Chapter 6

"Do you know her? " Randy asked, her eyes on the three ladies who were about her age in front of them. This ladies dressed extravagantly from the jacket to their shoes.

Helena stood in the middle of her two friends, she wore a pink jacket over a gray tight gown. She looked taller than when Xander saw her around his wife house with the aid of a pink boot heels.

Randy's statement got her attention as she was yet to notice her.

"Oh, new girl, that fast. I didn't think you get over my sister so quick" Helena said with a giggle that didn't sound normal. Her words slurred slightly and she looked at them with a sloppy smile. Helena held unto one of her friend to steady herself as she took one step closer to Xander.

"Ex girlfriend? " Randy asked, her voice coming out at bit anxious as she watched Helena twirl a strand of her brown wavy hair around her finger.

"No, ignore her she is high" Xander replied, he didn't want to stay in that uncomfortable situation so he took Randy's hand to leave this section.

"Running away? Keep running that's what you are best at" Helena taunted and her friends laughed. She seemed like the one high among her friends and it was easy to know that her friends were here to leech from her.

"Is he the one you told us about " one of Helena friends asked. She had a blonde hair that ran down her back stopping at her waist.

"The one that begged and cried " the other with a black Bob hair and pale white skin joined in and they laughed. Xander clenched his jaw in anger and kept walking but he heard Randy hiss and stopped.

"You enjoy taunting people about their worst moment, right? What about yours? I assume that you spend more time in police custody than you actually do in your house" Randy said and smirk when she saw Helena eyes widened and her friends gasped dramatically.

"You bitch! " Helena screamed causing other customers to notice them. These customers watched them subtle and few had phone video on subtle recording everything.

Few attendants tried to curb the situation by stopping customers from making a video.

"Helena you are causing a scene which is one thing I hate" Xander said calmly with dread in his voice.

Helena glared at him which he returned with a calm stare of his own before she looked away. Xander wanted to walk pass since she was standing at the exist of the section but Helena place her hand on his chest to stop him.

"I haven't asked you to leave" Helena said, her hands still not leaving his chest. She felt the contours of his chest through the thin fabric. A blush spread through her cheek as she moistured her lips.

Xander leaned down to the level of her face before speaking.

"It's wrong to lust after your sister's husband" Xander said lowly and smirk when her face reddened. He couldn't discern whether her flush was from embrassment or lust. All he felt was success as he was able to derive an emotion from her.

"You aren't her husband anymore" she slurred and Xander rose a eyebrow at her.

"What are you implying?" Xander asked and Randy stared intently at Helena, in a way that could have burned two holes on her.

"Don't talk like you don't understand" Helena said softly fisting the herm of his shirt in her hand.

As they stood outside Sole Mates, a shoe store, Helena's giggles echoed through the quiet corridor, drawing attention from nearby shoppers. The scent of fresh leather wafted out, mingling with the faint aroma of perfume from Glittering Jewels, a jewelry store. Xander's eyes narrowed, his voice low and even. "I'm not interested, Helena." The soft beep of the jewelry store's security system punctuated the tension between them.

It felt like her last sanity thread cut lose and she grab on his collar.

"What's the difference between Hermia and me? Is it because she runs the company and has a good reputation?" Hermia asked her dull blues eyes staring into Xander green ones.

Randy had gotten enough of her tantrums and pulled off Helena hands from Xander's shirt, he took this time to straight his shirt.

"You are supporting him, do you know who he is? " the blonde asked.

"I don't need to" Randy sharply reply.

"What a sanit, fake to be innocent when you are actually his money. Newsflash, he is broke that's why his wife dump him" the black haired said and some attendants gasped before turning away when Xander looked at him.

At this moment, time went slow, eyes dwelled on him, most of them judging him for his condition. His heart beat faster as he waited for Randy to turn against him. He was surprised when she held his hand and spoke up for him.

"Gather all your information before you start spreading rumors" Randy said bravely and turned to leave. She send Xander a smile and he returned it. A part of his heart delight as someone stood up for him for the first time in forever.

"I know everything about him! " Helena said in irritation and jealousy before they got far. "He is married to my family and cried when my sister divorced him or have you forgotten your daughter? She still cries for her daddy everyday" Helena said and smirked at her success of grabbing Xander attention, she had hit a nerve.

Xander squeeze Randy's hand to calm himself before he walked towards her. Helena eyes watched all his movement, scared that he might hit her or do something to hurt her. She felt her friends presence and their audience before she bravely kept her stand as he walked towards her.

He stopped directly in her view and wrapped his hand around her neck lightly and said, "I and your sister could have never worked out because of her attitude I hope you are different" Xander said and smiled sweetly.

"Young Master, it's time to leave" Max called as he returned from paying for everything they bought. He was surprised to see crowd gathering and went to check it out. Surprisingly, his boss's son was the center of the drama.

"Max come over here for a moment" Xander called and let go of Helen's neck and rubbed her shoulder gently.

Max thrud towards them and stood quietly behind Xander while cussing the young master and his master in his mind.

"Max the card" Max raised a brow before obeying him.

"I'm guessing you are done shopping, I would pay for it" Max said to Helena as he let go of her shoulder.

"You can't" Helena said through her teeth

"Watch me" he said and smirk. Helena and her friends watched as he gave the closest attendent his card.

They waited to be told that the card was invalid. Instead the attendant came back with the card and receipt.

"Impossible" Helena said under her breath, still trying to recover from the shock.

"Hold unto this until next time" Xander said calmly and tucked the receipt into her hand and mouthed a thank you to Randy before leaving the mall.

Helena opened the receipt in her hands and her total cost was six hundred thousand dollars.

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