Chapter 2

Xander stood by the window, resting his weight on his good leg out of habit. He has been limping for two months and was used to it. The bandage on his other leg have been removed by the door this morning but it still felt weird to be use his two legs.

A light wind blew his mop of black hair, ruffling. His hair had long need an hair cut but he never bother of it as all his month went into his savings of buying his wife a present for their anniversary.

"What a waste" he muttered and looked out the window at other patients enjoying the weather with their visitors or family.

He saw an old man on wheelchair laughing and talking with his son. A grandmother surrounded by her grandkids and children who wanted to fill her in on their lives that she missed. He saw the way the man held his wife which was pregnant as she watched her kids talk to their grandmother.

He wanted that.

That love of a family, he also wanted it. The lovely look that he would cherish for the rest of his life. His not so perfect family didn't want him again and the father that Max mentioned hasn't showed up since he had been in the hospital.

Maybe he finally realized that I wasn't worth his time, Xander though and felt a panged in his already chattered heart. His eyes burned as a tear fight to show their existence but another cool breeze blew drying up it trace.

"This hospital is so depressing and your ward is the worst of all" Max huffed as he closed the ward door behind him. Xander chuckled at Max statement because it was fun to listen as Max complained at unnecessary things even when a bird fly over his head.

"Hospitals are meant to be depressing" Xander said and headed for the bed.

"That's why we need to leave this place" Max said and Xander noticed what he was holding.

"Who is that for? Your wife?" Xander asked cynical as Max never mentioned anybody, apart from his father.

"My wife got hers yesterday for her wedding anniversary, this is for you. Congratulations on your discharge" Max said, holding out the bouquet to Xander.

Xander hesitate but collected it, he have never received a present from anyone for as long he could remember. This spark an emotion in him and a tear left his eyes.

"You are crying?" Max asked stepping closer.

"I'm sorry, I'm never been a person to cry but laterly the dam never seem to close" Xander said and let out a strangled sob.

"It's okay, anyone in your situation would cry adding with the depressing aura of this place, maybe I should organize a party here to chase out the depressing spirit" Max said as he hugged Xander and the young master chuckled in the middle of his sobs.

"Why can't you be my father?" Xander said his thoughts aloud. His life would have turned out better if Max was his father instead of the father he is yet to met. He only saw the man on TV during his stay in the ward.

"I'm not your father but I see you as my son that's why I endure your father's crap. He has never been the one for emotions since your mother. Beside I and wife have no child" Max said and released him from the hug.

"He sounds like a bad man" Xander commented.

"He is not bad he just... Cameron is Cameron" Max decided on saying as their was no was no right word to describe Xander's father. "Change to this clothes the car is ready to take you home" Max said, handling Xander a packaged bag.

Soon they were out of the ward. Xander waved goodbye to other patients in the hallway that felt like neighbors during his stay here.

"Where are you going to?" Max suddenly asked Xander who was subconsciously going toward the stairs instead on waiting with Max for the elevator to open.

"Sorry, habit" Xander answered, causing Max to raise an eyebrow but shrugged it off.

Hermia and her family always made him take the step so that people won't notice they came to a place together. They won't even ride the same car with him stating that he sinks of poverty so he was left to take the bus.

"You are going to meet your father today" Max announced as they got into the car, he signaled the driver to drive.

"My father? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I would have prepared myself" Xander complained.

"How am I suppose to remember everything" Max shot back.

"Sorry" Xander apologized as felt like he was overstepping his boundaries.

"Stop apologizing for every single thing, it make your household look small. You still have like ten minutes to prepare yourself" Max said "Cameron, how could you give birth to only brats" Max said under his breath.

Xander was lost in thought that he didn't notice when the car in front of a mansion until Max opened the door for him.

"Stop stalling, young master, let's meet your father" Max called and entered into the mansion graciously, given that he has visited here a thousand times.

Xander stared at the fountain of water in the compound before he followed after Max. The inside was the looked like it was decorated by a perfectionist and cleaned from every perk of dust. Everything in the house was surely expensive even the air smelt expensive as smelt like pine and lemon but it lacked homely feeling. This wasn't the kind of place he wanted to live in.

He followed Max through a huge hallway, the walls was painted white with drops of blue paints. Framed painting decorated the hallway, he could count at least ten painting. He wondered if it was bought or his father was also an artist.

"Your mother painted those" Max filled in.

"They are beautiful" Xander commented and stop at a painting of a woman carrying two babies and behind her were shadows of greedy eyes. At the left end of the painting was signed Carmel Jewel. That's when he noticed all the paintings were signed with this name.

Something about all this painting calmed him and scared him at the same time. He brushed his scare as an anxiety towards meeting his father and smiled at the painting.

Max opened a door to a room and closed it behind Xander. The cold aura of this room sent chill to his spin. Was this normal when you are meeting your father for the first time? He thought to himself.

"Chairman, the young master has arrived" Max announced when they reached what look like a living room but was actually the size of a ballroom.

Max addressed a man who was looking out the celling to floor window. He held a tabacco stick to his mouth and took one last puff before he turned to them. He walked to the closest couch and took his place, he motion for Xander to sit on the couch next to his.

Hesitantly, he walked to the couch and sat on it.

"Are you my father? " Xander asked, the man in question was still staring away from him. No matter how stupid the question is he wanted to hear him admit it.

"What do you think? " the man asked back, this time giving his attention to Xander.

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