chapter 7: A glimmer of hope

Naomi POV

As I walked past the corridor, I was shocked at what I overheard. Jack, one of Robert's most trusted men, was holding a grudge against him. How can one man have so many enemies at such a young age? I thought to myself.

I walked back to the bedroom, my mind racing with thoughts. “Do I call Jack's attention and tell him about Myers? I've finally seen someone who would help me escape from Robert's grip. I can't just let this opportunity pass me by, can I?”

I made up my mind to get a chance to talk to Jack privately. I thought of different ideas until I finally came up with one. Just as I was called to the table for lunch, I pretended to trip on the stairs.

“Ouch! Ouch! My foot! Jack, please help! Please help, my foot hurts!” I cried out, thankful that Robert was not home. He would question why I called Jack for help and not Victor.

Jack ran to me, and I put my hands around his shoulder, leaping on one foot. He laid me on the bed and was ready to get the first aid box when I held on to his arm.

“I know what you're planning to do,” I said to him, as he stared at me in confusion. “What do you mean, Miss Naomi?”

“Don't feign ignorance. I overheard your conversation on the phone. You also hate Robert as much as I do, if not worse. I think I might have a plan to bring him down,” I said confidently.

“Lower your voice, Miss. You know nothing about me nor about what I went through in the hands of Robert,” he said, his voice filled with emotions.

I wasn't concerned about his past with Robert. I only wanted to leave in one piece, but that wouldn't be possible if Robert was alive. I said aloud unknowingly

“What do you mean if he's alive? Do you want to kill the leader of the Underguards? You won't only be dead if you do so, your whole family will be miserable,” he told me, bringing fear to my entire being.

Why does Robert control and command so many things, making him untouchable? I questioned inwardly.

“Well, I'm not talking about killing. Yes, we will kill him, but there's someone to replace him,” I said with my voice low, so no one would hear.

“What is wrong with you, Miss Naomi? Are you crazy? What do you mean replace him?” Jack asked in utter confusion.

I would be confused too if I didn't see Myers for myself.

“Shut up and listen to me, Jack. Remember the last time I escaped? I had an accident with a man who looked just like Robert, everything about him except the hair color. He would replace Robert perfectly, and I'll be able to escape,” I said, hoping to shine through my eyes.

Jack stood staring at me like I was a mad person, with arms crossed. “How do I believe you?” he asked.

“I could show you. He should be at the hospital in the city. We could go there right now, and you'll see for yourself,” I told him.

“No, if what you are saying is true, we will need a good excuse to go to the city, or better still, you could try escaping again,” he said, and I smiled at his words, knowing that would earn them punishment from Robert.

He agreed with my plans, and we set a date to escape or rather a date for my next escape

Jack had advised me not to provoke Robert, so my punishment would be less severe. But I thought otherwise. Robert is very smart and would sense that I was plotting something, so I did the opposite.

I provoked him numerous times, during dinner, during outings, and whenever he came to forcefully take advantage of me. Not like I was enjoying any of this, but I knew it was for the greater good.

On the D-Day, I had slept in Robert's room as I wasn't able to move from what he did to me. I was sore all over, my pussy all swollen, and did I say I was tired?

I got up from the bed, knowing that Jack would be waiting. I got dressed and headed downstairs, opening the door as slowly as I could. I tiptoed out of the house, I jumped the fence, and ran as fast as my feet could carry me to the main road, where I saw the van waiting.

In case we got caught, the plan was simple: Jack would say he saw me escaping and ran after me to bring me back.

“You better be right about this, Miss Naomi, or we will both be doomed,” Jack said, his voice laced with concern.

Getting to the hospital, I ran inside, having changed into a jacket and denim jean trousers in the car. Getting to the counter with Jack behind me, I greeted the nurse, “Hi, good afternoon.”

She replied with a smile, and I asked to see Myers. “Myres who, ma'am?” she asked, and that was when it dawned on me, I know nothing about this guy aside from his name and the fact that he has a striking resemblance with Robert.

I looked at Jack, who gave me a warning gaze. I turned back to the front desk and apologized, “Sorry, it hasn't been so long since I've known Myers, but he was brought in here like two months ago after a car accident. He stayed in ward 301, and Doctor Fred attended to him.”

The nurse replied, “I'm sorry, ma'am, but there's no way I can know the exact person Doctor Fred attends to; he attends to different patients every day, and without his information, I can't help you.”

Oh, okay, thank you, I said, and looked at Jack, whose face was as red as a beet. As I made my way to the door, just as I was about to leave, I heard someone call my name, and turning my head, I saw my miracle, Doctor Fred.

“Oh, Doctor, so nice to see you again,” I greeted him.

He replied, “Nice to see you too; it's a surprise to see you again.” I apologized for leaving abruptly, and he told me Myers was discharged two months ago and was now back home.

“Oh, that's so nice,” I said, feeling terrible about what I did. “Do you perhaps have his home address? I'd like to pay a visit.”

Naomi, you know that's against the policy, but I think I heard him twice asking about you from the nurses when he was leaving. I guess he would want to see you too.

He wrote down the address, and I thanked him deeply, turning my head to smile at Jack. I waved the paper in the air for him to see, and we drove off.

By the time we got to the address, it was already dark. Robert had called Jack, informing him of my escape and sounding furious. Jack informed him that he had seen me taking a cab and followed after me, which calmed him down.

“Make sure you bring her back safely, or you don't bother returning,” I heard him say.

As we stepped out of the car, walking into the house, which for some reason had its gate wide open, I was shocked at the sight I saw. There was Myers in a wheelchair, sitting in front of the pool, as though his spirit had left him.

As we approached him, before our very eyes, he pushed himself into the pool. I stood with my eyes wide open, unable to believe what I had just witnessed.

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