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By: Miraukwuma Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 36

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"Get a grip?" Xander said and chuckled maniacally. The simple aura in the office was replaced by a dark and wicked one. "I accepted everything throwed my way, I got a grip on my anger because I had a home, a love, and a family but she dared to snatched everything away and leave me bare. I'm done containing my anger not until she feel everything last bit of pain I did" Xander said and at this moment he looked unrecognizable. Alexander "Xander" Cage, a lowly son in law with no class attached to his name, survived a near death situation after the little family he thought he had was snatched from him by his wife, Hermia. He sworn to pay her back with the same pain she caused him but can he be able to ignore his feelings when she came on her kneel pleading with him to take her back.

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11 chapters
Chapter 1
The hospital ward was dimly lit as the only source of light was the lamp beside the bed. The ward was like any other hospital ward just extravagant.Xander lay on the bed unconscious and he had bandage wrapped around his left arm and right leg. He was in this position since his minor surgery an hour ago. The night breeze from the open window gently brushed past his skin and he slowly felt his arms and legs, including the pain that follows.He groaned and squeezed fingers into a weak fist as he tried to feel his body. The muscles on his arm ached so he released the fist and tried moving his legs. His legs felt more heavier than usual so he gave up and tried opening his eyes. It felt like a task to keeping his eyelids from closing but was glad that room was dimly lit as he slowly adjusted to it.This was strange to him as he had never been in a place like this. The beeping of the heart monitor caught his attention and was confused for a minute as he realized it was connected to him.He
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Chapter 2
Xander stood by the window, resting his weight on his good leg out of habit. He has been limping for two months and was used to it. The bandage on his other leg have been removed by the door this morning but it still felt weird to be use his two legs.A light wind blew his mop of black hair, ruffling. His hair had long need an hair cut but he never bother of it as all his month went into his savings of buying his wife a present for their anniversary."What a waste" he muttered and looked out the window at other patients enjoying the weather with their visitors or family.He saw an old man on wheelchair laughing and talking with his son. A grandmother surrounded by her grandkids and children who wanted to fill her in on their lives that she missed. He saw the way the man held his wife which was pregnant as she watched her kids talk to their grandmother.He wanted that.That love of a family, he also wanted it. The lovely look that he would cherish for the rest of his life. His not so p
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Chapter 3
Xander eyes widened in shock as he looked an older copy of himself. He felt like he was looking into a future mirror. The only difference was their eyes, his was green and his father was brown.Now he noticed that the camera never caught a clear photo of his face. It was always a side view or a far sight.A smile creeped into his face as he felt happy feeling of hope burn in him. He felt like there was someone in this world that cared about him because their resemblance was uncanny but why didn't he show up to see him. "You didn't visit me in the hospital" Xander stated, his voice came out more calmer than he expected. Max faceplamed himself as he knew the answer that was coming."The yearly shareholders meeting took place so I didn't have time to pay you a visit, it wasn't need as I was going to meet you later" Cameron answered, surprising Max who thought he was going to give a short reply. Xander nodded as what his father said meant more sense but it made him feel like he was hung
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Chapter 4
"Cameron, don't you dare!" Max said angrily from the door.He had been behind the door the whole time eavesdropping on their conversation and to make sure things don't go out of control.Max was a precautious person and knew the topic of the chairman's dead wife was a taboo in the mansion. He knew what happened to people that mentioned his dead wife. The last person to do that is in a graveyard but this was his son and wasn't about to allow him to do what he would regret.Xander eyes widened and moved he shifted away from the horror in front of him. His father was about to hit, just like strangers hit him.By the time he realized what was happening, Max had pulled him behind him. Cameron eyes also widened in horror as he saw Xander behind Max. He stared at his hand like it wasn't part of his body but someone else."I'm sorry, Xander. Please try to understand I didn't mean to respond like that" Cameron plead. His cold impression was broken as he pleaded for his son forgiveness. Xander
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Chapter 5
"Mind if I accompany you""I don't, I kind of need a break from this old man" Xander made a slight joke and was surprised when she laughed. Nobody ever laughed at his joke except his daughter, everyone else always raised an eyebrow then shook their head. "I understand you" the attendant said and I eyes left Xander to Max. "He remind me of my grandfather, you know how Mexican grandparents can be, so overprotective and rarely let you have a life" Max raised an eyebrow at that statement. He stared down at his knuckles it dew winkles on it but not enough to be referred as a grandfather. He stared at his reflection on the showcase, his face showed no sign of winkle thanks to his wife who nagged him on eating healthy food. "I'm not even sixty!" he wanted to say but he bit his tongue and swallowed his word. "Tell me about it" Xander smirked and looked at Max fuming through the corner of his eyes as he walked deeper into mall, the sound of his footstep followed after him. "Max" Xand
