The Invincible Student Heir

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The Invincible Student Heir

By: Jsystem OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 42

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Jordan has always been a brilliant and quiet student but is often ridiculed and humiliated due to his financial struggles. However, just when Diana crumbles his world, he discovers his true identity as the heir to a formidable empire. He is not to be underestimated; he is the heir to the Langston Consortium

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13 chapters
Chapter 1
I stood outside the girls' dorm, buzzing with excitement. I couldn't believe how quickly I got there as I read the text again, muttering it under my breath in disbelief. [Hey handsome, can you come over right now? I’m alone and bored, craving something hard and warm. I promise I’ll do all the work. We’ll take it slow, and you’re going to scream.]I was in shock. Diana and I had been together for over a year, and she had never invited me to her place before. Our relationship had always been pretty low-key, but seeing that message made it clear she wanted to take things up a notch. We usually spent our time together at the library before my evening shifts.Yesterday, she mentioned she wouldn’t be heading to the library, so I figured I’d skip it too and just take a break. But now I can tell she’s missing me and wants to see me. I made my way to her room, ready to knock, when I heard a weird noise that made me stop. I double-checked her room number, and yep, it was the same. “I tho
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Chapter 2
I barged in, and as soon as they saw me, they scrambled to gather their clothes in a panic. "How dare you barge into a woman’s room like that! Don’t you have any manners?" Diana snapped, her face twisted with indignation."I bet his parents were too busy reproducing to even remember their responsibilities," Mikky chimed in with a sneer. I shot him a deadly glare, my fists clenched with fury, before turning my full attention to Diana.“Did you send me those texts just so I could walk in on this mess?!” I snapped, struggling to keep my anger in check.Diana didn’t respond; instead, she dashed to grab her phone and started typing furiously. I watched her, feeling a mix of hurt and rage. I had done so much for her, and this was how she repaid me. I had gone above and beyond to make her happy, even when it meant risking my own tuition.I even bought her the phone she was using. My heart sank when she finally found what she was looking for, tossed the phone aside, and rolled her eyes.
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Chapter 3
The crowd erupted in laughter.The pain was excruciating, radiating through every part of my body as I lay helpless on the cold ground. I tried to stand, but my legs gave out beneath me, my muscles too weak and beaten. Mikky’s lackeys had done their job well, keeping me pinned while their fists and feet drove the point home—I was nothing compared to him.Around me, the crowd cheered with satisfaction, enjoying every second of my humiliation. Not a single person stepped forward to help. They were entertained, not concerned. I felt completely alone, battered and broken, struggling to catch my breath. I turned my gaze, trying to find Diana, hoping for a glimmer of sympathy—anything that showed she still cared, even a little.But there she was, arms folded, a smug smile on her face. She was proud of this. Proud to see me beaten, and humiliated like an insect beneath Mikky’s feet. My stomach churned, but not just from the physical pain—it was the emotional betrayal that crushed me.
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Chapter 4
The car hummed again, almost as if sending signals to the men standing before me, their heads bowed. “Mr. Jordan, please, you have to come with us.” I observed them closely as they stood in two neat lines, one opposite the other, leaving a narrow space between.Or did Mikky send his men to kidnap me? No, this can’t be. Mikky's car is flashy, but this... this is way too luxurious for him. The sleek white Rolls-Royce, the polished interior—it didn’t match his obnoxious flaunting of wealth. He’s rich, sure, but not like this."Where are you taking me?" I asked, my voice firmer this time, though a knot tightened in my chest, and my body still ached from the earlier ordeal. I wasn’t in the mood for more trouble.The man in front, the one who had greeted me so respectfully, looked down at his feet, pretending he hadn’t heard the question. Another man, standing just behind him, shifted uncomfortably."Mr. Jordan," the first man began again, "it's best if you just come with us. We’ll expl
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Chapter 5
The guys who brought me here were totally quiet as they guided me further into the mansion, leaving my questions hanging without answers.More bodyguards were scattered around, their expressions impossible to read.And whoever owned this place… they definitely had plans for me. I couldn’t find a way out; every escape route I thought of felt pointless, and I had no clue how to navigate my way back.My steps stumbled when I noticed an unfamiliar old man standing in the center of the room. He had this regal vibe, decked out in a sharp suit that practically shouted wealth and his gray hair was slicked back with a precision that only someone used to luxury could manage. His posture was straight, but his eyes… there was something familiar in them.When our gazes met, he paused for just a moment, then his face transformed. His eyes sparkled with an emotion I couldn't quite identify—was it shock, relief, or maybe excitement? It was like he’d seen a ghost.The man stood up, almost stumbling
