Double Deception

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Double Deception

By: Asher star Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 13 views: 53

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Just when he thought life was going as planned with his loving wife and promising career he falls into the depth of despair and left in ruins. Betrayal, tragedy, and a crippling accidents pushed him to the edge where suicide was the last option, but life wouldn't let him go that way and he was giving a second chance to live as the ruthless Robert Grey . Now, Myers must navigate a treacherous new world of power and deception, where the lines between good and evil are blurred. Will he seize this opportunity to reclaim his life and forge a new path, or will the darkness of his past consume him? Dive into a world of ruthless ambition, seduction, and revenge, where second chances come with a deadly price."

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13 chapters
Chapter 1 :The day my world crashed
"You are useless, you are worthless, you can't even do anything for yourself. You solely depend on me. I bathe you, I clothe you, I feed you. I fuck you, oh, let me correct that, I fuck myself because there's nothing your disabled self can do but sit there and be nannied."I could remember all the words my wife said to me, word for word, as she handed me those divorce papers. As I took the papers with tears streaming down my eyes, I could barely see what was written, but I would be a blind bat not to notice the boldly written headings.Not being able to utter a single word, my hands shaking and heart beating like I had run a thousand miles, I tried to speak, but the words could barely come out. I tried to beg for her to stay with me, but I could see it in her eyes that her mind was made up.As I stared at the pool, flashes of what my life was played through my memory like a movie. I was a successful and renowned doctor, recognized worldwide.People would travel all around the world to
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chapter 2 : chaos and betrayal
Put Dr. Ronald on the line,” I said, as I walked into the hospital. “Sir, his line has not been reachable for the past three hours,”“ How the fuck did this happen?" I shouted. “The surgery was a fucking success. All he had to do was stitch the body up. What could have possibly gone wrong?”I saw the nurse shiver at my words. “Get the security, get the police, get everyone to look for Ronald. He won't put me in this mess and run away,” I said.Just then, a group of gangster-looking men barged into the hospital, having my staff run in fright. “What is all this chaos for? Who are you, and how may I help you? This is a private organization, and we do not accept or welcome hoodlums,” I said to them firmly, but a little bit of nervousness crept over me.The nurse nudged at my shoulder, whispering some words I couldn't comprehend. But immediately, the man in a dark suit stepped out of the car. “Mikaelson Pedro,” I whispered, upon sighting him out of the car, the ruthless and richest eldest
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chapter 3: Shattered dreams and broken bones
Without confronting them, I drove out of the house in anger. I could feel my blood boiling, sweat dripping down my forehead, as my thoughts lingered on the evil smile Robin gave me. Like he knew what he was doing, like he wasn't remorseful, and he enjoyed every bit of the torment he saw in my eyes. My mind was messed up, and I couldn't concentrate on my driving, until a bright light shone into my eyes, and the sounds of the horning finally came to life. But it was too late, a loud bang was what I heard next, as my hands flew away from the steering, and my car tumbled countless times. I felt my head leaving my body, my body slamming on all corners of the car. I could feel my body sore, and when the car finally stopped I couldn't take a picture of anything I saw. Everything was blurry. A bang on the car window was the only sound I heard, as my eyes slowly closed.(At the hospital)“How could you do that to me, how could you let him see us together, and you kept your mouth shut? You b
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chapter 4 : under my roof
Myer's POVAs I sat in my wheelchair, the house felt bigger and emptier. I stared at the stairs, now a huge obstacle. I was grateful for the elevator, a thoughtful decision I made in the past, probably in the future I saw what would unfold.I looked up at the ceiling, feeling tiny and helpless. Tears streamed down my face, and my head spun. My stomach growled, but I had no one to call. Sarah, the woman who came home with me, was nowhere to be found. She had hurt me, but she was all I had left.I rolled my chair into the kitchen, realizing I couldn't reach the cabinets. It felt like my own home was against me. I wiped away my tears and turned to leave, only to see Sarah leaning against the door frame.“Don't look at me like that,” she said, her eyes cold. “You should be grateful I'm still here. Karma's a bitch, right? All this tragedy is payback for your past mistakes.”I felt angry and hurt. “I've always been good to you, to everyone,” I said. “I loved you truly, and this is how you t
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chapter 5 :
"How can you use me as collateral for your debt, Dad? You took a loan you can't pay, and now you've signed me over to Robert Grey. Have you ever seen him, Dad? I'm sure you haven't, as no one has. But don't you hear the rumors? His parents don't even want him because of how wicked he is. Yet, you've signed your daughter over to him as collateral.”I angrily yelled at my dad, who looked sheepish. “I'm sorry, honey, but I didn't know my business would crumble after I took a loan from him. Please, just go with him. He's outside already.”“But Dad, you don't even know whether the man outside is Robert or not. What if I'm going to be mistreated there? What if I'm abused? How do I get away from him?”Just as we were talking, the door opened, and thug-like men came in, forcefully taking me to their van. They blindfolded me, and that was the last thing I remembered until I faced Robert Grey.Memories of my peaceful days rushed back as I thought about the guy I had hit with my car. Why and how
