chapter seven

The two of them exchanged uneasy glances, clearly unsettled by his newfound confidence. Jason turned on his heel and walked away, leaving them standing there in stunned silence.

As he walked, Jason’s mind raced with possibilities. His life had changed in an instant—he now had resources beyond their wildest dreams. Ethan and Linda had no idea what was coming for them, but soon enough, they would.

Jason smiled to himself, his heart filled with resolve. The power and wealth he now possessed would not only protect his family but would also ensure that no one ever dared to cross him again.

And his enemies? They had no idea what kind of storm was about to descend on them.

Jason’s smile faded as he crossed the courtyard, the cold wind whipping around him as he made his way toward the school’s main building. His thoughts spiraled—he had done well to keep his newfound power hidden for now, but Linda and Ethan were like snakes, waiting for the right moment to strike. They had humiliated his grandmother, and no amount of apologies or explanations could erase that from his mind. They would pay dearly.

As he approached the school entrance, his phone buzzed again. He didn’t even need to check it to know who it was. Marcus had been keeping tabs for him ever since that morning, updating him on every detail.

“Marcus,” Jason answered, his tone clipped. “What’s going on inside?”

“They’re waiting for you,” Marcus whispered urgently. “Linda just called the director. He’s on his way to stop you. You need to be careful. They’re planning to have you expelled—permanently this time.”

Jason clenched his jaw. So, they were pulling strings to take him down once and for all. He should’ve expected that, but now wasn’t the time to back down.

“I’ll handle it,” Jason said firmly, hanging up.

He entered the school building, the familiar hallways now buzzing with students who either glared or whispered behind his back. The rumors had spread like wildfire since his suspension. Everyone was expecting a showdown. Jason ignored them, his eyes locked on the corridor ahead.

As he neared the gym, he spotted Ethan standing near the entrance, leaning casually against the wall as if waiting for him. Linda was by his side, phone still in hand, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. They hadn’t noticed Jason yet.

“Jason Walkers ,” Ethan drawled, finally seeing him approach. “I was wondering when you’d show up. Still think you can walk around here after what you did?”

Jason didn’t answer. His eyes were fixed on Ethan, but his mind was elsewhere. He was calculating, weighing his options. He couldn’t afford to make a scene—not yet. The director would arrive any moment, and if Jason acted too impulsively, it would play right into their hands. But the sight of his grandmother’s tear-streaked face flashed in his mind, and the fury within him bubbled dangerously close to the surface.

“Not going to talk, huh?” Linda chimed in, stepping closer with a sneer. “Your grandma sure was generous, wasn’t she? That little bag of money she threw at us? Pathetic. We’re not cheap charity cases, Jason. You should know better.”

Jason’s fist twitched, but he forced himself to stay calm. “Get out of my way.”

Ethan chuckled, stepping in front of Jason. “Or what? You’ll hit me again? Don’t forget—you’re already suspended. One more slip-up, and you’re gone for good.”

Jason’s gaze flickered between them. He knew what they were doing—baiting him, trying to push him over the edge. But something had shifted in Jason since learning the truth about his inheritance. He was no longer the wretched boy that had thought he was

Without warning, Ethan shoved Jason hard against the wall. “Apologize. Now. And don’t forget my medical bill for last time.”

Jason’s eyes darkened, his muscles tensing as he fought the urge to retaliate. “I’m not apologizing for anything.”

Linda's grin widened. “Then we’ll make sure you’re gone for good.” He glanced at his watch. “The director should be here any second.”

Suddenly, a small voice interrupted the tense standoff.


Jason’s heart dropped as he saw his grandmother rushing down the hallway, her face etched with fear. She had followed him despite his instructions to go home. “Jason, please, don’t fight! Let’s just leave!”

Before Jason could respond, Ethan urned to her with a cruel sneer. “You again? Didn’t you get enough of a show outside, old lady? You’re really trying to protect this loser?”

Jason’s vision blurred with rage as he saw Ethan spit at the ground in front of his grandmother’s feet. His grandmother flinched, tears welling in her eyes.

That was the final straw.

With a snarl of fury, Jason launched himself at Ethan, his fist connecting with hus jaw with a sickening crack. Ethan staggered back, clutching his face in shock as Jason continued his assault, landing blow after blow, his anger consuming him.

“Jason, stop!” his grandmother cried out, her voice trembling.

But Jason didn’t stop. He had lost control. His vision tunneled, focusing only on Ethan's bleeding face beneath him as he pressed him to the floor, his knee digging into his chest.

“You think you can get away with humiliating my family?” Jason growled, his voice dark and filled with venom. “You’re wrong.”

Ethan, panicking, fumbled for his phone. “Director, come quick—he’s going to kill him!”

Just as Jason raised his fist to strike again, a hand grabbed his arm, pulling him back.

It was the school director, his face pale with fury. “That’s enough, Jason!”

Jason froze, his breathing ragged as he realized what he had done. Ethan lay beneath him, bruised and bleeding, while the entire hallway watched in stunned silence.

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