chapter 6: Robert Grey

Robert POV

"What a foolish girl! What if something had happened to her? What would I have done? The thought of her venturing into the vast, unforgiving city of New York, running rampant and unguarded, was unbearable. 

I hadn't complained or worried much when she tried to escape before, since she always remained within my reach. But this time, I was consumed by dread. As the days passed without her being found, my heart raced with every tick of the clock.

You may wonder why I'm so invested in Naomi's well-being. The truth is, she was my first love, before I became the ruthless, feared man I am today. I was once a vulnerable teenager, bullied and helpless, until one girl stood up for me, Naomi. 

Though she may not remember that moment, it's etched in my memory forever. Since then, I've watched over her from afar, even when we were separated. Fate brought us together again when her father came to me for a loan. 

Offering his most precious possession as collateral, Naomi Reels, a name I could never forget. Though I orchestrated his business collapse to keep her close, I've secretly supported her family, all to have her by my side, under my protection and care. Is that too much to ask?

Robert's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. He turned to see a group of masked men storming into the room, guns drawn. Victor, his loyal guard, pushed him behind a nearby pillar, drawing his own weapon.

“Take cover, boss!” Victor yelled, firing at the intruders.

Robert watched, unmoved, as the men exchanged gunfire. He recognized the insignia on the attackers' jackets - the symbol of the rival faction, now aligned with Pedro Mikaelson.

Foolish, Robert thought. They think they can take me down.

When the last attacker fell, Robert stepped out from behind the pillar, surveying the carnage. Victor approached him, breathing heavily.

“Boss, we need to get you out of here. Now.”

Robert nodded, his gaze falling on one of the attackers, still alive but wounded. He walked over to the man, his eyes cold.

“You should have stayed out of this,” Robert said, his voice devoid of emotion.

With a swift kick, he sent the man's gun sliding across the floor. Then, in a movement so swift it was almost graceful, Robert drew his own knife and ended the man's struggles.

Victor watched, accustomed to Robert's ruthlessness.

“Let's go, boss,” he repeated.

Robert sheathed his knife, his expression unchanging.

“Take care of the bodies. I have to send a message to Pedro Mikaelson that I received his present. And Victor?”

“Yes, boss?”

“Make sure Naomi is secure. I don't want any surprises.”

The Mikaelsons have been a thorn in my side from day one, constantly challenging everything the “Underguards” stand for. Yet, I've managed to keep my true identity shrouded in secrecy, allowing me to roam this small town with impunity.

Becoming the leader of this gang has come at a steep cost, forcing me to sacrifice many things I once held dear. But I wasn't about to lose anything more.

I stepped into a store filled with children's accessories, and the receptionist greeted me with a warm smile. Her eyes widened, and I could almost see her mouth watering as she took in my chiseled features.

Sometimes, I give my parents credit for crafting something as perfect as myself. “I need a toy for a cute seven-year-old girl,” I said, flashing my disarming smile.

The receptionist nodded and retrieved a pink teddy bear, which I deemed perfect. “Can I get a note, please?” I asked, my voice low and husky.

“I'm sending a birthday present to my niece. She must be so proud to have an uncle as handsome as you,” she said, giggling.

I took the note, my eyes locking onto hers as I wrote with a red marker:


The receptionist's face paled as I whispered in her ear, “Swipe the card and add some color to your face. You look like you've seen a ghost.”

She hastily complied, handing me the card as I turned to leave. I winked at her and smiled, reveling in the fear I inspired.

This was the man I had become, a master of manipulation, always putting fear in people's hearts. Now, it was time to give the Mikaelsons a taste of their own medicine after the stunts they pulled.

I returned to the mansion, handing the teddy bear over to Victor, who knew what to do. “Where's Naomi?” I asked.

“Probably in her room, sir,” he replied.

“Alright, tighten security around the house. However, those men got into the house, I still don't know, but make sure to be on the lookout,” I said, taking the stairs to find Naomi asleep on the bed.

Gosh, she looked peaceful. Her plump lips called out to me to take them in mine. I tapped her gently. “Naomi, Naomi, wake up.”

As she opened her eyes, fear instantly showed on her face. “Join me for dinner downstairs,” I said, my voice cold as usual, not revealing a hint of concern. That was the only way to keep her safe.

“I'm not hungry,” she said, keeping a straight face.

I insisted, “I don't care whether you're hungry or not. Just get your fucking ass downstairs and sit with me for dinner.”

“What, or you'll fuck me as punishment, as you usually do?” she retaliated. “Forcefully taking advantage of me, doing whatever it is you want to do. I'm not coming for dinner.”

I went to her bedside and dragged her out of bed, forcefully taking her downstairs. Damn, this girl was stubborn when she wanted to be.

“Sit down,” I commanded. She glared at me before obeying.

I sat opposite her as I ate my food in silence. She sat down quietly, but her stomach soon had her up with the rumbling sound it made. She stared at me as embarrassment covered her face.

Without telling her to eat, she picked up her fork and served herself, avoiding eye contact with me. I chuckled out without knowing before my face turned stone-cold once more.

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