Chapter 6

Helena stared at the receipt then Randy's back as she followed the men out and again at the receipt. A lump came in her throat as her eyes welled up and blurred her sight. She was high and too disoriented to say why she was reacting like that. Her friends didn't notice until a tear dropped on the receipt, staining it.

"Hel, are you crying?" the blonde, Lizzy asked.

"No, I'm not, I think I'm too high" Helena responded and furiously wiped her eyes, drying every trace of tear.

"Why are you crying, I thought this is a happy news and he is single again" the black haired, Kati said and whispered the last part.

"Hands off him, he is mine" Lizzy shunned and glared at her friend

"Were you girls blind he got a new girlfriend!" Helena said and lump reappeared in her throat again. "Gosh, something is wrong with me" she choked. She looked at the celling and blinked continously to clear the tears.

"Hold on for a minute, I thought you said he was poor that's why sister divorced him" Lizzy said, her black eyebrow that contrast her blonde hair, deepened.

"Maybe he faked been poor to know if your sister loved him and now she divorced him, he is showing his true colors" Kati said flatly as she admired her newly done nails.

"That might be the case" Helena agreed, nodding her head at the same time.

Out of nowhere, the receipt is snatched from her hand, she turned to Kati who held the receipt thoughtfully.

"What are you doing with that?" Helena questioned, slightly agitated.

"What else, I'm going to make use it, come on, let's drop you off" Kati said and walked towards entrance.

"Slow down bitch" Lizzy cussed as she aided Helena in walking.

They got to Helena's car and she gave Kati the key. Her black hair friend entered the drivers seats, Lizzy the passenger seat and Helena crawled into the backseat. The ride to the Dally's house was filled with shattering from the two girls at the front seat but all their noise blurred Helena's ears. She stared out the window the entire way, staring at other cars and building until she saw a beautiful house painted in sky blue. This was where she lives but as Randy said she spent more time in police custody than she did at home.

Nobody ever noticed her absent except Xander when he still lived here. He noticed when she leaved and came back high, like that nig-

"Aren't you getting off?" Kati barked at her, bringing her out of her head.

"Would you throw me out if I don't, don't forget this is my car" Helena shot back with a glare.

Kati was short of words until she heard Lizzy muffled laughter. She clenched her jaw and glared at the blonde who bit her lower lips not to set her off.

"I could throw you out and this is not your car anymore" Kati said and stared intently at the high woman, waiting for a comeback.

"Just say you want it and it's yours. It just a useless Lexus" Helena said and muttered the last statement before hopping off the car. It was more like she fell out of the car.

She hissed as she stood and looked at her bruise palm.

"This is going to be a hell of a day" She muttered and walk through the open door of the house.

"I'm home!" she said on top of her lungs, alerting everyone and fell on a sofa.

"Be quiet, Helena" Hermia shunned. She sat at the dinning with stacks of documents in front of her with a glass of champagne in her left hand and a pen on her right.

"Says the person who haven't been quiet in a week because of she divorced her husband for a rich guy" Helena said and giggled as her sister scowled at her. "Oops, I stroke a nerve" the high woman said and giggled at lot more almost falling out of the sofa.

"Stop making your sister angry" her mother said and slapped her arm.

"Mom! You are assaulting me" Helena complainer and pouted.

"You deserved it" her mother said and sat beside her youngest daughter.

The mother of the two girls, Rose was a beauty of her days and it still showed as she aged pretty well.

"You won't be saying that after you hear what I have to say, you might even hit Hermia for being stupid"

"Why would she turn on me over what you, a freeloader, say?" Hermia said and gracefully took a sip from her champagne inhaling the tasteful aroma.

"A freeloader, you call me, just like you called Xander a waste of space when he was ready to do everything for you, do you know how other women die for that?" Helena said fuming, her emotions getting the best of her at her disoriented state. Her mother slapped her barely covered lap this time.

"Stop annoying you sister" she warned and looked at Hermia only to find her glaring at her younger sister.

"Mom!" Helena wailed and her eyes became glassy "I'm also your daughter, I don't own a big ass company or anything but I'm also your daughter, your youngest" Helena said and sobbed.

Rise cupped her face and this prone her to open her eyes and stare into the mother pretty black eyes.

"I know you are my daughter, why wouldn't you be my daughter, I gave you so much beauty, your eyes, your lips, your body, so you can make use of them but have you?" Rose said in soft tone Hermia recognized all too well.

She clenched the neck of the glass of champagne to stop her from trembling.

