assault and attempted murder in connection with an altercation involving a Mr. Chad," the officer said.Ryan chuckled, remaining calm. "When was this report made?""Just some hours ago," Captain Frank replied.As Lancelot started to explain that Ryder had been at his
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Chapter Three
"You've really screwed yourself over now," the composed officer sneered, wiping blood from his split lip as Ryan was dragged away."Just wait until Commander Johnson hears about this. You are done for, punk."Ryan twisted around, grinning despite the bruising grip on his arms. “Commander Johnson? That's Chad's cousin, right? I can't wait to meet another corrupt piece of sh*t like you.""Watch your f*cking mouth!" one of the cops who was gripping his arms snarled. "You got a death wish or something?"Ryan laughed. "Seriously? You guys have zero shame, huh? Is this how officers act everywhere, or are you all just special kinds of assholes?""Why you little—" The composed officer lunged forward.In a burst of adrenaline, Ryan broke free and landed a vicious kick to the cop's knee. The man crumpled with a howl of pain.It all happened in seconds. Some officers rushed to help their fallen comrade, while others descended on Ryan like a pack of wolves. Fists rained down on Ryder from all s
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Chapter Four
Emma looked shocked and shifted her gaze between Ryder and the commander."Are you sure?" She asked the commander, who then nodded in affirmation."I will be right back. I want to speak to him."With that, she left the room, leaving Ryder and the commander in there.Suddenly, the commander did something totally unexpected. He bolted over to the chair where Emma had been sitting earlier, looking as nervous as he had been when he first walked in. He leaned in close, like he was about to spill some major secret.Ryan was completely lost. The commander's eyes were wide with panic as he leaned in, his hands clasped together like he was praying. "I'm so sorry, sir. I had no clue you were not just some random dude off the street. Please don't hold this against me. Look, I will come clean; nothing actually happened to Chad. That picture of him getting stabbed? It was fabricated. We faked the whole thing."His voice dropped to a desperate whisper. "I'm begging you; don't let this blow up in
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Chapter Five
Jane's usual air of superiority since Ryder had met her some minutes ago shifted to vulnerability when he locked eyes with her. It made him curious about why they were there in the middle of the night, especially considering how serious she sounded."What is it?" He asked her, her expression unreadable.Slowly, she walked closer to him, closing the gap between them.But with every step closer, his curiosity grew.When they were just a few steps apart, she finally spoke. “I don’t even know where to start. I had it all planned out in my head, but honestly, I’ve forgotten it.”She closed her eyes momentarily, holding her breath, and opened them, a faint smile plastered on her face. "This might sound weird..."She sighed, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "Oh God! I had this all planned out."She apologised to him for her lack of composure while he stared at her, his mind consumed with curiousity.He could see the hesitation in her eyes from the way she shifted her weight f
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Chapter Six
After Ryan was dropped off at his home, Jane reminded him that she would be picking him up the next day to go to the courthouse and register their marriage. It was all about keeping up appearances and making sure no one suspected anything.As he stepped inside his small, cramped room, he could not stop thinking about the whirlwind of events that had unfolded that day, especially that moment on the bridge with her. The idea of marrying someone he had just met was still ridiculous to his ears.He let out a dry laugh. "If someone had told me this would happen, I would have said they were out of their mind."But despite the absurdity, he could not shake the memory of her determined gaze. Whatever her reasons were, she was set on this, and he found himself committed to helping her achieve whatever goal she had in mind in the space of three years—the length of their marriage.Still lost in thought, his mind drifted to Mr. Lee. He remembered that Mr. Lee had told him earlier that he would no
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Chapter Seven
As Ryan and Jenna walked towards the gate, he decided to have an important discussion with her before he left."Jenna," he began, his voice gentle but firm, "have you ever thought about living on your own?"She looked up, surprised. "What do you mean? I’m fine here.""I know," he replied, stepping closer. "But... you are smart and capable. It might be good for you to think about having your own place someday, maybe very soon, since you've gotten yourself a big job. It could give you some freedom and particularly a chance to really figure things out for yourself."She bit her lip, considering his words. "I don’t know... it is just so comfortable here with dad and the family.""I get it," he said, nodding. "But comfort is not everything. Sometimes, stepping out of your comfort zone is the only way to grow."She stared at him for a long moment, as if trying to read his intentions. Finally, she nodded. "I will think about it.""Good," he smiled. "That’s all I ask, and it is for your o
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Chapter Eight
The constant knocking on the door dragged Ryan out of sleep the next morning.Groaning, he stumbled towards the door, still in his undershorts. Yesterday had been exhausting, and he had stayed up late. But when he opened the door, his eyes widened in surprise—it was Jane. She looked just as startled, clearly not expecting him to be so unprepared on their big day.“Have you forgotten the significance of today for us?” she asked, frustration edging her voice.He quickly apologised, promising he would be ready in just a few minutes. He invited her in and hurried off to get prepared.When he walked out of his small bedroom, she was taken aback by how good he looked.Even though he was just wearing a simple white shirt with black stripes and black trousers, he looked handsome enough to make any woman turn her head."No wonder he has a reputation for attracting women," she thought inwardly.Still, even though he was exactly her type, she did not feel any romantic interest in him."This i
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Chapter Nine
The morning air was still cool when Ryan's phone buzzed. Groggy and annoyed, he answered it to hear Jane’s voice on the other end."I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to pick you up as promised. I’ve got an emergency meeting out of state," she said, her tone brisk."What about your driver? Can’t he come and pick me up?” He asked, his irritation seeping into his voice."No,” she responded sharply. "You will have to find your own way to my house.”Before he could protest, she hung up. A few moments later, his phone pinged again—this time, it was a text with the address and some money for transport.He stared at the credit alert, his annoyance growing. "She is such a rude asshole,” he muttered, pocketing his phone. Even though they had agreed to keep things strictly business, he had hoped she would show a bit of common courtesy. Instead, it felt like she was going out of her way to make things difficult.“I guess that is what I will have to deal with for the next three years,” he sighed
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Chapter Ten
As Ryan drove back to the estate gate, he stopped as the security guard approached the car before opening the gate to let him out. Ryan rolled down the window, smirking as the guard's eyes widened in shock at the sight of him in the sleek car.Ryan scoffed, locking eyes with the guard. "What, you think I stole it because I’m too poor to own something this nice?"The guard struggled to find words, his mouth opening and closing uselessly."Open the gate and let me out of here, you lowlife," Ryan snapped.He chuckled as he watched the guard trudge back to the gatehouse."It’s always the ones with nothing who look down on others when they get a taste of the good life," he muttered to himself.Once the gate was open, he drove forward a bit and stopped in front of the gatehouse."Is there... is anything wrong, sir?" The guard drawled."Sir?" Ryan chuckled.He leaned closer, his voice dripping with mockery. “Don’t worry, I won’t report you to your employer. Your job is safe... for now.”A s
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