The Rise of the Son-in-law After Divorce

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The Rise of the Son-in-law After Divorce

By: Enigma Stone Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 44

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Three years ago, an accident caused me to lose my memory and powers, leaving me with no choice but to marry into the Cooper family as a live-in son-in-law. It wasn't until I witnessed my wife's infidelity that she presented me with divorce papers. On the day of our divorce, under the tree at the crossroads, a beautiful girl was waiting for me...

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14 chapters
Chapter 1: The Unfaithful Wife
Today was Fiona Cooper's birthday.Reflecting on the countless humiliations he had endured over the past three years, Joseph Wilson had little affection for his wife, Fiona Cooper. However, as husband and wife of three years, it was her birthday today, so Joseph Wilson still bought a bouquet of flowers, intending to pick her up from work at the entrance of Cooper Group.It was laughable that, as a live-in son-in-law for three years, his wife in name had never looked him in the eye. They had always slept in separate rooms, and he had never even touched Fiona Cooper's hand.Fiona Cooper never allowed Joseph Wilson to appear at the company, so every time Joseph Wilson came to pick her up from work, he would stand far away and wait for her to come out. This time was no exception.However, what Joseph Wilson did not expect was to see his wife walking out of the Cooper Group building, arm in arm with a man."Charles, why are you back so suddenly?""I finished my business abroad and missed y
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Chapter 2: Divorce
Joseph drove towards Cooper Group.The Cooper Group belonged to the Cooper family, the biggest family in Nova City. Three years ago, it wasn't, but in these three years, the Cooper family had developed very rapidly, leaping to become Nova City's top family.After about half an hour, Joseph Wilson finally arrived near the Cooper Building. He parked the car in front of a secluded alley and called Fiona Cooper."Fiona, I'm here, at the usual place."Joseph Wilson said after the call connected."I know. How many times do I have to say it? Don't call me Fiona. Call me Fiona Cooper." Fiona Cooper's disgusted voice came from the other end."Okay, Fiona Cooper. I'm here, waiting for you at the usual place."Joseph Wilson repeated his words.The other end immediately hung up. Joseph was used to this. Moreover, he had already made up his mind. It was time to leave.About ten minutes later, Joseph saw a tall, beautiful, fair-skinned woman walk out of the Cooper Group building. The woman was nat
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Chapter 3: The Master's Arrangement
Thereafter, the three chatted idly. Joseph was full of questions, but he didn't get much useful information from Alice Morgan and Blake Morgan.After about half an hour, Blake Morgan's car drove into a luxurious villa neighborhood and stopped in front of a detached villa."Mr. Wilson, please," Blake Morgan got out of the car and personally opened the door for Joseph.The three entered the villa's hall. The interior decor of the villa could be said to be quite extravagant. At first glance, even Joseph was shocked.It was clear from this that Blake Morgan's identity was quite extraordinary. However, Joseph couldn't remember his master having a friend named Blake Morgan at all."Mr. Wilson, now that you have left the Cooper family, following your master's instructions, I will provide you with whatever assistance I can. Is there anything you need help with?" Blake Morgan poured Joseph a glass of water and asked meaningfully."I need a job and a place to live, that's all. Of course, if pos
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Chapter 4: Lace Lingerie
After leaving the villa, Joseph was pulled by Alice to the underground parking garage.The garage housed dozens of cars, the least of which were luxury vehicles like Maseratis, demonstrating immense wealth."Mr. Joseph, you seem quite unhappy. Experiencing marital changes in middle age is indeed difficult to accept. But someone as outstanding as you will surely meet a better woman in the future." Alice held Joseph's arm, her breasts intentionally or unintentionally brushing against it, making Joseph feel out of place.He had never had such close contact even with his wife in name."Thank you. I'm fine," Joseph said with a wry smile."Joseph, I have a question I want to ask you." Alice released Joseph's arm, her demeanor and tone somewhat restrained."Hmm? What question?" Joseph instinctively asked."Do... do you think I'm pretty?" Alice bit her lip, mustering her courage to speak. As she uttered these words, her face flushed crimson, and she tightly grasped the hem of her clothes, her
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Chapter 5: Unexpected Encounter
"Joseph, what are you talking about? Money isn't an issue. Grandpa said to take good care of you, especially when it comes to money.""Joseph, you don't want Grandpa to blame me for not taking care of you, right?" Alice pouted her lips and said with a grin."Um, alright then!" Joseph felt somewhat speechless upon hearing this."I'll go tidy up the room, and then we can go out together. I do have some things I need to buy," Joseph said after a moment of hesitation."Okay, I'll tidy up my room too." At the mention of tidying up the room, Alice's pretty face blushed slightly. If she had cleaned her room properly earlier, Joseph wouldn't have seen that scene.Would Joseph think she was an improper girl? With this thought, Alice felt somewhat uneasy.Joseph agreed and left. Entering a girl's room felt a bit strange, but since Alice had pulled him in earlier, he had no choice.It was also funny to think that despite being married to Fiona Cooper for three years, he had never even entered he
