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By: Bliss Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 20 views: 59

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Jason, a hardworking student barely making ends meet, is constantly manipulated by his girlfriend, Linda, who takes advantage of his earnings for her extravagant lifestyle. When Jason discovers that Linda has been secretly involved with Ethan, a wealthy classmate, his world falls apart. Publicly humiliated as Linda denies their relationship and sides with Ethan, Jason resolves to turn his life around and seek revenge on both Linda and Ethan

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20 chapters
chapter one
Jason sat in the cramped corner of the café, staring down at his phone. His hands trembled as he scrolled through the list of expenses Linda had just sent him. He had been working two part-time jobs just to scrape by, and now, all of that hard-earned money was about to disappear into the virtual shopping cart of someone who didn’t seem to care. He took a quick glance at Linda and could see her cold gaze fixed on him.“Jason,” Linda said, her voice sharp as she tossed her phone onto the table. "Pay for it. I added everything I need. You can handle that, right?" she asked nonchalantly Jason hesitated, his heart thudding. It wasn't the first time he would have to empty his wallet,his savings just to please Linda and at the end, he got nothing in return but her cold attitude. The total amount was suffocating—nearly his entire paycheck. He had just received his salary today, and most of it was already allocated for his tuition fee, which had been overdue for months. His university had gi
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chapter two
Jason’s ears rang as his vision blurred, not from the slap, but from the realization that everything he had believed about their relationship had been a lie. He had been used—nothing more than a convenient source of money.Linda turned back to Ethan, completely ignoring Jason as if he were invisible. Jason stood there, the laughter and whispers of the crowd echoing in his ears, his world crashing down around him.Jason stood there, feeling the heaviness of Linda’s cruel words. His heart pounded, every beat hammering in the reality of what was happening. Just minutes ago, he was certain he could fix things between them, but now, with Ethan’s arm wrapped possessively around Linda’s waist, it felt like the ground beneath him was slipping away. A part of him wished he could do something at the very least but he knew it was just a waste of time. He was a nobody compared to Ethan whose father could have his life out into misery with a single snap of his fingers. Linda turned to him wit
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chapter three
Jason lay on the ground, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath. Every muscle in his body was in pain, but worse was the humiliation. The crowd still stand looking at the drama, though their murmurs had died down. He could feel their eyes on him, judging, mocking, pitying him. Ethan stood nearby, his face smug, confident in his victory. As Jason attempted to push himself off the ground, his arms trembled beneath him. He managed to get one knee up, but his body felt weak, too battered to move quickly. His head throbbed, and the weight of his failure pressed harder on him than Ethan’s foot ever had. Before he could fully stand, the sharp sound of heels clicking against the pavement filled the air. The crowd parted once more, this time revealing a figure of power and authority: Mr. Reynolds, the director of the school. He was impeccably dressed in a crisp suit, his hair neatly combed back, and his expression severe. The professor who had come to Jason’s rescue straigh
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chapter four
He hadn’t noticed it approaching, and now the vehicle sat idling, matching his pace as he walked.He stopped, a chill creeping up his spine. Who could this be? The window on the passenger side rolled down slightly, revealing a man in a suit. His face was shadowed, but his voice was clear and authoritative. “Jason Walker?” Jason tensed. “Who are you?” He asked looking around to make sure he was safe. Jason has heard lot of young kids being taken away and whisked into some part of the country to be used as either a sec slave or an houseboy. He wasn't going to be added to the chart. “We need you to come with us,” the man said calmly, his tone leaving little room for argument. Jason took a step back, his eyes narrowing. “And why would I do that?” The man didn’t answer. Instead, the back door opened, and two more men stepped out, dressed in similar dark suits. They moved toward Jason with an unsettling calmness. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Jason snapped, his fists clench
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chapter five
Jason’s mind reeled from the stranger’s words, the silence in the room stretching uncomfortably. "Your father?" The statement hung in the air like a dense fog, making it hard for Jason to breathe. Jason blinked twice trying to make sure what he has heard was correct. He had no idea who this man was or what kind of sick game he was playing, but the implication of his words gnawed at Jason’s insides. His father had always been a sore subject—an absentee parent, angry and distant, more of a ghost than a man in Jason’s life. But now, the old man in his front acted as if he knew more about Jason’s family than Jason himself did. Before he could respond, the door behind him creaked open. A tall, elegant woman entered the room, her sharp features softened by a warm smile. Her heels clicked softly against the polished floor as she approached, stopping beside the man. “Father,” she said softly, looking between Jason and the old man, “I think we should get the DNA test done first, just to be