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Chapter 6
"Do you know her? " Randy asked, her eyes on the three ladies who were about her age in front of them. This ladies dressed extravagantly from the jacket to their shoes. Helena stood in the middle of her two friends, she wore a pink jacket over a gray tight gown. She looked taller than when Xander saw her around his wife house with the aid of a pink boot heels. Randy's statement got her attention as she was yet to notice her. "Oh, new girl, that fast. I didn't think you get over my sister so quick" Helena said with a giggle that didn't sound normal. Her words slurred slightly and she looked at them with a sloppy smile. Helena held unto one of her friend to steady herself as she took one step closer to Xander. "Ex girlfriend? " Randy asked, her voice coming out at bit anxious as she watched Helena twirl a strand of her brown wavy hair around her finger. "No, ignore her she is high" Xander replied, he didn't want to stay in that uncomfortable situation so he took Randy's hand to lea
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Chapter 6
Helena stared at the receipt then Randy's back as she followed the men out and again at the receipt. A lump came in her throat as her eyes welled up and blurred her sight. She was high and too disoriented to say why she was reacting like that. Her friends didn't notice until a tear dropped on the receipt, staining it."Hel, are you crying?" the blonde, Lizzy asked."No, I'm not, I think I'm too high" Helena responded and furiously wiped her eyes, drying every trace of tear."Why are you crying, I thought this is a happy news and he is single again" the black haired, Kati said and whispered the last part."Hands off him, he is mine" Lizzy shunned and glared at her friend"Were you girls blind he got a new girlfriend!" Helena said and lump reappeared in her throat again. "Gosh, something is wrong with me" she choked. She looked at the celling and blinked continously to clear the tears."Hold on for a minute, I thought you said he was poor that's why sister divorced him" Lizzy said, her
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Chapter 8
Xander stood in an empty familiar space, his in laws house. Everything looked well arranged and not a speck of dust can be noticed. The couch and sofa were cleared of any spot, including the spot Helena had stained with red wine. The sky blue tiles sparkled under the chandeliers and lights but the familiar pine scent was absent.He stood and looked around at the place he called home for three years. He remembered the burning feeling the first time he entered the house as a son in law. It lacked safety but it was okay as long as he had a roof over his head.A strange sound brought him out of his thoughts, when he listened more it was a muffled cry."Emily?" He called, searching for the direction the sobs came from. He walker into the kitchen and check the cupboards and cabinets in case she was hiding there.With no fruitful effort he left the kitchen back to the living room. The muffled cry got clearer when he reached the staircase that led up stairs to-"Why did I not think of this fi
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Chapter 9
"How was the meeting" Cameron asked his son. His voice came out more steadier than he thought."They are not the most accepting crowd but it was good" Xander replied and waited for his father to say something to ease the awkwardness."That's good" Cameron said and mentally facepalm himself. He didn't know what he was doing, he only did what Max told him to do."They can't do anything about your position but if they think otherwise you can strip them of their position." Max added and Xander returned with a smile.The new chairman watched the two older men converse with their eyes so he used this period to admire his father's office, now his, and mentally noted things he needed to change. Maybe change the black couch to red, it's more suitable for his aura."Hm-hm" Cameron cleared his throat to get Alexander's attention. He leaned forward and dropped something on the table. Xander stared at the key placed on the table then gave his father and Max a pointed look."Uhm, I suspected that
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Chapter 10
"Mr. Rinwon, you have a visitor" Mike secretary told him through the office line."Does this visitor have an appointment?" he asked, already irritated."No, sir, he said he is from XL headquarters" Mike's demeanor changed as he ordered her to send him in.He stood from his seat and straightened his clothes before he met someone of high authority. He also wondered the reason for the sudden visit since he was yet to send a prohect proposition to the new chairman. Worries away, he hoped it was a fortunate visit.His train of thought stopped when his office door opened and Hunter stepped in. He would have yelled if someone entered his office without knocking but XL was a different category. They could render his company useless in a twinkle of an eyes so he had to play right."Welcome, have a seat" Mike greeted and led him to the brown leather couch. His office could only take two couch or there won't be any walking area."Are you Mike Rinwon" Hunter asked"Yes, the only one" Mike said an
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