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chapter 6: Robert Grey
Robert POV"What a foolish girl! What if something had happened to her? What would I have done? The thought of her venturing into the vast, unforgiving city of New York, running rampant and unguarded, was unbearable. I hadn't complained or worried much when she tried to escape before, since she always remained within my reach. But this time, I was consumed by dread. As the days passed without her being found, my heart raced with every tick of the clock.You may wonder why I'm so invested in Naomi's well-being. The truth is, she was my first love, before I became the ruthless, feared man I am today. I was once a vulnerable teenager, bullied and helpless, until one girl stood up for me, Naomi. Though she may not remember that moment, it's etched in my memory forever. Since then, I've watched over her from afar, even when we were separated. Fate brought us together again when her father came to me for a loan. Offering his most precious possession as collateral, Naomi Reels, a name I c
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chapter 7: A glimmer of hope
Naomi POV As I walked past the corridor, I was shocked at what I overheard. Jack, one of Robert's most trusted men, was holding a grudge against him. How can one man have so many enemies at such a young age? I thought to myself. I walked back to the bedroom, my mind racing with thoughts. “Do I call Jack's attention and tell him about Myers? I've finally seen someone who would help me escape from Robert's grip. I can't just let this opportunity pass me by, can I?” I made up my mind to get a chance to talk to Jack privately. I thought of different ideas until I finally came up with one. Just as I was called to the table for lunch, I pretended to trip on the stairs. “Ouch! Ouch! My foot! Jack, please help! Please help, my foot hurts!” I cried out, thankful that Robert was not home. He would question why I called Jack for help and not Victor. Jack ran to me, and I put my hands around his shoulder, leaping on one foot. He laid me on the bed and was ready to get the first aid box when
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chapter 8 : last straw
Myers POV The past two months have been unbearable. My wife and best friend, now enemies, comfortably have their affairs in front of me. What more is there in life? I made up my mind to put a stop to all of this, all the humiliation and disregard towards me. Sarah had handed me the divorce papers, calling me all sorts of names and reminding me just how worthless I was now. I had begged her with all my heart because I really did love her, but she publicly revealed that she never really loved me and was in love with my friend, Robin. I was heartbroken. As usual, when I got myself to the dining room, I saw Sarah and Robin eating comfortably. They didn't even mind my presence. If only Sarah or Robin showed a bit of remorse, maybe it wouldn't have to end like this. I opened the front door, pushed my chair all the way to the pool, staring at my reflection in the water as I thought about all the good things that happened in my life Pulling my chair closer to the edge of the pool, I pu
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chapter 9: the end for Robert Grey
Robert POV Having returned to my underground house back in Green Island, I sat with my legs crossed, reading the news of the strange Teddy bear at the Mikaelsons' seven-year-old daughter's party. I felt proud of myself, as the reaction was undoubtedly what I wanted. Everything has been going according to plan since Jack brought Naomi back; she has been quiet, obedient, and submissive, all new to me, but I liked it. “Boss, a letter came in for you,” Victor said, handing me the envelope. “From who?” I asked, but Victor just shook his head. “We don't know, sir. A courier brought it.” I opened the letter, and my heart felt like it stopped. “How did this happen? How was my mother kidnapped? Wasn't she out of the country?” I picked up my phone to call my dad, but remembered our last encounter. Although I love my parents, my mother is the one I'm closest with. I stay far away from them to protect them, so how? I decided to call the butler insteadMr. Grey, so nice to hear from you ag
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chapter 10: Myres to Robert
Myers POV I kept staring at Naomi in disbelief. I thought I would never see her again after she disappeared. But after she explained everything to me, including the death of Robert and how I was going to replace him, I understood. However, I had two questions: “Why did you have to kill him? And how in the world is there a man I look so much like, to even convince his loyal men into thinking he is alive?” Naomi's response was reassuring. “Don't worry about all this for now. All you have to think about is getting better. We spoke with the doctor, and he said, although it's not certain you'll be able to walk, they would do their best to see to it that you do,” “We will fly you out of the country for the operation, and you'll stay there until you get better. Jack and I will go with you, as you will also learn to be the 'Robert Grey'.”( Day for operation) As I lay on the operating table, my heart raced with anticipation and fear. The surgeons and nurses buzzed around him, their face
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