chapter eight

The hallway was awfully quiet, save for the sound of heavy breathing and the distant murmur of students watching the spectacle unfold. Jason stood there, fists clenched, his heart pounding as the director released his grip on his arm. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him, the weight of their judgment, the sharp sting of their whispers. He now looked like the villain while Ethan was in his exact position.

Ethan lay sprawled on the floor, still groaning, holding his bloodied face. Linda knelt beside him, casting hateful glances at Jason, her phone still in hand, capturing every moment of his outburst. Jason’s grandmother, frail and trembling, stood to the side, her tearful eyes pleading with him, but Jason couldn’t meet her gaze. He had lost control, and the consequences were about to catch up with him.

“Well, well,” the director sneered, straightening his suit and eyeing Jason with a mix of contempt and satisfaction. “What do you have to say for yourself now, Jason? After attacking another student again, you’ve made my job quite easy. I warned you once before—now you’re finished. Do you even know who you are going up against?"

Linda shot to her feet, her voice dripping with venom as she added, “He’s nothing but a violent brute! He should’ve been expelled a long time ago. Just look at what he did to Ethan! He’s dangerous. The entire school’s better off without him.”

Jason’s jaw tightened, but he remained silent, his thoughts racing. He glanced at his grandmother, whose frail figure seemed even smaller under the harsh fluorescent lights. Her presence reminded him of why he had restrained himself for so long—why he had swallowed his pride, endured the ridicule. But they had gone too far this time, and now, there was no turning back.

The director shook his head in mock disappointment. “I think we’ve heard enough. Jason Walkers, you’re hereby expelled from this school, effective immediately. I’ll have the paperwork filed by the end of the day. You’ve disgraced yourself and—”

“Stop,” Jason’s voice cut through the air, cold and sharp. The director faltered, raising an eyebrow as Jason took a step forward, his eyes locked onto the man’s. “Don’t bother with your theatrics. We both know this has nothing to do with my actions and everything to do with the money.”

A ripple of surprise passed through the crowd of students, and even Linda and Ethan exchanged puzzled looks. They all knew Ethan's father had been ripping off the director to look the other way.

The director’s smug grin faltered, but only for a moment. “Money?” he repeated, laughing dismissively. “You think this is about money? You attacked a student! You’re a menace, and this school has no place for someone like you."

Jason tilted his head slightly, his gaze unflinching. “How much, Director? How much has Ethan’s father donated to keep you on his payroll?”

The crowd’s murmuring grew louder, the tension thick in the air. Linda’s face darkened with rage, but before she could respond, the director chuckled, his expression regaining its usual smugness.

“Oh, you think you can play that game, do you?” The director’s voice oozed condescension as he folded his arms across his chest. “If you must know, Mr. Matthews has been very generous to this institution—more than you could ever dream of. But let’s entertain your little question, shall we? The Matthews family has contributed well over half a million dollars to this school. What of it?”

Linda smirked, crossing her arms beside Ethan, who still sat groaning on the floor. “Yeah, Jason. What of it?”

Jason didn’t flinch. His next words were calm, almost too calm. “I’ll donate ten times that.”

The hallway erupted in laughter. Students gasped, some pulling out their phones to record what they believed would be the final, humiliating downfall of Jason Walkers. Linda’s sneer widened into a full-blown grin as she exchanged amused glances with Ethan, who managed a pained chuckle.

“You’ve lost it,” Ethan muttered, clutching his jaw. “You’re delusional.”

The director, too, couldn’t help but laugh, though there was a glint of something darker in his eyes now. “Ten times that? That’s five million dollars, Jason. You expect us to believe you’ve got that kind of money? You don’t even have a place in this school, let alone the means to make such a donation. an you even take a look at your clothes! They are all rags." he said with a smug on his face

Jason’s eyes never wavered. “Give me the school’s official account. I’ll transfer the money right now.”


The laughter died down, replaced by whispers of disbelief. Linda’s smirk faltered as she glanced at Ethan, who now looked more confused than pained. The director’s amusement faded, replaced by suspicion.

“You’re bluffing,” the director said, his voice uncertain now. “This isn’t a joke, Jason. We’re talking millions—”

“I’m not bluffing,” Jason interrupted, his voice cold. “Give me the account number. Or are you afraid of losing the only leverage you have over me?”

The director hesitated, and for a moment, doubt flickered across his face. Could it be possible? No, it couldn’t. Jason was a nobody—he couldn’t possibly have access to that kind of money. And yet, the way Jason stood there, so confident, so unflinching, made the director pause.

The whispers among the students grew louder. Some were already live-streaming, spreading the word that Jason Walkers was about to pull off something outrageous. Linda, sensing the shift in the crowd’s mood, opened her mouth to protest, but Jason shot her a look that silenced her instantly.

“Last chance, Director,” Jason said, his voice steady. “Give me the account details.”

The director, now visibly sweating, glanced around nervously. The students, the faculty—everyone was watching. If Jason was bluffing, he could expose him, humiliate him for good. But if he wasn’t… The director clenched his teeth and pulled out his phone.

“I’ll humor you,” he said, typing into his device. “But when you fail to deliver, this little stunt of yours will be the final nail in your coffin.”

Jason didn’t react as the director handed him a slip of paper with the bank details. He calmly took out his own phone, ignoring the growing buzz of excitement and disbelief from the onlookers. His fingers moved swiftly over the screen as he initiated the transfer.

He was about to transfer the money when Ethan got up to his feet. " Why don't we make this more interesting." He said as blood ooze from his cut.

Every eyes turned towards him and wondered what Ethan's condition would be.

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