chapter 2 : chaos and betrayal

Put Dr. Ronald on the line,” I said, as I walked into the hospital. “Sir, his line has not been reachable for the past three hours,”

“ How the fuck did this happen?" I shouted. “The surgery was a fucking success. All he had to do was stitch the body up. What could have possibly gone wrong?”

I saw the nurse shiver at my words. “Get the security, get the police, get everyone to look for Ronald. He won't put me in this mess and run away,” I said.

Just then, a group of gangster-looking men barged into the hospital, having my staff run in fright. “What is all this chaos for? Who are you, and how may I help you? This is a private organization, and we do not accept or welcome hoodlums,” I said to them firmly, but a little bit of nervousness crept over me.

The nurse nudged at my shoulder, whispering some words I couldn't comprehend. But immediately, the man in a dark suit stepped out of the car. “Mikaelson Pedro,” I whispered, upon sighting him out of the car, the ruthless and richest eldest son of the “Mikaels org”.

The police and all other forces have tried to get him, but it has never been possible. People rarely saw his face, and only a few people recognized him. I was only opportune to see him after a gunshot attack he had with the opposing side, and I signed a confidentiality document never to reveal anything. But why was he here? What could possibly be wrong? Or did someone leak his surgery out?

Different thoughts ran through my head until he stood face to face with me. I definitely know that I am a man of caliber, but standing face to face with the “Mikaelson” made me feel worthless.

“What is it I hear that happened to my sister under your care?” I could feel his heavy words making me tremble. “I sent her to this hospital because I trusted you, but then what am I hearing? She is dead.” He asked, looking as scary as hell.

I could feel everywhere turn cold, and everything turned silent as his voice echoed in my head as I began to question my head. “Who could his sister possibly be?” Oh my God, I exclaimed in my head, wishing my head was making pranks on me. His sister couldn't possibly be the patient I treated.

I turned to look at the nurse and stretched my hands for the patient's profile. I blinked twice, trying to reconfirm what I just saw. “Racheal Mikaelson" was written boldly. I am doomed, I thought to myself, and faced Pedro. He simply stared at me and said a few words: “I'm going to close this place down” as he stomped out of the hospital.

I stared in disbelief, not being able to comprehend what just happened, and what I knew would definitely happen after today.

“Have all the patients discharged or transferred to another hospital for those that are still recovering,” I said. “Arrange a board meeting with our shareholders.” 

I turned my face to stare at the nurse. “You should possibly start looking for another job because thanks to Ronald, my hospital will be shut down, and there's nothing I can possibly do.”

I went back to my office, as flashes of my life's work came rushing down my memory. The hospital I built from scratch is crumbling before my eyes, and it is a battle I can't win, as I am not going to try to fight with the “Pedro Mikaelson".

As I drove on my way home, concentration was far from me. A lot had happened within the space of 24 hours. This day couldn't get any worse. I tried to put a call my best friend and business partner, Robinson, but he wasn't taking his calls. I'd just get home and shower, then go to him, I thought to myself.

Getting closer to my mansion, images of the video with a man banging my wife replayed in my head. What could I possibly have done wrong to warrant her cheating on me? I thought.

. I stepped into the house, and it was empty. Guess she's out, I thought, as I climbed the stairs. I dialed her number, and was shocked when her phone rang in the direction of the kitchen.

I went back down and traced the ringtones to the kitchen, as I heard her voice. “Just ignore him, Robin, and fuck me harder.” She says, “Nobody fucks me like you do.” She said, as she moaned loudly. My ears couldn't believe what I heard. Did I just hear her say Robin? I peeped through the keyhole, but couldn't get a good view.

I opened the door slightly, which revealed my wife on the kitchen table, completely naked, and my best friend, Robin, half-naked. His godforsaken cock was deep in her pussy and she enjoyed every bit of it. 

I stood watching a session of live p**n of my wife and best friend. I lost balance and slipped. That was when Robin looked up to see me, but he didn't stop nor feel remorse. Instead he kept thrusting in her aggressively asking if she has had any better sex than this.

“ no I haven't Robin, fuck me harder please" as she moaned loudly my heart shattered into pieces at this evil betrayal before me.

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