Chapter 2: Divorce

Joseph drove towards Cooper Group.

The Cooper Group belonged to the Cooper family, the biggest family in Nova City. Three years ago, it wasn't, but in these three years, the Cooper family had developed very rapidly, leaping to become Nova City's top family.

After about half an hour, Joseph Wilson finally arrived near the Cooper Building. He parked the car in front of a secluded alley and called Fiona Cooper.

"Fiona, I'm here, at the usual place."

Joseph Wilson said after the call connected.

"I know. How many times do I have to say it? Don't call me Fiona. Call me Fiona Cooper." 

Fiona Cooper's disgusted voice came from the other end.

"Okay, Fiona Cooper. I'm here, waiting for you at the usual place."

Joseph Wilson repeated his words.

The other end immediately hung up. Joseph was used to this. Moreover, he had already made up his mind. It was time to leave.

About ten minutes later, Joseph saw a tall, beautiful, fair-skinned woman walk out of the Cooper Group building. The woman was naturally Fiona Cooper.

Laughably, she should have come out of the InterContinental Hotel next door. Was she afraid of me discovering her infidelity? Did she deliberately return to the company early from the InterContinental Hotel?

Fiona was wearing a plain white long dress today, her face expressionless and icily cold.

"Go home." 

Fiona Cooper's tone was indifferent.


The two returned to the villa. As soon as Joseph pushed open the door and walked in, he saw Fiona's father Stephen Cooper and mother Maria Long sitting in the living room, as if waiting for something.

"Joseph Wilson, sit down!"

Fiona sat down first, then pointed to the spot opposite her and said.

Joseph sat across from Fiona. For a moment, the atmosphere felt a bit strange.

Fiona looked directly at Joseph and said solemnly, "Joseph Wilson, let's get a divorce!"


Joseph replied swiftly, almost without hesitation.

Upon hearing his response, Fiona furrowed her brows deeply. She had not expected Joseph to agree so readily. As a useless son-in-law, shouldn't he be begging her not to abandon him?

Joseph's answer clearly left Fiona very dissatisfied.

"Joseph Wilson, when Fiona divorces you, you won't get a single penny from this family. All these years, you've embarrassed the Cooper family enough," Fiona's mother, Maria Long, said with an extremely unpleasant expression.

"Can I take my master's memorial tablet from my room?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, you can," Fiona answered curtly.

"Thank you." Joseph responded blandly, then headed towards his room.

Moments later, Joseph walked out carrying his master's memorial tablet. He bowed once more to everyone, then left, cradling the tablet in his arms.

"Fiona, I think he's just a fool. All these years, he did whatever he was told, like a robot," Maria Long remarked acidly.

"Never mind that. We've finally gotten rid of this deadweight. Our Fiona will never be ridiculed by others again," Stephen Cooper sighed with relief, as if a great burden had been lifted.

However, at this moment, Fiona's brows were slightly furrowed. For years, she had dreamed of getting a divorce day and night, but Joseph's straightforward agreement to the divorce left her somewhat displeased.

With this thought, she turned and retreated to her room.

Walking out of the Cooper family's door, Joseph glanced back at the place he had lived for three years, feeling little attachment.

He walked towards the road ahead, aimlessly. He didn't know where his next stop would be after leaving the Cooper family, but anywhere was better than staying with them.

However, as he reached the intersection, a Maserati was already waiting by the roadside.

Next to the Maserati, a white-haired old man and a young girl stood under a large tree at the intersection. The girl was wearing a fitting long dress, looking refined and extremely beautiful, with the air of a girl next door.

At first, Joseph didn't pay much attention, but as he drew closer, the old man and the girl actively approached him.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson?" the old man spoke first.

"That's right. Who are you?" Joseph asked, his face full of bewilderment. His gaze lingered on the girl for a moment longer, as she was simply too stunning.

"Then there's no mistake. Mr. Wilson, it seems today is the day you leave the Cooper family. I hope I'm not late. I've come to pick you up." The white-haired man smiled.

"Pick me up?" Joseph frowned.

"I am an old friend of your late master, Blake Morgan. Your master knew long ago that you would choose to leave the Cooper family. At his behest, after you left the Cooper family, I was to provide you with some assistance to the best of my ability. Oh, and this is my little granddaughter, Alice Morgan, eighteen years old this year, currently studying at Nova University." The white-haired man answered with a smile, incidentally introducing the graceful girl beside him.

"Hello, Mr. Joseph!" The girl greeted him sweetly. Joseph merely nodded slightly.

"The one who understands me best is still my master," Joseph said with a bitter smile, then frowned. "But who am I? What kind of person was I before?"

"Why don't we discuss this in the car?" Blake Morgan smiled and gestured invitingly.

Joseph looked at them, sensing no deceit, and dove into the car. He didn't know where to go now anyway, so he might as well trust them this once.

Now that some of his strength had recovered, even if these people had ulterior motives, they wouldn't necessarily be able to do much to him.

Joseph got in the car and sat in the back with Alice Morgan. The Maserati drove off.

"Mr. Wilson, what do you think of my granddaughter?" Blake Morgan asked as his first question.

Hearing this, Joseph was somewhat surprised and instinctively glanced at Alice Morgan beside him.

Sensing Joseph's gaze, Alice lowered her head, a blush appearing on her pretty face.

"She's very good," Joseph simply said.

"Mr. Wilson is not young anymore. It's time to start a family," Blake Morgan laughed heartily.

"I just got divorced," Joseph was full of doubts. What did this mean? Telling him to marry his granddaughter?

"Hahaha... What does that matter? The women of the Cooper family are not worthy of Mr. Wilson at all," Blake Morgan laughed again.

"Where are we going now?" Joseph felt Blake Morgan's words carried hidden meaning, so he deliberately changed the subject.

"To my home. Your master left some things with me to pass on to you," Blake Morgan replied.

"Okay," Joseph responded. He frowned slightly, wondering what his master could have possibly left for him.

"Mr. Joseph, divorce is not a big deal. You shouldn't be too heartbroken. The Cooper family was blind. If not for you, how could their family business have reached today's scale?" Alice glanced shyly at Joseph, then lowered her head slightly, as if not daring to meet his gaze.

"Is that so? Then, you know a lot about me?" Joseph looked at Alice.

"Alice, don't speak out of turn," Blake Morgan glanced at Alice, the warning in his tone obvious. Alice lowered her head upon hearing this and didn't say much more.

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