chapter six

Jason's mind whirled as he stepped out of the mansion, the weight of everything he had just learned pressing down on his shoulders. He had barely had time to process the fact that he was a long-lost heir to a powerful empire, and now the revelation was threatening to suffocate him. The luxury, the money, the influence—it was all his. And yet, his heart felt heavy with confusion and uncertainty.

But before Jason could delve any deeper into the storm of emotions raging inside him, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Startled, he fumbled for it, glancing at the screen. It was his friend, Marcus.

"Jason, you gotta come back to school. Now," Marcus’s voice was panicked, breathless even. "Your grandmother... she’s here. She’s begging the director to let you stay. Linda and Ethan... they’re making her—"

Jason’s heart dropped, and he didn’t need Marcus to finish the sentence. He could already picture it—his frail grandmother standing there, pleading, begging, while his enemies reveled in her humiliation. His jaw clenched in fury, the newfound wealth and power momentarily forgotten as his concern for his grandmother overpowered everything.

“I’m on my way,” Jason replied, voice tight. He hung up and turned to his grandfather’s driver, who was waiting by the sleek black car that had chauffeured him here. The vehicle looked like something out of a billionaire’s dream—sleek, shiny, and undeniably expensive. The thought of arriving in such a car would no doubt spark a frenzy at school.

But Jason wasn’t ready for that—not yet.

"Pull over a few blocks from the school," Jason ordered as he slid into the backseat. "I’ll walk from there."

The driver nodded without question, and they sped off toward the school. As they drove, Jason’s mind raced. He wasn’t ready to expose his newfound identity, not before he dealt with SM1 and SF1. They were responsible for his suspension, and now they had the audacity to shame his grandmother?

He would deal with them—he just needed to bide his time. But when he did, they wouldn’t know what hit them.

As the car pulled over, Jason stepped out and made the rest of the journey on foot, his thoughts simmering. His heart raced as he approached the school, his fists clenching in his pockets. He spotted his grandmother immediately at the gate, her gray hair tied up in a neat bun, her body trembling slightly as she stood in front of the school director. The director looked uncomfortable, trying to distance himself from the situation, but it was clear that Ethan and Linda were enjoying the scene, smirking as they whispered to each other.

Jason’s blood boiled. How dare they?

“Please, sir,” his grandmother was saying, her voice cracked with desperation. “We can’t afford to pay the extra tuition if Jason misses the final exams. He’s a good boy... Please, just let him take the exams. I beg you.”

Linda chuckled under her breath, her sharp eyes gleaming with malice. “Begging won’t help, Mrs. Harlow. If you really want Jason to stay, maybe you should kneel. That’s the least you can do.”

Jason froze in place, disbelief washing over him. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His grandmother—his only real family—was being humiliated by these vultures, and they had the nerve to ask her to kneel?

Without thinking, Jason strode forward, his face dark with fury.

"That’s enough," Jason’s voice cut through the tension like a knife. Everyone turned to look at him. His grandmother’s tear-filled eyes widened in shock and relief, while Linda and Ethan's smug expressions faltered slightly, though they quickly recovered.

"Jason!" his grandmother cried out, her hand reaching for him.

He reached her side, gently taking her arm. "I’m here, Grandma," he murmured, his voice softer now. Then, he turned to the director, his eyes cold. "I’ll handle this."

The director seemed eager to wash his hands of the situation and gave a quick nod before scurrying back into the school building. Now it was just Jason, his grandmother, and the two vultures who had been circling her.

"What’s this, Jason?" Linda sneered, crossing her arms. "You think you can save the day? You’re suspended. You can’t do anything."

Jason’s eyes narrowed. "You think so? You’re mistaken."

Linda's eyes flickered with unease, but she quickly masked it. "Oh, please. You’re nothing, Jason. Just a poor kid who can’t even pay his tuition. What are you going to do? Fight me? Pathetic."

Jason’s lips curled into a slow, dangerous smile. "You’re wrong about one thing. I’m not nothing anymore."

Ethan's smirk faltered again, confusion flickering in his gaze. Jason glanced over at his grandmother, who was watching him with wide, tear-filled eyes. He squeezed her hand gently, reassuring her.

"Go home, Grandma. I’ll take care of this," he said softly.

"But, Jason—"

"Please. Trust me."

After a moment, she nodded hesitantly, allowing him to guide her toward the gate. Once she was safely out of sight, Jason turned back to Linda and Ethan, his expression hardening.

"You’ve humiliated my family for the last time," he said, his voice low but deadly serious. "You think I’m powerless? Think again."

Linda, who had remained silent throughout the exchange, shifted nervously. "What are you going to do?" she muttered, though the bravado was quickly fading from her tone.

Jason stepped closer to them, his presence suddenly intimidating. "Let’s just say things have changed. And when I come back, you’ll regret every single thing you’ve done."

Linda scoffed, though the fear in her eyes betrayed her. "Big words, Jason. Too bad you won’t even be here for finals."

Jason’s smile was chilling. "Oh, I’ll be here. And when I return, you’ll both be the ones begging."

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