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Chapter 6: Sister or Girlfriend?
"Joseph Wilson, what are you doing here?" Fiona walked over upon seeing Joseph."What a coincidence. I'm here to buy a couple of outfits!" Joseph said with a faint smile."Buy clothes? Do you know what kind of place this is? The shirts here start at $1,000. Can you afford the clothes here?" Hearing Joseph's words, Fiona's gaze became even more disdainful. She had previously thought this man was just mediocre, but she didn't expect him to be such a braggart.During the three years in the Cooper family, Joseph either did housework at home or went elsewhere to do odd jobs to earn some pocket money.But the little money he earned was definitely not enough to afford the clothes here."Ahem... Miss Cooper, we're already divorced. Whether I can afford it or not doesn't seem to have anything to do with you," Joseph coughed lightly, neither humble nor arrogant."Joseph, stop pretending. I don't even want to point it out. You're stalking me, right?""Joseph, let me tell you, we're already divor
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Chapter 7: The Bold and Proactive Girl
Joseph went upstairs and started cooking. This was the first meal he cooked for himself in three years. In the Cooper family, he had been merely serving others for the past three years. Although Fiona didn't treat him as a husband, Joseph believed he had done everything a man should do, and even more than what an average man would do.Soon, half an hour passed, but Alice hadn't returned yet. Joseph took out his phone, thinking of giving Alice a call, but realized he didn't have her phone number. He had been busy with his own matters all day and even forgot to ask for Alice's number.Considering that Alice only went to buy some things in the neighborhood, he thought there shouldn't be any issues. Moreover, when he entered this neighborhood, he didn't notice any potential dangers. Perhaps for some special reason, Joseph was very sensitive to danger, though he himself didn't know why. Maybe he knew the reason before but had forgotten it now.Just as Joseph was busy, he heard the sound of
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Chapter 8: Brother-in-law, I'm Worried About You
However, upon entering, Heidi Cooper noticed Maria Long, Stephen Cooper, and Fiona Cooper sitting at the dining table, staring at each other. The atmosphere felt a bit off."Um, what's going on? Why isn't anyone talking? Where's brother-in-law?" Heidi sat down cautiously, sensing the unusual atmosphere."What brother-in-law are you talking about?" Maria Long asked with a displeased expression."What? Joseph Wilson, my brother-in-law," Heidi was momentarily confused."He's not your brother-in-law anymore," Maria Long said with disdain."What? How is he not my brother-in-law anymore?" Heidi was completely baffled."I divorced him. He's already left," Fiona said coldly."What? Divorced?""Sis, are you crazy? Why did you drive him away? What did he do to offend you?" Heidi was perplexed."He and I are from two different worlds. I, Fiona Cooper, look down on men like him," Fiona said with indifference."No, I don't know how he falls short. He's always been diligent, honest, and humble.""Y
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Chapter 9: If Only It Could Last Forever
After much inner struggle, Fiona finally dialed Joseph's number. Over the years, she had never taken the initiative to call Joseph unless there was a particularly important matter she needed him to handle.However, after dialing, the voice prompt indicated that the phone was switched off. Upon hearing this, Fiona put down the phone and continued to rest her head on the table with her eyes closed.Suddenly, her phone vibrated again. Startled, she immediately opened her phone, only to feel a sense of disappointment when she saw it was a Facebook message from her best friend, Hannah.Fiona suddenly felt a bit ridiculous. What was she expecting? For Joseph to come back and beg her not to divorce him?Thinking this way, she still opened Facebook and read the messages from Hannah."Dear Fiona, congratulations on regaining your freedom and getting rid of that loser!""So, when shall we meet up and celebrate?"Hannah sent two messages."Let's forget about celebrating. I'm busy these days. I h
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Chapter 10: I Like All Your Ways
"What does it have to do with you?" Blake Morgan was the first to reply."Grandpa is right. What does it have to do with you?" Alice also replied in the group.Seeing their responses, Mason Morgan was speechless and could only send a series of question marks in the group to express his astonishment."Dad, although you have the final say in Alice's matters, and I trust your judgment, I should at least know what kind of man my daughter is going to marry, right? I'll find time to go over and take a look after a while. There are too many things going on here in Metropolis City at the moment. @Blake Morgan," after a long time, Mason Morgan sent another lengthy message."Do as you wish. It's not like you can change anything anyway," Blake Morgan said rather domineeringly."Dad, you're overthinking. It's only just beginning now!" Alice was obviously a bit exasperated too.After replying, Alice put down her phone."Why aren't you eating yet?" At this moment, Joseph also came out from the kitc
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