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Chapter 6
I stood there, numb, as the weight of his words sank in. This was real. I wasn’t just some mistake or outsider—they were saying I belonged to this family, a family that seemed like something out of a dream. How was this even possible? My mind was reeling, desperately searching for some explanation. But before I could speak, my grandfather’s eyes sparkled with an excitement that seemed to have been bottled up for years.He motioned for me to sit, his voice taking on a serious tone. “There’s so much you need to know, Jordan.” I hesitated, my heart pounding, but finally, I sat down. He leaned forward, hands clasped tightly, his gaze never leaving mine. “You’re not just inheriting a name. The Langston family isn’t just wealthy; we’re an empire. We are the Langston Consortium.”“Langston Consortium?” I repeated, my voice barely a whisper as the enormity of what he was saying began to sink in.“Yes,” he nodded firmly, his expression intense. “The Langston Consortium isn’t just any busin
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Chapter 7
“After your graduation, you will inherit everything—the entire Langston Consortium.”“The entire consortium? But why the rush, Grandpa?” I asked, my face betraying my shock. I was only a student and not a business mogul, the idea of managing a massive consortium was unimaginable. The discomfort of it all made me pull a funny expression.“Don’t worry, I’ll be here to guide you. I won’t throw you into the deep end without support. But my priority is to hand everything over and... focus on my health.”I swallowed hard, feeling the enormity of what he was saying.His pride was palpable, but behind it, I could sense the years of weight he had carried. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a sleek platinum card. The logo on it was familiar; I had seen it on almost everything, including Grandfather’s phone and the documents handed to me earlier. I quickly recognized it as the Langston logo, with many items, especially gadgets, being customized and carrying the logo design.He handed me
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Chapter 8
I couldn’t take it anymore. Watching them degrade the woman who had raised me—who had sacrificed everything for me—I felt my chest burn with rage.I rushed to them and stopped my grandmother from kneeling. Mikky’s eyes locked onto mine just as I approached, and that smirk of his deepened.“Well, well, look who it is—the pauper himself,” Mikky sneered. “Come to watch the show, busboy? Maybe you could serve us some wine and cheese to make it more fun and memorable”I clenched my fists, fighting to keep my cool. I wanted nothing more than to knock that smug look off his face.“Grandma,” I said, stepping in front of her protectively. “Let’s go. You don’t need to beg anyone for anything.”Mikky stepped forward, blocking my path. “Oh, leaving so soon? I thought we were just getting started,” he said.I glared at him, my voice low and uninterested in his antics. “Move.”He laughed. “Or what? You’ll hit me again, Jordan? You want to make this worse for yourself?”I glanced briefly at Diana,
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Chapter 9
I froze, my fist mid-air, my body trembling with rage. I slowly turned to see Mr. Martins, the school director, storming toward us. His expression was clearly annoyed, his gaze fixed squarely on me. Diana stood behind him, her arms crossed and a smug smile playing on her lips. Yeah, she called him. But who cares anyways.Diana stepped forward, her voice filled with false concern. "Mr. Martins, thank goodness you’re here. Jordan just attacked Mikky out of nowhere like a wild animal. He’s been holding a grudge ever since that fight in the dorms, and now he's taken it too far. Look at Mikky!” Her tone was all too sweet, her words carefully chosen to paint me as the villain.Mikky groaned dramatically from the ground, clutching his side as if I’d broken every bone in his body, well I guess I did. “He went crazy! I tried to talk to him, but he wouldn’t listen. He just jumped me—he's out of control, Mr. Martins!”I clenched my fists, still fuming with rage, yet somehow, a part of me felt
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Chapter 10
The crowd fell into a stunned silence, and the director’s smirk faltered for a brief moment before returning, though now tinged with disbelief. "Ten times?" The Director echoed, laughing mockingly. “You’re joking, right?”I didn’t flinch, keeping my gaze locked on his. "On one condition," I continued. "That Mikky is expelled from this school."Mikky doubled over, clutching his sides, while the director shook his head in disbelief. I could see my grandmother looking at me from my side view with wide eyes, as if I’d lost my mind. "Ten times?" the director repeated, struggling to contain his amusement. “That’s $20 million, Jordan. Are you sure you haven’t hit your head too hard? You expect us to believe that you can just pull $20 million out of thin air?”I remained unfazed, locking eyes with him. I could see his confidence waver for a moment, as if he wanted to believe me. But after sizing me up, he clearly concluded that I was mad. “Give me the school’s official account number, and I
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