Chapter 3

Xander eyes widened in shock as he looked an older copy of himself. He felt like he was looking into a future mirror. The only difference was their eyes, his was green and his father was brown.

Now he noticed that the camera never caught a clear photo of his face. It was always a side view or a far sight.

A smile creeped into his face as he felt happy feeling of hope burn in him. He felt like there was someone in this world that cared about him because their resemblance was uncanny but why didn't he show up to see him.

"You didn't visit me in the hospital" Xander stated, his voice came out more calmer than he expected. Max faceplamed himself as he knew the answer that was coming.

"The yearly shareholders meeting took place so I didn't have time to pay you a visit, it wasn't need as I was going to meet you later" Cameron answered, surprising Max who thought he was going to give a short reply.

Xander nodded as what his father said meant more sense but it made him feel like he was hungry for affection. He looked into his father brown eyes as he tried to determine what kind of person he is.

The conclusion he came up with was that his father was calculative as a business man is supposed to.

Very different from me, I wonder if meet to his standard. He thought.

Some down in his mind told him he wasn't worthy of anything even his father's love.

"Your eyes are filled with questions, it's about time you knew what happened between your parents that led to this moment, Max could you leave us for a moment" Cameron ordered, his dominant aura feel the air and it was a little scaring to been around him. Max nodded and left.

He spoke again after Max left them.

"I and your mother, Julia were in love so we got married, contradicting my social class rule, rich marries rich to maintain their wealth, if my calculations are right that was twenty seven years ago" He started. Xander had a gnawing feeling now, he was curious but he wasn't sure if he want to know.

"Our first year was an happy one, we had you but things changed when your mother started getting death threat in her emails and voicemail. I am rich and powerful so I traced them and sent threats back. It didn't change anything it only got worst, they started harrasssing physical. She refuse to leave the house after that. One day she got enough of it and left, I didn't worry too much since her father called to tell me to inform me of her whereabouts" Cameron clenched his jaw and looked out the huge windows. This memories came with whirlpool of emotions.

"So where did everything go wrong? You could have gone to see her secretly" Xander said, clearly invested in the story about his parents. His father chuckled and continued. Something about that chuckle sounded bitter to Xander.

"That's what she wanted but I refused, her safety meant everything to me, I did everything to keep her safe, even bought an apartment for her father as an apology to everything that happened to his daughter. No matter how much I wanted to see her, I was scared that someone might follow me and endanger her. I don't know how her location got known, she was beaten up by some girls and they injured you a bit, since them she had been on a run. She spent five years hiding from place to another, tried to keep in touch with her but that only made her move to another place"

"We got into a big fight when I asked her to bring you to me to prevent you from being in danger since you were my successor. She angrily refused and made claim about me only caring my money and company. I did try to reason with her but it was going nowhere. One day she showed upon at my door step alone, right there" The older man said, pointing at the door Xander came in through. Xander turned to the door and tried to imagine his mother standing there but nothing came up. He doesn't remember her, her face, her scent or anything.

He never once felt like he lost much after he survived the fire until now. He closed his eyes for a brief moment to dig into his deepest memories but all he saw his wife humiliation and daughter's cries. He opened his eyes when he felt a splitting headache. He clenched his jaw to endure the pain and turned back to his father.

Cameron noticed his actions but kept quiet about it and continued.

"She complained about life been tough and she couldn't take it anymore. When I asked about you, she said that she would never tell me and left."

"Why didn't you find me?" the question left his mouth before he could stop it

"I did, I got the name of the orphanage just when I heard that the orphanage got burned and you were the oy survivor, tracking you wasn't easy since you were always on the run from debtors. You were better at hiding than your mother. Max doesn't know I found you few weeks before your incident, I was curious to see how you would handle the Dally" His father concluded and smirked grimly.

He felt the back of his eyes burn.

Why those this annoying tears have to fall now. He looked at the ceilings and tried to blink the tears away before turning back to his father.

"I spent my life trying to fit in somewhere, I was so desperate to have somewhere I belong to that I put up with everything they did" he stopped as it was hard to breath and talk with so much feeling brewing inside. "When I heard I have a father, I felt like I have a root. I can only blame myself for thinking I was worth it" Xander ended as he dug his finger into his palm. He looked at his father and was surprised to see a smile on his face.

"Always remember this feeling, the humiliation you went through that's the way you be a business tycoon" Cameron said and placed his hand on the hand Xander was clenching.

"Don't forget to add the neglecting from your biological parents, no wonder my mother couldn't live with you" Xander said and Cameron felt like he had been bathed in acid. He knew what Xander didn't know. He knew his mother shot herself in front of him, Xander didn't need to know. Even if he didn't know, he felt triggered and could only act before thinking.

His raise his hand to hit his son.

"Cameron, Don't you dare!"

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