chapter five

Jason’s mind reeled from the stranger’s words, the silence in the room stretching uncomfortably. "Your father?" The statement hung in the air like a dense fog, making it hard for Jason to breathe. Jason blinked twice trying to make sure what he has heard was correct.

He had no idea who this man was or what kind of sick game he was playing, but the implication of his words gnawed at Jason’s insides. His father had always been a sore subject—an absentee parent, angry and distant, more of a ghost than a man in Jason’s life. But now, the old man in his front acted as if he knew more about Jason’s family than Jason himself did.

Before he could respond, the door behind him creaked open. A tall, elegant woman entered the room, her sharp features softened by a warm smile. Her heels clicked softly against the polished floor as she approached, stopping beside the man.

“Father,” she said softly, looking between Jason and the old man, “I think we should get the DNA test done first, just to be sure.”

Jason’s brow furrowed. DNA test? He wasn’t sure he wanted to play along with whatever plan this was. “Wait, hold on,” Jason interrupted, stepping back, his voice laced with confusion and suspicion. “Who exactly are you people? and why do I need to do a DNA test? Trust me I am not buying whatever this is."

The old man looked at the woman, then back at Jason, his expression softening slightly. “You don’t know, do you?” His tone was more curious than accusatory. “You don’t know anything about your real family.”

Jason’s stomach tightened, a feeling of dread creeping up his spine. “My real family? What are you talking about? I’ve only ever had one family, and they sure as hell don’t look like this.”

The old man sighed, taking a seat in the high-backed chair once again. He gestured for Jason to sit, but Jason remained standing, too tense to move.

“Jason,” the old man began slowly, as if carefully choosing his words, “I am your grandfather. Your real grandfather. You were… misplaced at birth. Stolen, in fact. For years, we’ve been looking for you.”

Jason’s world tilted as the words sank in. Stolen? Grandfather? What was he saying? Is this all some kind of twisted game? A joke?

“You’ve got the wrong person,” Jason said, shaking his head. “I don’t know what you think you know, but—”

“No, we don’t have the wrong person,” the woman interjected, stepping forward. Her eyes were sharp, assessing him closely. “You look just like him—our missing heir. But we’ve been fooled before. That’s why we need the test, just to confirm.”

“Test or no test, I don’t belong here,” Jason snapped, his frustration boiling over. “I’m not some lost heir, and I sure as hell don’t need your money.”

His defiance seemed to amuse the old man. A slow smile tugged at his lips. “Stubborn, just like your father. But I’m afraid this isn’t something you can just walk away from.”

The woman, his supposed cousin, moved toward a side table and retrieved a small medical kit. She held up a cotton swab. “It’s simple, really. One quick sample, and we’ll know for sure. Wouldn’t you like to know the truth?”

Jason hesitated, his instincts telling him to refuse. But something inside him—some buried, desperate need for answers—made him pause. If there was even the slightest chance that what they were saying was true, he had to know.

Reluctantly, he nodded.

The woman stepped closer, gently taking a swab from the inside of his cheek before sealing it in a sterile container. She placed it on the table and sent a quick message on her phone, likely signaling someone to run the test.

The old man watched Jason closely. “You remind me so much of your father, especially in the way you carry yourself. Strong, defiant, but lost.”

Jason clenched his fists, his mind still reeling. “My father was… nothing. He abandoned us. My grandmother raised me, not him.”

There was a moment of silence, and then the old man sighed deeply. “Your father was a complicated man. But your grandmother… she did her best to protect you. She must have known who you truly were.”

Jason’s heart pounded in his chest. His grandmother had never mentioned anything about a different family, let alone a wealthy, powerful one. She had worked herself to the bone, cleaning houses to keep food on the table for them. There was no way she’d hidden something like this from him… right?

His thoughts were interrupted by the door opening once more. A doctor entered, holding a tablet in one hand. He approached the old man, whispering something too quietly for Jason to hear.

The old man’s eyes widened slightly, his lips parting in surprise. He glanced at Jason, then back at the doctor, who nodded.

“Well,” the old man finally said, his voice heavy with emotion, “it appears you are indeed who we’ve been looking for.”

Jason’s stomach dropped. This can’t be happening.

The woman—his cousin—smiled faintly, a mixture of relief and satisfaction in her expression. “Welcome home, Jason.”

Jason took a step back, his mind racing. Home? This wasn’t his home. These people weren’t his family. But the DNA test didn’t lie. It felt like the ground had been ripped out from under him.

The old man stood up and walked toward him, placing a hand on Jason’s shoulder. “You have no idea how long we’ve waited for this day. Your father’s legacy… it’s all yours now.”

Jason’s breath hitched. “Legacy?”

“Everything,” the old man continued, gesturing around the room. “The estate, the business, the assets. It’s all yours to inherit.”

Jason’s mind was spinning. He had gone from being a regular high school student, suspended and lost, to the heir of a vast fortune in a matter of hours. None of it felt real.

“But…” Jason struggled to find the right words, “I don’t even know you. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“I know,” his grandfather said gently, “but this is your birthright. You are the last true heir of our family, and we need you.”

Jason’s heart pounded in his chest, the weight of it all crashing down on him. Everything they were offering him—the money, the power—it was overwhelming. He didn't know if he should trust any of what they said to him but one thing was certain, he was going to equal the gaming level with Ethan

A smile slowly etched on his face as he looked around the glamorous mansion he was in.

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