Chapter 3: The Master's Arrangement

Thereafter, the three chatted idly. Joseph was full of questions, but he didn't get much useful information from Alice Morgan and Blake Morgan.

After about half an hour, Blake Morgan's car drove into a luxurious villa neighborhood and stopped in front of a detached villa.

"Mr. Wilson, please," Blake Morgan got out of the car and personally opened the door for Joseph.

The three entered the villa's hall. The interior decor of the villa could be said to be quite extravagant. At first glance, even Joseph was shocked.

It was clear from this that Blake Morgan's identity was quite extraordinary. However, Joseph couldn't remember his master having a friend named Blake Morgan at all.

"Mr. Wilson, now that you have left the Cooper family, following your master's instructions, I will provide you with whatever assistance I can. Is there anything you need help with?" Blake Morgan poured Joseph a glass of water and asked meaningfully.

"I need a job and a place to live, that's all. Of course, if possible, I hope you can tell me everything about my master and me," Joseph took a sip of water and replied calmly.

"About that, Mr. Wilson, according to your master's instructions, I cannot tell you about the matters concerning you and your master. He said to let nature take its course and allow you to slowly recall on your own, which would be better for your physical and mental well-being," Blake Morgan frowned, looking somewhat troubled.

With that said, he walked to a cabinet and reverently took out a wooden box.

"Mr. Wilson, this box was left by your master before he passed. He said that if you left the Cooper family, I should give this box to you. I don't know what's inside either."

Seeing the box, Joseph paused for a moment, then furrowed his brows.

"These are my belongings. I can sense it."

As Joseph opened the wooden box, he discovered a dagger inside, its blade wrapped in linen cloth, revealing only the handle.

Joseph carefully unwrapped the cloth, exposing the dagger's gleaming white blade. The light reflecting off the blade was somewhat dazzling, carrying an awe-inspiring aura.

He gripped the dagger, feeling a warm sensation emanating from the handle. It was a familiar feeling—this dagger originally belonged to him. As he touched this weapon once more, he experienced a sense of intimacy, as if they were one.

"Mr. Wilson, according to your master, this was your personal self-defense weapon," Blake Morgan added.

"Self-defense weapon?" Joseph frowned slightly and shook his head. "If it's a self-defense weapon, why is the murderous aura so strong?"

Hearing Joseph's words, Blake Morgan was stunned for a moment. He couldn't sense any murderous aura, but he did feel uncomfortable upon seeing the dagger.

"Since this is a gift from my master, I can take it with me now, right?" Joseph asked.

"Of course. Also, there's a letter in this box. Mr. Wilson, please take a look." Blake Morgan reverently handed over the letter. Joseph glanced at him before opening the envelope, his brows furrowing slightly as he read.

"Teacher?" Joseph appeared quite surprised after reading for a while.

"Teacher? What teacher?" Blake Morgan asked in confusion. Joseph was a very composed person. For him to show such a surprised expression, he must have seen something extraordinary. At this moment, Blake Morgan was extremely curious.

"My master wants me to go teach at Nova University after leaving the Cooper family." After a moment of silence, Joseph casually handed the letter to Blake Morgan.

"Nova University? Isn't that the university I'm currently attending?" Alice spoke up for the first time, her beautiful eyes gleaming.

"This... Mr. Wilson, Nova University is the top university in our country. The teachers and professors there have at least a doctoral degree. Even the cleaning ladies have bachelor's degrees. The principal, Geoffrey Harris, is a leading figure in the medical field." Blake Morgan knew Joseph's identity was extraordinary, but no matter how he looked at it, he couldn't imagine Joseph teaching at a place like Nova University. It was too unbelievable.

"I also feel it's not quite suitable," Joseph said with a wry smile.

"Joseph, your master must have his reasons for arranging this. It wouldn't be bad for you to be a physical education teacher at Nova University." Alice's gaze wandered, her mind pondering unknown thoughts.

"Alice has a point. Your master must have his reasons for this arrangement."

"Coincidentally, I have some connections with the principal of Nova University. I'll take you there tomorrow to see what the situation is. It shouldn't be a problem for him to arrange a position for you." After a moment of contemplation, Blake Morgan made a decision.

"Very well, thank you both for now. Next, I'll need a place to stay..." Joseph hesitated. Others had already helped him so much, and he felt it wasn't quite right to make more requests. However, he had no other choice at the moment.

"About that, Mr. Wilson, you can live with us. Alice's parents aren't in Nova City, so it's just me and Alice at home. You can move in as well." Blake Morgan's words surprised Joseph once more.

"Mr. Morgan, that wouldn't be appropriate. It would be fine if you could find me a studio apartment or something."

"Ah, a studio apartment..." Blake Morgan found it difficult upon hearing this. He had originally wanted Joseph to live with them, giving his granddaughter more opportunities to interact with him.

"Joseph, you can stay at the place where I live while attending school. The environment is quite nice, and I only occasionally go there. Most of the time, I'm at my grandfather's place." Alice's pretty face blushed slightly. That place was her private space, and no man other than family members had ever entered.

"That could work. When I earn money, I'll pay you rent," Joseph said after some thought.

"No need, no need. You really don't have to pay rent." Alice waved her hands repeatedly upon hearing this.

"Then it's decided!" Joseph didn't allow Alice to refuse.

"Mr. Wilson, how about this? Alice is studying alone at Nova University, and I'm not at ease. As long as you protect Alice's safety and take her to and from school every day, we'll cover all your living expenses in exchange." Blake Morgan stroked his chin, hatching a plan. This way, his granddaughter and Joseph would spend more time together, and then...

"That works as well." Joseph paused for a moment, carefully considered, and agreed.

"It's settled then. Tomorrow, I'll go with you to meet Principal Geoffrey Harris at Nova University. For now, you and Alice can go take a look at the place you'll be staying." Seeing Joseph's agreement, Blake Morgan was quite pleased.

"Alice, take him there and help him settle in." Blake Morgan looked at Alice and instructed.

"Don't worry, Grandpa. Leave it to me. Joseph, let's go!" Alice chuckled charmingly, somewhat delighted. She grabbed Joseph's arm and dragged him out.

Helpless, Joseph could only let Alice have her way.

Watching the two leave together, Blake Morgan's face revealed a satisfied smile.

He knew a bit about Joseph's identity, but not much. However, how could the disciple of that person be ordinary?

If his granddaughter could find such a perfect husband, it would simply be too wonderful.

With this thought, he dialed a number.

"Hello, is this the secretarial department? Notify all major departments to terminate any cooperation with the Cooper Group that can be ended. Also, retrieve all the profits we previously conceded to the Cooper Group."

"From now on, cooperate with the Cooper Group as regular business partners. Be professional, and non-cooperation is also acceptable."

"Downgrade the cooperation level with the Cooper Group to normal." Blake Morgan's tone was cold.

"Chairman, are you serious?" The person on the other end of the line was clearly stunned upon hearing this.

"Of course. Haven't you always felt that we gave up too many benefits in our projects with the Cooper Group? Well, now everything will return to normal. Our Morgan Group will earn all the money we deserve."

"Also, I will arrive at the group headquarters within half an hour. An hour later, convene a meeting of the management. All senior executives and managers must attend." Blake Morgan said with certainty.

"Understood, Chairman. I will notify the department heads right away." The person on the other end repeatedly acknowledged. After a few more instructions, Blake Morgan hung up the phone with satisfaction.

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