Chapter 4

"Cameron, don't you dare!" Max said angrily from the door.

He had been behind the door the whole time eavesdropping on their conversation and to make sure things don't go out of control.

Max was a precautious person and knew the topic of the chairman's dead wife was a taboo in the mansion. He knew what happened to people that mentioned his dead wife. The last person to do that is in a graveyard but this was his son and wasn't about to allow him to do what he would regret.

Xander eyes widened and moved he shifted away from the horror in front of him. His father was about to hit, just like strangers hit him.

By the time he realized what was happening, Max had pulled him behind him. Cameron eyes also widened in horror as he saw Xander behind Max. He stared at his hand like it wasn't part of his body but someone else.

"I'm sorry, Xander. Please try to understand I didn't mean to respond like that" Cameron plead. His cold impression was broken as he pleaded for his son forgiveness. Xander shook his head as he willed the scene to disappear from his mind.

"I understand also try to understand what I had to go through and don't just see it as a joke or a test. Try to learn everybody matters not just you" Xander said rather calmly and left Max to seat next to his father.

Cameron cradled his face in his palm and nodded.

"Once Xander take over the company, you are going for anger management lectures" Mad said, pushing his glasses that was sliding off his nose. Cameron nodded and took a breath into his palm before revealing his face.

"That would be as soon as possible, I want to be a good father to you, Xander" Cameron confessed and his son oy nodded. The chairman's ache as he sat so close to his son but yet felt so distance.

Julia would be disappointed if she saw this, Cameron thought.

"In that case, I'm leaving for the office and Xander I want to follow me" Cameron said calmly, all strong emotions absent. He had said this in hopes that he could bond with his son in a familiar ground than a place that felt so empty and heavily decorated.

Xander turned to Max for help as he wasn't ready to be around his father so suddenly.

"Maybe not today, Xander still need some clean up and his wardrobe is still empty" Max said, coming to his rescue and Cameron nodded in understanding. He headed for the door and Max subtle stopped him without Xander noticing and whispered into his ear.

"The kid need time to digest everything that happened"

Understanding people is something that would take Cameron time to learn but he just had to follow Max lead.

Xander sighed in relieve as he heard the door close behind his father.

"Who knew meeting your father could be so draining" Xander complained, resting his body fully into the couch. It was then he felt the cry of the muscles he strain in having the conversation.

His fingers ache from so much squeezing, fresh moonshaped injured appeared his palm and his newly fixed leg ached a lot. He placed his legs on top of the glass table in front. The table had a flower design on it and an ashtray. He released another sigh as the couch was softer the hospital bed and was just right for his condition.

One question was nagging at him, where was his mother? Was she still alive?

"Are you angry with him" Max asked referring to Cameron.

"I don't know, he has his issues and I have mine" Xander said, his eyes closed and felt more relaxed.

"Give it time, things would be alright" Max adviced and Xander hummed as he drifted to sleep.

"Xander wake up, we are going out as I told your father" Max tapped him lightly and the young master groan.

"I thought that was a lie to bail me out of the uncomfortable situation" Xander said and opened his eyes.

"Stand up, we are leaving now the car is ready" Max ordered and Xander dragged himself to his feet.

"Where are we going?" Xander asked and yawned into his palm.

"ABK Mall" Max answered and headed for the door to huge hallway.

Xander recognize the mall, it was the same mall he went to buy Hermia a necklace for their wedding anniversary.

Xander groaned as he left the house and entered into the car. So much thinking in one day is giving him an headache. He decided to take a nap during the ride and think later.

"Why are we here? " he asked when he felt the car stop, his eyes was still close.

"To try out some clothes for your first appearance in the board meeting on Sunday" Max answered and got out the car as door. The young master eyes shot open and suck in a breath to control his nervousness.

Xander side was opened by the driver before he had a chance to do so. He would never get use to it and Max called it rich men education.

As they entered the mall, the sound of gentle chatter and soft music filled the air, a stark contrast to the tension in the mansion. Xander felt a bit confident than the last time he was here but it wasn't less nerve racking as people eyes trailed on him.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods wafted from the nearby café, enticing Xander's senses and momentarily distracting him from his thoughts. The soft glow of the mall's lighting and the vibrant colors of the storefronts created a welcoming atmosphere, a departure from the dark, heavy decorations in the mansion. Xander's footsteps echoed on the polished marble floor as he followed Max, the sound echoing off the high ceilings.

Max and Xander walked passed the necklace section and heard someone called politely, "Excuse me, sir"

Xander turned to the direction of the voice and it was the attendant that attended to him the time he came here.

That day he came to get his wife a gift for their wedding anniversary only for hell to break lose when he got home. He shook his head to clear the awful memories.

"Oh, hello" Xander greeted politely and young woman gave him a look. The attendant's perfume, a subtle floral scent, caught Xander's attention as she approached him, a pleasant surprise amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

"You don't need to be polite with me and sorry for how I acted the last time" she said, playing with are finger behind her.

Xander was not sure how to feel with her apology. It was the first time someone ever apologize for the way they treated him, not even his father apologize.

"Apologies accept?" Xander opt for to answer and the attendant giggled, subtle covering her mouth with her hands.

"You are funny. I almost forgot, did your wife like the necklace " she asked curiously and Xander tensed.

"I didn't get to give it to her and I think it is for the best" Xander answered, He tried to imagine how his wife would have reacted if he had given her the gift. Would she be happy and hugged him or she would look at him with disgust and thrash the gift in front of him. The hairs on his skin rose at the thought of facing another rejection.

The attendant looked at the older man who have silently been waiting for Xander. She silently did a quick calculation at what he was wearing and everything was approximately seven hundred dollars.

"Oh, I didn't know you were rich, the last time you came here, you looked... " she said to Xander with her eyes still on Max.

"I wasn't rich then, It's a long story"

"Oh I didn't mean to pry, I'm guessing you aren't buying a necklace today " she said, coming a bit too friendly but Xander failed to notice.

"No, We are here for clothes" Xander answered. To him, the attendant was been polite and he had to be polite in return. He felt relax since the attendant doesn't look dangerous like his wife.

"Mind if I accompany you" she asked suggestively when another attendant came as her shift ended.

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