chapter 8 : last straw

Myers POV

The past two months have been unbearable. My wife and best friend, now enemies, comfortably have their affairs in front of me. What more is there in life? I made up my mind to put a stop to all of this, all the humiliation and disregard towards me.

Sarah had handed me the divorce papers, calling me all sorts of names and reminding me just how worthless I was now. I had begged her with all my heart because I really did love her, but she publicly revealed that she never really loved me and was in love with my friend, Robin. I was heartbroken.

As usual, when I got myself to the dining room, I saw Sarah and Robin eating comfortably. They didn't even mind my presence. If only Sarah or Robin showed a bit of remorse, maybe it wouldn't have to end like this.

I opened the front door, pushed my chair all the way to the pool, staring at my reflection in the water as I thought about all the good things that happened in my life

Pulling my chair closer to the edge of the pool, I pushed my body forward, and the feel of the water into my nose and lungs before I passed out was all I remembered.

Beep… beep… beep. I opened my eyes slowly, taking in what was before me, bringing my body to actualize what I was seeing. What happened?

The door opened, and an elderly woman walked in, looking at me with shock and excitement. “Oh, you are finally awake!” She hurried to my bedside and examined my body.

She smiled and walked out, coming back in with two men who also looked shocked and excited to see me. “Thank God you are awake; your wife and brother would be so happy,” she said.

I sat up, asking them what was going on. “You've been unconscious for a week, sir. Your brother and wife brought you in and told us to keep a close watch on you,” the elderly woman said.

I thought I drowned, so how was I here in this hospital? And who the fuck was my brother and wife? Curiosity was written all over me.

“They will be here shortly, sir. You have nothing to worry about,” the elderly woman assured me as she and the two men, who, I assumed, were doctors, also walked out.

I took a deep breath in as I examined my surroundings. Is this a hospital room or a hotel? A TV was facing me, and now I noticed my bed was not the usual hospital bed.

It was bigger and more comfortable. I took the remote on the bed, which helped to move the bed and put me in a sitting position, and I could also take it back to lay down.

Just as I was still understanding the situation, a group of thug-like guys, all in black suits, barged into the room. “Boss!” They all chorused. I was fucking confused. What in heaven's name was happening?

“Mr. Grey, we are so glad you are awake. We are sorry for not protecting you as the leader of Underguards. Please accept our sincere apology,” he bowed his head in apology, and the rest did the same.

Just as I was about to ask a question, the least person I expected to see came in — Naomi. What was she doing here? How did she know I was here? A billion zillion questions I wanted to ask, but I saw her signal to me to stay quiet.

“Please, guys, he's probably not in his right frame of mind right now to talk, so let him rest. Jack assured you all that he was alive, and he has proven it,” a member of the gang faced jack and said, “Sorry, man, we apologize for not believing you,” as they slowly left one by one.

One of them stepped up to me and said, “We would try everything in our power to get you to walk again, Robert. Sorry for not being there with you when you needed us.” He patted my shoulder and nodded to Naomi and the guy behind her and left the room.

I turned to Naomi for answers immediately the door was shut. “What is going on, and how are you here? I thought I'd never see you again,” I asked.

“I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise to explain every single detail to you. For now, I need you to listen. Your life and everything about it died when you jumped into the pool that night,”

“Yes, I was there, and Jack here rescued you. Keep in your mind that you owe me and Jack your life, and the life you will begin to enjoy from now on, your name is no longer Myers Marshall; you are now Robert Grey, the big boss who controls the underworld as the leader of the Underguards.”

I was confused. What happened, and who the fuck is Robert Grey, and why am I now with his name? I stared at Naomi in confusion as she smiled at me.

“I don't understand, who is Robert Grey? And why do I have to impersonate him?” I asked in utter confusion. Naomi turned and looked at Jack, then he left the ward, leaving Naomi and me alone.

"What's happening? You disappeared two months ago only to come back and ask me to be some Robert Grey or who the fuck he is,"I said, sounding annoyed.

But Naomi had a calm expression on her face, she sighed and took my hand, then stared directly into my eyes.

“I know this is all too sudden, but I assure you it's worth it, and you don't have to worry about anything, I'll tell you about it all, I promise you Myers,” She replied.

I looked at her, her words sounded true to me, and it was too hard not to believe her, I exhaled and looked away.

“Fine then!”

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