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chapter six
Jason's mind whirled as he stepped out of the mansion, the weight of everything he had just learned pressing down on his shoulders. He had barely had time to process the fact that he was a long-lost heir to a powerful empire, and now the revelation was threatening to suffocate him. The luxury, the money, the influence—it was all his. And yet, his heart felt heavy with confusion and uncertainty. But before Jason could delve any deeper into the storm of emotions raging inside him, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Startled, he fumbled for it, glancing at the screen. It was his friend, Marcus. "Jason, you gotta come back to school. Now," Marcus’s voice was panicked, breathless even. "Your grandmother... she’s here. She’s begging the director to let you stay. Linda and Ethan... they’re making her—" Jason’s heart dropped, and he didn’t need Marcus to finish the sentence. He could already picture it—his frail grandmother standing there, pleading, begging, while his enemies reveled in her
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chapter seven
The two of them exchanged uneasy glances, clearly unsettled by his newfound confidence. Jason turned on his heel and walked away, leaving them standing there in stunned silence. As he walked, Jason’s mind raced with possibilities. His life had changed in an instant—he now had resources beyond their wildest dreams. Ethan and Linda had no idea what was coming for them, but soon enough, they would. Jason smiled to himself, his heart filled with resolve. The power and wealth he now possessed would not only protect his family but would also ensure that no one ever dared to cross him again. And his enemies? They had no idea what kind of storm was about to descend on them.Jason’s smile faded as he crossed the courtyard, the cold wind whipping around him as he made his way toward the school’s main building. His thoughts spiraled—he had done well to keep his newfound power hidden for now, but Linda and Ethan were like snakes, waiting for the right moment to strike. They had humiliated his
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chapter eight
The hallway was awfully quiet, save for the sound of heavy breathing and the distant murmur of students watching the spectacle unfold. Jason stood there, fists clenched, his heart pounding as the director released his grip on his arm. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, the weight of their judgment, the sharp sting of their whispers. He now looked like the villain while Ethan was in his exact position. Ethan lay sprawled on the floor, still groaning, holding his bloodied face. Linda knelt beside him, casting hateful glances at Jason, her phone still in hand, capturing every moment of his outburst. Jason’s grandmother, frail and trembling, stood to the side, her tearful eyes pleading with him, but Jason couldn’t meet her gaze. He had lost control, and the consequences were about to catch up with him. “Well, well,” the director sneered, straightening his suit and eyeing Jason with a mix of contempt and satisfaction. “What do you have to say for yourself now, Jason? After attacking
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chapter nine
The tension in the hallway thickened as Ethan’s smug grin deepened, his words sending a ripple of excitement through the gathered students. Jason paused, his thumb hovering over the screen. He glanced at his grandmother, her fragile form trembling, her tear-filled eyes silently begging him to reconsider. But Jason had gone too far to back down now. His pride—and his grandmother’s dignity—were at stake. “More interesting, huh?” Jason’s voice was low, filled with barely contained fury. He straightened, turning his cold gaze toward Ethan. “Alright. What’s your game, Matthews?” Ethan wiped the blood from his lips, his smile never faltering despite the pain. "Simple. If the transfer fails, you strip down and run around the school naked. And don’t worry—Linda here will make sure it’s all recorded for posterity." He gestured to Linda, who was grinning wickedly, her phone still recording every second of the encounter. She was ready to make Jason a laughing stock for the whole school G
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chapter ten
Jason's fingers shook slightly as he entered the last digit of the activation code. The whole school still stood in tense silence, their mocking expressions frozen in place. The system loaded for what felt like an eternity, and finally, the screen displayed a new message: [CCard activated successfully]Jason's pulse quickened. He felt a rush of hope rising in his chest, pushing back the lingering echoes of Ethan and Linda’s cruel laughter. With renewed determination, he initiated the transfer again, his eyes focused on the screen."Here we go again," Ethan scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What's the matter, Jason? Can’t you just admit you’ve lost already? Save yourself the embarrassment."Linda smirked, her phone still recording every moment. "This is getting sad, Walkers. You really think you’re going to get a different result this time?" She said with determination in her eyes.Jason ignored their taunts, his focus entirely on the screen in front of him. He could feel the tension in the
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