chapter 9: the end for Robert Grey

Robert POV

Having returned to my underground house back in Green Island, I sat with my legs crossed, reading the news of the strange Teddy bear at the Mikaelsons' seven-year-old daughter's party.

I felt proud of myself, as the reaction was undoubtedly what I wanted. Everything has been going according to plan since Jack brought Naomi back; she has been quiet, obedient, and submissive, all new to me, but I liked it.

“Boss, a letter came in for you,” Victor said, handing me the envelope. “From who?” I asked, but Victor just shook his head. “We don't know, sir. A courier brought it.”

I opened the letter, and my heart felt like it stopped. “How did this happen? How was my mother kidnapped? Wasn't she out of the country?”

I picked up my phone to call my dad, but remembered our last encounter. Although I love my parents, my mother is the one I'm closest with. I stay far away from them to protect them, so how? I decided to call the butler instead

Mr. Grey, so nice to hear from you again,” he said, but I cut him off.

“Yeah, Mike, that's not why I called. When did Mum return from Europe?” I asked him.

“Sir, it's been two weeks since she got back. She mentioned she would come visit you. Has she not arrived?” My heart sank at his words. Why would she come visit me?

I turned to look at Victor, who held the letter confused. “Gather the men, make sure Jack is with me. We are going to kill some people, and please tell me this isn't related to the Mikaelsons.” Victor shook his head.

“I don't think so, sir. Whatever the Mikaelsons send over always has their logo on it.” Thinking about it, I knew it was true. I was determined to not only kill whoever was behind this but make the whole family pay.

“Let's move out,” I growled, leading the way. We approached the location, a nondescript warehouse on the outskirts of town. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my senses on high alert.

“Surround the building,” I ordered, my voice low and deadly. “No one gets out alive.” The men fanned out, taking positions around the warehouse. Jack and Victor flanked me as we entered the building.

Inside, we found ourselves in a dimly lit hallway, the air thick with the scent of decay. I could hear muffled voices and my mother's faint cry. With a nod, I signaled the men to move forward. We crept down the hallway, guns drawn, ready to take down anyone who stood in our way.

As we turned a corner, we were met with a hail of bullets. I ducked behind a nearby crate, returning fire with precision. Jack and Victor fought alongside me, taking down our attackers with ease. But I knew we had to move fast, my mother's life depended on it.

With a fierce cry, I charged forward, gun blazing. The men followed close behind, and we cleared the room with deadly efficiency. But as we reached the heart of the warehouse, I saw her, or so I thought.

I rushed towards the figure I thought was my mother, a sense of relief washing over me. However as I got closer, I realized it wasn't her. It was a strange woman, bound and gagged, with a look of fear in her eyes.

I was taken aback, confusion etched on my face. Who was this woman? And where was my mother? Just as I was trying to process the situation, a piercing sound echoed through the warehouse. Victor instinctively ran to check it out, leaving Jack and me alone.

Jack's eyes locked onto mine, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He raised his gun, and I thought he was going to shoot the woman. But instead, he pointed it at me.

“Remember, Robert,” Jack said, his voice dripping with malice. “I've been planning my revenge for a long time. You see, you shot my sister, just for trying to reveal your true identity.” You are so wicked and heartless, I pleaded with you, but you turned a deaf ear.

I tried to speak, but my voice caught in my throat. I knew I had made enemies, but I never thought Jack would be one of them.

“You're a hard man to kill, Robert,” Jack continued. “But today's your lucky day.”

With a cold smile, Jack pulled the trigger. I felt a searing pain in my chest as the bullet pierced my heart. I tried to speak, but my words were lost in the darkness that consumed me.

As I fell to the ground, I saw Jack's face above me, his eyes filled with a mix of anger and satisfaction. And then, everything went black.

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