"Mother, let her be, she is just acting out because she is high" Hermia said with a smile.

The muscles on her cheek ached as she tried to keep the smile for a longer time. Rose withdrew her hands from Helena face, causing Helena to whine in disapproval.

At that moment, a small girl not more than three years old silently walked down the stairs that led to the living room.

"Emily, when did you wake up" Hermia said and walked into the living room with the aim of meeting her daughter.

Emily noticed this and walked behind a couch and entered into the kitchen. She took her purple cup to the water dispenser and press the button for water. She let the water fill half of the cup before stopping it and bringing it to her little lips. She emptied the cup and went back to her room the same way she came.

"See what I'm worried about? How can my daughter give me a silent treatment?" Hermia complained to no one in particular as she watch her daughter disappear upstairs into her room.

"Get use to not having what you want?" Helena said, causing her sister to turn to her.

"Pardon" Hermia said bitterly

Helena's anger deflates as tear prickled her eyes.

"Don't give me that look, like you don't understand, you always gotten what I want and I hot noting in return. I wanted mom's attention but you took it-"

"You should be grateful I did" Hermia cut her off.

"Don't interrupt me. I wanted a family bit everyone in our family is in your side, I wanted Xander but you took him and cast him away when you don't need him anymore" Helena said, her eyebrows twisted with glassy eyes as her chest heaved.

By now, she was already standing in front of Hermia, she doesn't recall leaving the sofa and doesn't care to.

Rise pulled her daughter to face her, "Why would you want a pauper" the older woman asked in annoyance.

"He isn't a pauper, he just faked to be one because he loved Hermia even if he was a pauper I would still want him because I love him!" Helena proclaimed and her cheek burned as her mother's palm left her face as fast as it came.

"I gave you much beauty so you can be useful instead you claim that you love a beggar. I only had one wish. Make me -"

"Mother stop!" Hermia interrupted as she was visible shaking but it went unnoticed by the two families in front of her.

"What! Are you angry that I love Xander or because he is rich and you realize what you lost?" Helena taunted. Hermia closed her eyes and tries to breath through her nose.

She breathed in the pine scent of their home and it helped calm her a little.

"Helena, listen, whatever you heard were all false and you and making them up because you are high" Hermia said and smiled sweetly at her sister.

"I'm not making it up!" Helena said raising her voice a pitch higher.

"What are you not making up" a voice asked and the women turned in the direction it came from.

At the entrance stood a man with a jet black hair and eyes just like Rose.

"Uncle Felix, I'm glad you are here, you believe me right?" Helena asked as she rushed to the man, stumbling on her way there.

"Explain what happened" Felix said, walking further into the house with Helena clinging to his arm.

He is greeter by the pine scent and few maids who silently gave them some privacy. When they all left she started.

"I went shopping with Lizzy and Kati and we stumbled into Xander and this Mexican lady. I tried to make him f-feel bad and he shocked me by paying for the things we bought it was more than a hundred thousand dollars" she explained,looking at them for a reaction.

"Where are the things you bought" Hermia asked even though she knew the obvious answer. Helena looked around the empty sofa and couch before she realized.

"I left it in the car" she said, pointing towards the door

"And your parasitic friends took your car again" Rose stated and rolled her eyes.

"Helena, do you know what the company is passing through? We are trying so hard not to get bankrupt and you are just busy wasting our efforts and money" Hermia said in a stern tone and Felix's piercing gaze silenced her and her lips pursued in discontent.

"Helena, dear, so you have the receipt?" Felix asked calmly.

"The receipt? The receipt! FUCK! Kati took it, she is going after Xander next like Hermia did" Helena said and started making her way towards the door.

"Where do you think you are going young lady?" Rise asked with her hands in her hips.

Her tears dries as a fiery determination ignite within her as Felix calm demeanor steadied her resolve.

"To meet Xander"

Her legs trembled beneath her and her eyes blurred as her lids grew heavy in each step, surrendering to exhaustion. The cold rushed up to meet her as she asleep. Her family members watched her even little Emily watched from the shadows, her curious eyes fixed on the scene.

Only Felix saw her and when she realized she was caught, she ran to her room.

"What if what she is saying is true?" Hermia asked no one in particular.

"It can't be, just focus on your wedding" Rose said warmly rubbing her daughter's arms.

"Your mother is right, focus on your wedding and I would make sure this isn't true, even if it is" Felix said his last statement under his breath in a tone that send chills down everyone spine.

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